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BlockApps + Web3

This package provides a web3 provider for the BlockApps backend, built on top of the Hooked Web3 Provider. It allows you to use BlockApps easily in a primarily web3-based project.

This is not a wrapper around web3, so when using BlockApps + Web3, you must still include web3 in your project.

A couple considerations before using this library:

  1. BlockApps is currently in active development. Because of this, the web3 provider doesn't currently point to a server synced with the actual Ethereum network. This will change very soon.

  2. In the same vein as the above, all eth_call requests cost Ether, and are treated just like transactions sent via eth_sendTransaction.



$ npm install blockapps-web3
var BlockAppsWeb3Provider = require("blockapps-web3");


<script type="text/javascript" src="bignumber.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ethereumjs-tx.js"></script> <!-- dist version -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="web3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javsacript" src="./build/blockapps-web3.js"></script>

Note that to avoid dependency coupling, you must include BigNumber, ethereumjs-tx, and web3 on your own when using BlockApps-Web3 in the browser. Those three dependencies must be included in the browser before including the blockapps-web3.js script.

Note: ethereumjs-tx will eventually be removed as a dependency once BlockApps is able to process raw transactions server side.

To Use:

// See below for options passed to the constructor.
var provider = new BlockAppsWeb3Provider({ ... });


Then use web3 like normal!


The BlockAppsWeb3Provider constructor takes a single parameter with the following keys:

  • transaction_signer: See Hooked Web3 Provider. BlockAppsWeb3Provider is an extension of the HookedWeb3Provider, using a separate service for signing transactions.
  • coinbase: string - the coinbase address associated with eth_coinbase. You only need to specify this value if your app will call eth_coinbase via web3.
  • accounts: array - the addresses associated with this provider. You only need to specify this value if your app will call eth_accounts via web3.
  • host: string - location of the BlockApps server this provider will point to. Defaults to (for now)

Implemented Methods

The following lists the currently implemented methods. Some methods have restrictions: For instance, any method that takes a block number of "latest", "earliest" or "pending" will default to "latest" regardless of what's passed to web3. Some of these restrictions are because they haven't been implemented; other restrictions are due to functionality not yet implemented by BlockApps.

  • eth_coinbase
  • eth_accounts
  • eth_blockNumber
  • eth_getBlockByNumber (does not support "pending"; partially implemented, needs work)
  • eth_call
  • eth_sendTransaction
  • eth_sendRawTransaction
  • eth_getCompilers
  • eth_compileSolidity
  • eth_getCode (does not support "pending")
  • eth_getBalance
  • eth_getTransactionCount (does not support "pending")
  • eth_getTransactionByHash
  • eth_getTransactionReceipt
  • eth_newBlockFilter
  • eth_getFilterChanges (only supports block filters)
  • eth_uninstallFilter
  • web3_clientVersion

Developing & Contributing

BlockApps + Web3 uses truffle to manage all parts of the project. First install truffle if you haven't already:

$ npm install -g truffle

To build the distributable files in ./build:

$ truffle build

To have truffle automatically build the distributable files during development on every save:

$ truffle watch

To run the automated tests:

$ truffle test


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