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Added APIs for iOS.
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SangrokKang committed Aug 7, 2020
1 parent bc44966 commit bfe3b69
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Showing 29 changed files with 2,372 additions and 0 deletions.
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions docs/apis-ios/ios-blockrunner.rst
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Abstracts and encapsulates asynchrony, that is how and where blocks are
run. Using this protocol, you can easily change which dispatch queue or
``NSOperationQueue`` delegate blocks are run on, instead of hard-coding
``dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ });``. For example:

.. code-block:: objc
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0);
AppStateChangeNotifier *notifier = [AppStateChangeNotifier new];
notifier.blockRunner = [[DispatchQueueBlockRunner alloc] initWithDispatchQueue:queue];
Another great use case is turning asynchronous tests into synchronous,
making them faster and easier:

.. code-block:: objc
- (void)testStartListeningShouldSubscribeToDidBackgroundEvent {
AppStateChangeNotifier *notifier = [AppStateChangeNotifier new];
notifier.blockRunner = [SynchronousBlockRunner new];
[notifier startListening];
__block BOOL verified = NO;
notifier.didBackgroundBlock = ^{
verified = YES;
[self postNotificationName:UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification];
XCTAssertTrue(verified, @"didBackgroundBlock should be called");
Here we use the synchronous block runner (instead of the default
asynchronous, main queue one) to avoid writing asynchronous tests with


\- (void) **runBlock**:(nonnull `VoidBlock <#VoidBlock>`__)\ *block*
Runs the given ``block`` somewhere, depending on the concrete


* block – block to run; must not be ``nil``.

\- (void) **runBlock**:(nonnull `VoidBlock <#VoidBlock>`__)\ *block*
Runs the given ``block`` somewhere, depending on the concrete


* block – block to run; must not be ``nil``.




A type for blocks without arguments and no return value.
104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions docs/apis-ios/ios-capabilityfilter.rst
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CapabilityFilter is an object that wraps an NSArray of required
capabilities. This CapabilityFilter is used for determining which
devices will appear in DiscoveryManager's compatibleDevices array. The
contents of a CapabilityFilter's array must be any of the string
constants defined in the Capability header files.

CapabilityFilter values

Here are some examples of values for the Capability constants.

* kMediaPlayerPlayVideo = "MediaPlayer.Display.Video"
* kMediaPlayerDisplayImage = "MediaPlayer.Display.Image"
* kVolumeControlSubscribe = "VolumeControl.Subscribe"
* kMediaControlAny = "Media.Control.Any"

All Capability header files also define a constant array of all
capabilities defined in that header (ex. kVolumeControlCapabilities).

AND/OR Filtering

CapabilityFilter is an AND filter. A ConnectableDevice would need to
satisfy all conditions of a CapabilityFilter to pass.

[DiscoveryManager capabilityFilters] is an OR filter. a
ConnectableDevice only needs to satisfy one condition (CapabilityFilter)
to pass.


Filter for all devices that support video playback AND any media
controls AND volume up/down.

.. code-block:: objc
NSArray *capabilities = @[
CapabilityFilter *filter =
[CapabilityFilter filterWithCapabilities:capabilities];
[[DiscoveryManager sharedManager] setCapabilityFilters:@[filter]];
Filter for all devices that support (video playback AND any media
controls AND volume up/down) OR (image display).

.. code-block:: objc
NSArray *videoCapabilities = @[
NSArray *imageCapabilities = @[
CapabilityFilter *videoFilter =
[CapabilityFilter filterWithCapabilities:videoCapabilities];
CapabilityFilter *imageFilter =
[CapabilityFilter filterWithCapabilities:imageCapabilities];
[[DiscoveryManager sharedManager] setCapabilityFilters:@[videoFilter, imageFilter]];

NSArray \* capabilities
Array of capabilities required by this filter. This property is
readonly use the addCapability or addCapabilities to build this


\+ (`CapabilityFilter </apis/1-6-0/ios/CapabilityFilter>`__ \*) **filterWithCapabilities**:(NSArray \*)\ *capabilities*
Create a CapabilityFilter with the given array required capabilities.


* capabilities – Capabilities to be added to the new filter

\- (void) **addCapability**:(NSString \*)\ *capability*
Add a required capability to the filter.


* capability – Capability name to add (see capability header files for NSString constants)

\- (void) **addCapabilities**:(NSArray \*)\ *capabilities*
Add array of required capabilities to the filter.


* capabilities – List of capability names (see capability header files for NSString constants)
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions docs/apis-ios/ios-capabilityprioritylevel.rst
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CapabilityPriorityLevel values are used by ConnectableDevice to find the
most suitable DeviceService capability to be presented to the user.
Values of VeryLow and VeryHigh are not in use internally the SDK.
Connect SDK uses Low, Normal, and High internally.

