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Snapshot 1.0 uses UITesting - so this no longer applies.

Use HSTestingBackchannel instead

##Use UIAutomation without the pain of UIAutomation

Snapshot is awesome.

However it drives your app using Apple's UIAutomation which is brittle and painful (and another thing you have to learn).

If you want to drive your app for Snapshot - and don't care about proper UIAutomation, then this class is for you.

NB: This is not 'real' UIAutomation. It is not a way to test your code, just an easy way to script your app to generate screenshots.


  1. As described in the Snapshot documentation, make sure you have defined SNAPSHOT as true.

    e.g. in your Snapfile

    custom_build_args "GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS='$(inherited) SNAPSHOT=1'"

    or use a prefix file and

    #define SNAPSHOT true
  2. In your App Delegate, install the helper

    This will install a 1 pixel text field behind your views on your main window. UIAutomation can then change the text field in order to trigger notifications.

    #import <HSUIAutomationCheat/HSUIAutomationCheat.h>
    (and then in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)
    #ifdef SNAPSHOT
        [HSUIAutomationCheat installForWindow:mainWindow];
  3. Add an extra helper function to SnapshotHelper.js

    function sendNotification(name) {



  4. Send notifications from your snapshot.js

    Anywhere in your snapshot.js you can send a notification to your app

  5. Respond to notifications within your app

    within your app, a standard NSNotification named @"SnapDisplayMyScreen" will be broadcast.

    you can use the SNAPSHOT define to handle this with custom code

    #ifdef SNAPSHOT
        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self


Install with CocoaPods

pod 'HSUIAutomationCheat', '~> 0.0'

or download the class and add it to your project.