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4 - Specific Findings

4.1 Critical

Exchange::isRoundingError() does not return true for errors > 0.1% [issues/98]

The sole documentation on isRoundingError() is a comment in the code stating "Checks if rounding error > 0.1%".

The implementation is broken:

return (target < 10**3 && mulmod(target, numerator, denominator) != 0);

A trivial case is target values >= 1000 will never indicate a rounding error: the function would always return false.


  1. As there's no other documentation about the system that describes factors such as desired behaviors of the system and the interaction of components and functions like isRoundingError, this issue has been classified Critical as users of a financial system should have defined and precise behavior. We recommend more documentation on isRoundingError including descriptions as they apply to presumably providing users with guarantees and protections, and the limits to those protections and when they will not hold. For example, if certain protections are only provided to users if they trade 1000+ tokens, then those should be clearly documented.

  2. Fix the implementation using the standard definition of approximation error.

  3. Thoroughly test isRoundingError [issues/92], including when the rounding error is exactly 10/10000 (0.1%), below at 9/10000, and above at 11/10000. Push isRoundingError to determine its limits, for example rounding errors at 1e27/1e30, (1e27-1)/1e30, (1e27+1)/1e30 and beyond. While some limits may not be reachable in usual practice, it does not mean that they should remain unknown, and most scenarios are possible in testing. Furthermore, some numbers which may seem large, may still have practical impact and importance for testing if one considers that ETH itself is divisible to 18 decimals, and there are no limits defined in any token standards about limits to decimals.


  1. There's no documentation describing limits of isRoundingError or its behavior apart from code comments mentioning 0.1%.

  2. 0x's first reimplementation of isRoundingError is below:

function isRoundingError(uint numerator, uint denominator, uint target)
        returns (bool)
        if (mulmod(target, numerator, denominator) == 0) return false; // No rounding error.
        // (numerator * target / denumerator) * 1000000
        uint partialAmountWithErr = safeMul(getPartialAmount(numerator, denominator, target), 1000000);
        // (numerator * target * 1000000 / denumerator)
        uint partialAmountWithoutErr = safeDiv(
                safeMul(numerator, target),
        uint errPercentageTimes1000 = safeDiv(
            safeSub(partialAmountWithoutErr, partialAmountWithErr), // Absolute rounding error, times 1,000,000
            safeDiv(partialAmountWithoutErr, 1000)                  // Amount being filled, times 1,000
        return errPercentageTimes1000 > 1;

In 0x’s reimplementation isRoundingError first checks if there is a rounding error by using the mulmod opcode. It then calculates the partial amount the taker will receive with the error included (we need this to actually calculate the percent error). This value is then multiplied by 1,000,000 since we’re trying to solve:

(x - floor(x))/x <= .001

where x = fillTakerTokenAmount * (makerTokenAmount/takerTokenAmount) = the amount of makerToken the taker will receive.

In Solidity, we cannot represent decimals so we multiply this entire expression by 1000 which gives us:

(1000x - 1000floor(x))/x <= 1.

However, the x in the denominator could still have a rounding error, thus we multiply the numerator and denominator by 1000 again which gives us

(1,000,000x - 1,000,000floor(x))/1000x <= 1.

This elucidates why we multiply by 1,000,000. Now, we estimate the amount the taker should receive without any error. We calculate this by performing this calculation:

filledTakerTokenAmount * makerTokenAmount * 1,000,000/takerTokenAmount.

(It's worth noting that we multiply by 1,000,000 before dividing to increase the precision of the calculation)

Now, that we have x and floor(x) the code calculates the error percentage (times 1000) by subtracting the partialAmountWithError from the partialAmountWIthoutError and dividing that by the partialAmountWithoutError*1000. It then checks if this value is > 1 (.1% * 1000). If so, there’s a rounding error and it returns true.

Shortly after this implementation 0x was able to simplify the logic significantly:

function isRoundingError(uint numerator, uint denominator, uint target)
        returns (bool)
        uint remainder = mulmod(target, numerator, denominator);
        if (remainder == 0) return false; // No rounding error.

        uint errPercentageTimes1000 = safeDiv(
            safeMul(remainder, 1000),
            safeMul(numerator, target)
        return errPercentageTimes1000 > 1;

They were able to simplify the percent error formula to

R/(fillTakerTokenAmount * makerTokenAmount) <= 0.001

where R = (fillTakerTokenAmount * makerTokenAmount)%takerTokenAmount = the remainder of the calculation.

