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Donor dashboard for second hand clothes buyers to redeem their tokenized orders and choose which nonprofits they want their order proceeds to go towards


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The purpose of this application is to track the resale of donated luxury goods from the point of sale to grant disbursement. In addition, the project serves as a proof-of-concept looking to develop a tokenized market place of retail products to incentivize the creation of a prosumer economy, where consumers are rewarded for selling and buying second hand goods. You can see the live demo here (note, the demo will be up until January 10, 2018, becuase of this, screenshots have been provided to show how each view and component looks):

A full report on the performance, shortfalls, and overall next steps for the proof-of-concept can be found here:

As an overview, the PoC LUXARITY DApp has the following architectural specs:

Architecture View

To better understand the architecture of the build, please review the following document:

Application Folder Structure

The application has the following folder structure (for the purpose of consiceness, we will not be showing the individual files in this visualization, only the folders and their respective definitions):

├── config                  # Configuration folder packaged with the Truffle Drizzle Box
│   ├── jest    
│   └── ...           
├── contracts               # Holds smart contracts and ABI for the DAPP (folders provided by Drizzle Box)
│   └── ...                
├── migrations              # Holds files that migrate on-Dapp smart contracts onto the blockchain network (deploy)
│   └── ...                 
├── public                  # Holds favicon (search tab icon logo) and index.html (app page) for application
│   └── ...                  
├── ReadMeImgs              # Hold all representative images of application views and components for repo ReadMe
│   ├── Architecture          # Images for architecture 
│   ├── Layouts               # Images for layouts
│   └── Modal Components      # Images for modal components
├── scripts                 # Scripts folder packaged with the drizzle box provided by Truffle
│   └── ...                
├── src                     # Holds all core application files for UI
│   ├── layouts             # Holds all application views, components, and logic for the front end (UI)
│   │   ├── views             # Application UI web pages
│   │   ├── fonts             # Fonts for application
│   │   ├── componets         # Application components that make up UI web pages
│   │   └── img               # Application images (logos, etc) that are pertinent to app 
│   ├── css                 # Application css folder 
│   ├── fonts               # Application fonts folder
│   ├── util                # Application utilites folder provided by Drizzle box 
│   └── ...                
└── ...

Application Views & Components

The entirety of the application's front end views and components can be found within the 'src' folder. Within this folder, we have the following:

  • CSS: The folder that carries project elements that pertain to styling
  • Fonts: The folder that carries project elements that pertain to font usage and type styles
  • Layouts: The folder that holds both the front end components folder (re-usable part of the front end), and the views
  • Redux: The folder that holds all of the applications API calls and redux states
  • Util: The folder that holds specialized application scripts for testing and access to Web3 calls

The two most important folders within the 'layouts' folder are the 'components' folder and the 'views' folder. The Components folder holds all of the application's re-usable front-end components (buttons, modals, etc.), and the Views folder holds all of the application's pages (home page, about page, etc.).


The Components folder can be broken down into the following resources:

Project Card

The project card folder holds components that are either modals or cards on the front end. There are four components within the project card folder, and each have their own parameters and use. Let's review each:

Donation Complete Modal

The donation complete modal is a modal that should show once the user has successfully allocated their order proceeds to a cause of their choice. The modal should only show if the smart contract transaction that allocated order proceeds to a cuase has not failed. The component has the following parameters:

├── transaction        # Transaction hash of the transaction (of choosing which cause to allocated funds toward) (string)
├── open               # Open, which determines whether the modal is open to view or not (boolean)
├── handleClose        # Function that toggles the boolean value provided to the 'open' parameter (function)               
└── ...
Project Card Complex

Project Card Complex is a 'card,' which is a rectangular component that typically shows an image, paired with information about that image. Cards typically have background shadowing to differentiate its flat style from the background of the view. The Project Card Complex component shows only on the Support view, where users choose which causes to allocate their order proceeds. The component has the following parameters:

├── order             # Order is an object. the parameters of this object are beneath the component parameter outline
├── charityURL        # A string that indicates the url link to the cause or charity shown in the component 
├── noAllocationleft  # Boolean that indicates whether or not the order's proceeds have already been allocated or not
├── backgroundSizeImg # String (number percentage) indicating the backgroundSize of the image for the cause being used
├── cardCategory      # String, indicating which brand value the cause represents (responsibility, awareness, or wonder)
├── cardOrgName       # String, the organizational name of the cause being supported
├── cardSummary       # String, the summary of the cause being supported 
├── cardGoal          # Number, the fundraise goal for the cause being supported 
├── cardPledged       # Number, the amount pledged for the cause being supported
├── choosingDonationNow       # Boolean, whether or not the smart contract function call is still pending (redux call)
├── donationAmount    # Number, the amount pledged for the cause being supported
├── cardOrientation   # String, the side of the page the component is oriented ('left' or 'right'
├── charityImage      # brand image used by luxarity 
└── ...
Project Card Simple

Project Card Simple is a 'card,' which is a rectangular component that typically shows an image, paired with information about that image. Cards typically have background shadowing to differentiate its flat style from the background of the view. The Project Card Simple component is not currently used in the project, and it was replaced by the Project Skinny Card. The component has the following parameters:

