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Closed May 31, 2021 100% complete

The current stable version supports up to PHP 7.x.
The main purpose of the next version is to support php8.

To achieve this, we handle the following implementations.

  • Support for PHP8
    • Resolve some errors, etc.
  • Continue to support PHP7.2
    • CakePHP4 also includes 7.2+ in its support, so do we
  • Round up the requested Sentry-SDK version and discard the use…

The current stable version supports up to PHP 7.x.
The main purpose of the next version is to support php8.

To achieve this, we handle the following implementations.

  • Support for PHP8
    • Resolve some errors, etc.
  • Continue to support PHP7.2
    • CakePHP4 also includes 7.2+ in its support, so do we
  • Round up the requested Sentry-SDK version and discard the use of older versions
  • Possibly change the supported version of Guzzle (if it is required)
    • see also: #53

This milestone is closed.

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