Default behavior: If you are unsatisfied with the default priority
levels & behavior of Connect SDK, it is possible to subclass a
particular DeviceService and provide your own value for each capability.
That DeviceService subclass would need to be registered with






128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions docs/apis-ios/ios-castservice.rst
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*extends* :doc:`DeviceService <ios-deviceservice>`

CastService provides capabilities for Google Chromecast devices.
CastService acts as a layer on top of Google's own Cast SDK, and
requires the Cast SDK library to function. CastService provides the
following functionality:

* Media playback
* Media control
* Web app launching & two-way communication
* Volume control

Using Connect SDK for discovery/control of Chromecast devices will
result in your app complying with the Google Cast SDK `terms of
service <>`__.

To learn more about Cast SDK, visit the `Google Cast SDK Developer
site <>`__.


GCKDeviceManager \* castDeviceManager
The GCKDeviceManager that CastService is using internally to manage

GCKDevice \* castDevice
The GCKDevice object that CastService is using internally for device

CastServiceChannel \* castServiceChannel
The CastServiceChannel is used for app-to-app communication that is
handling by the Connect SDK JavaScript Bridge.

GCKMediaControlChannel \* castMediaControlChannel
The GCKMediaControlChannel that the CastService is using to send
media events to the connected web app.

NSString \* castWebAppId
The CastService will launch the specified web app id.

Inherited Methods

\+ (NSDictionary \*) **discoveryParameters**
A dictionary of keys/values that will be used by the
DiscoveryProvider used to discover this DeviceService. Some keys that
are used are: service name, SSDP filter, etc.

\+ (:doc:`DeviceService <ios-deviceservice>` \*) **deviceServiceWithClass**:(Class)\ *\_class* **serviceConfig**:(ServiceConfig \*)\ *serviceConfig*

* \_class
* **serviceConfig**: serviceConfig

\+ (BOOL) **shouldDisconnectOnBackground**
Static property that determines whether a DeviceService subclass
should shut down communication channels when the app enters a
background state. This may be helpful for apps that need to
communicate with web apps from the background. This property may not
be applicable to all DeviceService subclasses.

Sets the shouldDisconnectOnBackground static property. This property
should be set before starting DiscoveryManager for the first time.

\+ (void) **setShouldDisconnectOnBackround**:(BOOL)\ *shouldDisconnectOnBackground*

* shouldDisconnectOnBackground

\- (instancetype) **initWithServiceConfig**:(ServiceConfig \*)\ *serviceConfig*

* serviceConfig

\- (BOOL) **hasCapability**:(NSString \*)\ *capability*

* capability

\- (BOOL) **hasCapabilities**:(NSArray \*)\ *capabilities*

* capabilities

\- (BOOL) **hasAnyCapability**:(NSArray \*)\ *capabilities*

* capabilities

\- (void) **connect**
Will attempt to connect to the DeviceService. The failure/success
will be reported back to the DeviceServiceDelegate. If the connection
attempt reveals that pairing is required, the DeviceServiceDelegate
will also be notified in that event.

\- (void) **disconnect**
Will attempt to disconnect from the DeviceService. The
failure/success will be reported back to the DeviceServiceDelegate.

\- (void) **pairWithData**:(id)\ *pairingData*
Will attempt to pair with the DeviceService with the provided
pairingData. The failure/success will be reported back to the


* pairingData –

Data to be used for pairing. The type of this parameter will vary
depending on what type of pairing is required, but is likely to be
a string (pin code, pairing key, etc).

\- (void) **closeLaunchSession**:(:doc:`LaunchSession <ios-launchsession>` \*)\ *launchSession* **success**:(SuccessBlock)\ *success* **failure**:(FailureBlock)\ *failure*
Every LaunchSession object has an associated DeviceService.
Internally, LaunchSession's close method proxies to it's
DeviceService's closeLaunchSession method. If, for some reason, your
LaunchSession loses it's DeviceService reference, you can call this
closeLaunchSession method directly.


* launchSession – LaunchSession to be closed
* **success**: success – (optional) SuccessBlock to be called on success
* **failure**: failure – (optional) FailureBlock to be called on failure
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions docs/apis-ios/ios-channelinfo.rst
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Normalized reference object for information about a TVs channels. This
object is required to set the channel on a TV.


NSString \* id
TV's unique ID for the channel

NSString \* name
User-friendly name of the channel

NSString \* number
TV channel's number (likely to be a combination of the major & minor

int majorNumber
TV channel's major number

int minorNumber
TV channel's minor number

id rawData
Raw data from the first screen device about the channel. In most
cases, this is an NSDictionary.


\- (BOOL) **isEqual**:(:doc:`ChannelInfo <ios-channelinfo>` \*)\ *channelInfo*
Compares two ChannelInfo objects.


* channelInfo – ChannelInfo object to compare.

**Returns:** YES if both ChannelInfo number & name values are equal

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