├── charityURL        # A string that indicates the url link to the cause or charity shown in the component 
├── cardCategory      # String, indicating which brand value the cause represents (responsibility, awareness, or wonder)
├── cardOrgName       # String, the organizational name of the cause being supported
├── cardSummary       # String, the summary of the cause being supported 
├── cardGoal          # Number, the fundraise goal for the cause being supported 
├── cardPledged       # Number, the amount pledged for the cause being supported
├── charityImage      # brand image used by luxarity 
└── ...
Project Skinny Card

Project Skinny Card is a 'card,' which is a rectangular component that typically shows an image, paired with information about that image. Cards typically have background shadowing to differentiate its flat style from the background of the view. The Project Skinny Card component shows only on the Home page (Redeem) view, where users enter their reciept pin to 'redeem' their unallocated order proceeds, so that they use them to support a cause of their choice. The component has the following parameters:

├── charityURL        # A string that indicates the url link to the cause or charity shown in the component 
├── cardCategory      # String, indicating which brand value the cause represents (responsibility, awareness, or wonder)
├── cardOrgName       # String, the organizational name of the cause being supported
├── cardSummary       # String, the summary of the cause being supported 
├── cardGoal          # Number, the fundraise goal for the cause being supported 
├── cardPledged       # Number, the amount pledged for the cause being supported
├── charityImage      # image for cause (brand image pre-selected by LUXARITY)
└── ...
Support Modal

The support modal is a modal that should show once the user has clicked on the support button on the Project Complex Card component. Clicking on the support button (when a user wants to allocate their order proceeds to a cuase), will toggle the Support Modal and ask the user to confirm their choice. The component has the following parameters:

├── orgs              # Only for use when splitting a user's allocation over multiple causes (array of strings)
├── cardCategory      # String, indicating which brand value the cause represents (responsibility, awareness, or wonder)
├── cardOrgName       # String, the organizational name of the cause being supported
├── open              # Open, which determines whether the modal is open to view or not (boolean)
├── handleclose       # Function that toggles the boolean value provided to the 'open' parameter (function) 
├── overlayColor      # String, hex color code to change overlay backrgound of modal
├── donationImage     # image for cause (brand image pre-selected by LUXARITY)
├── type              # brand image used by luxarity
├── donationAmount    # Number, the amount pledged for the cause being supported
├── onDonate          # Function, triggers smart contract API call via redux
└── ...


Sections are larger components that are typically comprised of smaller components. Sections reoccur throughout the application, and thus, are still considered components themselves. The component sections of this application are outlined below:

All Fashion Section

The component is fixed and utilized a provisioned image provided by LUXARITY.

Enter Pin Section

The Enter Pin Section is shown on the home page of the applciation (on the Redeem view). It is the first component after the header of the application. The component has the following parameters:

├── totalRaised        # Number, total sales of the LUXARITY popup 
├── enterPin           # Function, calls redux API call that checks if pin is correct for any existing order               
└── ...
Luxarity is More Section

The component is fixed and utilized a provisioned image provided by LUXARITY.

Support a Cause Section

The support a cause section is the top section of the Support view. It shows the user how much their order was (proceeds they have to allocate), how much LUXARITY fees will take from that total, and what the remainding allocation amount is. If the order's proceeds has already been allocated, the section will tell the user so. The component has the following parameters:

├── remainderAmount    # Number, remainding amount to be allocated to a cause from the order's proceeds 
├── noAllocationleft   # Boolean, if no allocation left, show a message to user that order's proceeds are spent
├── totalOrder         # Number, total order amount   
├── splitDonation      # Function, calls smart contract function (API Call to smart contract via redux)
├── supportOpen        # Boolean, triggers open of modal to confirm support for cause 
├── handleClose        # Function that toggles the boolean value provided to the 'supportOpen' parameter (function)
├── orgs               # Only for use when splitting a user's allocation over multiple causes (array of strings)
└── ...

User Feedback

Components that show in direct causation of an event that requires user feedback (modals, warnings, etc.):

Message Modal

The message modal is a modal that should shown once the user has clicked on the support button on the Project Complex Card component and an error has occured. The component has the following parameters:

├── cardMessage        # String, message for error 
├── overlayColor       # String, hex color code for background overlay for modal
├── supportOpen        # Boolean, triggers open of modal to confirm support for cause 
├── handleClose        # Function that toggles the boolean value provided to the 'supportOpen' parameter (function)
├── messageImage       # String, image for modal to use 
├── cardTitle          # String, title for modal to use 
├── cardSubtitle       # String, sub-title for modal to use 
├── noAllocationleft   # Boolean, if no allocation left, show a message to user that order's proceeds are spent
├── orderIncomplete    # Boolean, check if status is an error 
└── ...


The application wrapper includes the footer and header of the app - which is persistent across all pages.


The Views folder can be broken down into the following resources:


DEPRECATED - will be removed


DEPRECATED - will be removed


DEPRECATED - will be removed


Home page where users enter their receipt pin number and redeem their unallocated proceeds from their order to allocate them to a cause.


Support page where users select a cause and allocate their order proceeds to a cause.


Test page where developers can see all the components front end components for iteration purposes.

Application Testing

The majority of testing resources can be found in the Luxarity Smart Contract repository (see below in the Additional Repositories section). The main test can be found in the 'Tests' folder within the LuxOrders.js file. The tests ensure that the smart contract for the application is secure, well-functioning given edge use cases, and accounts for future functionality (or parameters) that may be needed.

Additional Repositories

Additional repositories that are critical to the proof of concept can be found below:


Donor dashboard for second hand clothes buyers to redeem their tokenized orders and choose which nonprofits they want their order proceeds to go towards







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