Division in Solidity can only return an integer, so multiplying each side by 1000 yields:

1000 * R/(fillTakerTokenAmount*makerTokenAmount) <= 1

Integer division is still unable to detect 3 decimal places (for 0.001) so multiply by 1000 again to get 3 decimal places:

1,000,000 * R/(fillTakerTokenAmount*makerTokenAmount) <= 1000

If the calculation is greater than 1000, this means there's a rounding error greater than 0.001 and the function returns true.

This effectively translates to the final implementation:

    function isRoundingError(uint numerator, uint denominator, uint target)
        returns (bool)
        uint remainder = mulmod(target, numerator, denominator);
        if (remainder == 0) return false; // No rounding error.

        uint errPercentageTimes1000000 = safeDiv(
            safeMul(remainder, 1000000),
            safeMul(numerator, target)
        return errPercentageTimes1000000 > 1000;
  1. 6 tests were added for isRoundingError(). There is no test code with large values to explore its behavior further and determine its limits.

4.2 Major

Exchange::isTransferable() reentrancy risks [issues/107]

Ref: Best Practices: Reentrancy

The isTransferable() function, referenced in: contracts/Exchange.sol#L151 is a dangerous design pattern.

It not only represents a repetition of checks against a benign (or malicious) ERC20 token, and hence wasting gas (claim 1), but it is also an unnecessary possible reentrancy point (claim 2).

About claim 1:

  • The checks made by isTransferable() assume the contract's state stays intact throughout multiple calls which is valid by ERC20 specs, but not necessarily in a malicious token.
  • If the token contract is assumed to be benign, then checking the available balance in isTransferable() is unnecessary when the same check is already made, with associated gas costs, inside the ERC20 token contract.

Thus, the recommendation is to remove isTransferable(). Note that isTransferable() can also be considered as a section of code with high complexity.

About claim 2: We could not, within the extent of our review, find a reentrancy bug, however, best practices and prior lessons dictate that accessing/changing state variables after an external call in a function is dangerous, and should be avoided at all costs.

For example at contracts/Exchange.sol#L159, the filled[order.orderHash] variable is accessed following external calls from isTransferable() at /contracts/Exchange.sol#L151.

While this does not represent a bug in itself it is a questionable design choice.


After some clarification in the filed Github issue comments the second recommendation stands: one could have the contract call the isTransferable() function with a low-level Solidity call() function so as to not have subsequent fillOrder() calls interrupting a batched number of orders with bubbling up throws.

This solution would, however, entail the addition of an address parameter in the inputs of the function in question.

Resolution [pull/112]

The 0x team decided not to go with the recommended solution and instead resolved the issue by reducing the gas forwarded in both of the affected functions: token.balanceOf and token.allowance to a constant value of 4999 gas in order to prevent state changes when calling malicious tokens (for any state change requires, at least, 5000 gas).

We feel this is a satisfactory solution to prevent reentry.

Correctness of isRoundingError() and getPartialAmount() which have zero tests [issues/92]

isRoundingError() and getPartialAmount() have zero tests and no specifications.


Thoroughly test both functions, including when the rounding error is exactly 10/10000 (0.1%), below at 9/10000, and above at 11/10000. Push isRoundingError to determine its limits, for example rounding errors at 1e27/1e30, (1e27-1)/1e30, (1e27+1)/1e30 and beyond.


9 total tests were added for both isRoundingError() and getPartialAmount(). There were no tests to determine any limits to the functions and when their behaviors are no longer reliable.

Redesign of the timelock pattern in custom MultiSig contract [issues/94]

The MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockExceptRemoveAuthorizedAddress contract has inefficient coding patterns in place.

The anti-pattern in question here is at contracts/MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockExceptRemoveAuthorizedAddress.sol#L12 where the contract is asserting a custom function which itself asserts a byte-by-byte comparison of a tightly packed bytes array vs. a bytes4 type signature.

Recommendation [pull/96]

A custom assembly block (very simple and straightforward) was built to approximate the functionality of a type cast from a tightly packed bytes array to a bytes4 type (its first 4 bytes, if enough are found).

This is not only much more efficient (saves approximately 2/3 of the original function's gas) but also more secure since the only functionality testing needed is for the 4 bytes cast, which is much more easier to spec out. All other checks are relayed back to Solidity's own constructs.


Fixed in pull/114

Verbatim used by @abandeali1 to justify not implementing the recommendation given:

After internal discussions, we have decided to go for code clarity over efficiency in this case. isFunctionRemoveAuthorizedAddress will most likely be only called once in the contract's lifetime, so efficiency isn't particularly important.


We feel the need to note that the wording "(...) clarity over efficiency (...)" is, in our view, debatable and not representative of the whole truth as there's also the security topic touched in the recommendation corpus above. We respect the 0x's team final decision as we understand that it is more difficult to trust code not made in-house.

Proper usage of require vs assert

assert() should be used to enforce invariants and checking for states and error conditions which should be unreachable if code logic is correct. The require() function should be used to validate inputs, contract state, or return values from calls to external contracts.

Another important difference is that require compiles to the REVERT opcode (0xfd), which will refund unused gas after the Metropolis Release.

Ref: require vs assert


Review the use of require and assert across all contract files, to ensure that these functions are used in accordance with solidity documentation.


This was addressed in pull/117.

4.3 Medium

Require callers of Exchange to use token amounts > 0 [issues/101]

Callers of functions on Exchange.sol can fill and cancel orders for 0 tokens. This would lead to spurious ERROR_ORDER_FULLY_FILLED_OR_CANCELLED logs.


Add require(fillTakerTokenAmount > 0); to fillOrder

Do similar for cancelOrder


The following commits would appear to fix this issue, but instead was an improvement to a different issue: and

fillOrder was fixed in the updated system:

cancelOrder was fixed in the final system: with a test

Incorrectly named constructor in ZRXToken contract [issues/88]

The constructor name was not updated during a previous change when the ZRXToken was renamed.


Fix the constructor name to ZRXToken and add tests for it.


Fixed in pull/90, although no tests were added.

Holding large amounts of ETH with MultiSigWallet

It is critical to keep separate the concerns of holding large amouns of ETH, against governance plans. Multisig contracts used for the latter should have no effect on how the ETH holding wallet should be deployed.


For storage of ETH, we recommend the following explicit process for using the Gnosis MultiSigWallet implementation:

  1. Copy verbatim (Gnosis-AuctionWallet)
  2. Compile it with the Solidity compiler version listed, v0.4.10+commit.f0d539ae, with the optimizer disabled.
  3. Deploy the compiled code
  4. Verify the contract
  5. Ensure that getCode at your contract's address is an exact match of web3.eth.getCode('0x851b7f3ab81bd8df354f0d7640efcd7288553419')

Other ways of using the Gnosis MultiSigWallet are not recommended because there are many versions (and branches) of the source code, and compiler versions to use, and they are all distinct: the code that ends up on the blockchain will be different. Accurately performing the recommended process will lead to the same blockchain code (except for constructor parameters) that is currently holding 200,000+ ETH.

We recommend a separate and documented deployment process for MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockExceptRemoveAuthorizedAddress, which should have no effect on how the ETH holding wallet should be deployed.


Unknown: there is no documentation about the deployment process.

EtherToken implementation and security

The EtherToken contract is an ERC20 token which allows users to deposit ETH, allowing it to be transferred using the same interface as similar tokens. We assume it is taken from some Gnosis implementation.

We can consider contracts which have been both audited, AND held significant value over a period of time, to be safer. In this case, an option for the 0x team to consider, is to use the EtherToken implementation, at and compile it using the version listed (v0.4.11+commit.68ef5810) with the optimizer enabled. Generally it is considered safer to avoid the optimizer, but the optimizer was used for the audited contract which is currently holding 19,000+ ETH. The objective is to deploy bytecode identical to the contract that has been audited and has held large sums of ETH for some time.


This point is primarily informational, and is an option for consideration. It should also be noted that the above contract has an extended ABI, which allows for an owner to withdraw any ERC20 tokens which have been deposited erroneously. (As a further informational note for the reader, a different approach to addressing accidental token deposits is currently being discussed in ERC223.)

Token metadata can be silently overwritten in TokenRegistry [issues/115]

In the TokenRegistry contract neither the addToken(), setTokenName() or the setTokenSymbol() check for overwrites in both the tokenByName or tokenBySymbol mappings.

Although the contract in question is supposed to be controlled only by the DAO/MultiSig (as per discussion with 0x) this lack of checks could result in some major confusion in the use of the 0x UI. Not to mention that in the event of a flaw or compromised future DAO it could lead to severe social engineering attacks.


Implement a simple require() statement to check if the mapping key being added is already set.


Fixed in pull/118.

The modifiers nameDoesNotExist and symbolDoesNotExist were added. These implement the requires suggested above to check for existing values prior to executing the setter.

setCapPerAddress() can be changed by the owner at any time [issues/84]

As there was no specification at the time of our review, it was not clear whether this is intended behavior. In past token sales, typically there are restrictions in code on when terms of the sale can be modified: for example, an obvious one would be to not allow the capPerAddress to be changed by anyone once the sale has started.


Remove (or minimize) arbitrary actions and enforce them in code. Prefer code and algorithms over user and centralized actions. It is preferable for the system to be more codified and deterministic than being dependent on centralized actions where the timing is essentially arbitrary. The timing can be arbitrary because there is no code that guarantees that the cap will increase; furthermore, at times of heavy network congestion there are no guarantees that the transaction increasing the cap will be mined by a desired time.


Fixed. The setCapPerAddress() function was replaced with getEthCapPerAddress() in pull/108. The new function algorithmically increases the cap each day that passes. We have reviewed the new code and found no safety issues.

Enforce invariants with assert instead of safeMath when appropriate

Ref: Best Practices: Enforce invariants with assert()

"safeMath" libraries have helped developers avoid issues with overflows and underflows. However, there are cases when enforcing invariants with assert is preferable to excessive use of "safeMath": enforcing invariants often highlights that an overflow or underflow condition is impossible, thus no need for "safeMath" at all.


        uint remainingEth = safeSub(order.takerTokenAmount, exchange.getUnavailableTakerTokenAmount(order.orderHash));
        uint ethCapPerAddress = getEthCapPerAddress();
        uint allowedEth = safeSub(ethCapPerAddress, contributed[msg.sender]);

Compare the above with the following:

        assert(order.takerTokenAmount >= exchange.getUnavailableTakerTokenAmount(order.orderHash));
        uint remainingEth = order.takerTokenAmount - exchange.getUnavailableTakerTokenAmount(order.orderHash);

        uint ethCapPerAddress = getEthCapPerAddress();
        assert(ethCapPerAddress >= contributed[msg.sender]);
        uint allowedEth = ethCapPerAddress, contributed[msg.sender];

Note how assert has obviated the need for "safeMath".

Recall that assert should never be triggered because they are invariants, and a violation of an invariant is clearly a logic error.

If the first assert is triggered, that indicates some logic error in the implementation of exchange.getUnavailableTakerTokenAmount or order.takerTokenAmount or order.orderHash.

If the second assert is triggered, that indicates some logic error in the implementation of getEthCapPerAddress() or how contributed[msg.sender] is updated.

Explicit invariants will allow contracts to be formally verified in the future. Additionally, using assert saves gas over a library call, and excessive use of "safeMath" can lead to many false positives for formal verification tools.

Remove explicit dependency of TokenDistribution on the Proxy [issues/100]

The TokenDistribution.sol contract has its own state variable for PROXY_CONTRACT, but it doesn't need the dependency as it could query the Exchange. Removing it would eliminate the possibility of a mismatch against the exchange's proxy and it would also simplify deployment.


Remove the state variable PROXY_CONTRACT and replace the call on line with exchange.PROXY_CONTRACT().


Fixed in pull/108.

TokenDistributionWithRegistry::setTokenAllowance() is unnecessary [issues/89]

The TokenDistributionWithRegistry::setTokenAllowance() function unnecessarily increases the "surface area" of the TokenDistributionWithRegistry contract, and can easily be incorporated into TokenDistributionWithRegistry::init().


Remove setTokenAllowance(), and move its operations in init().


Fixed in pull/99.

Explicitly mark visibilities [issues/93]

Explicitly marking visibility in functions and state variables makes it easier to catch and reason about incorrect assumptions about who can call a function or access a variable. The recent parity multisig exploit highlights the necessity of this.


Add visibility specifiers for all state variables and functions.


Fixed in pull/99.

Use the isConfirmed modifier instead of confirmationTimeSet

In both the MultiSigWalletWithTimeLock and MultiSigWalletWithTimeLockExceptRemoveAuthorizedAddress contracts, a transaction has a confirmation time if and only if it is confirmed by the required number of owners. The confirmationTimeNotSet and confirmationTimeSet modifiers are named according to their design, rather than their purpose, which is to guard against calls to confirmTransaction(), and revokeConfirmation().


The isConfirmed() function could be reused to create a pair of modifiers more accurately named checkConfirmed() and checkNotConfirmed(). These names would be more explicit and thus readable for future reviewers.


Fixed in pull/123.

Two base token contracts

The repository contains a two similar implementations of a standard ERC20 token with overflow protection. StandardTokenWithOverflowProtection.sol uses a safemath library for overflow protection. StandardToken.sol has overflow protection in-line. Functionally there is no important difference between the contracts.


Remove one of the standard token contracts for clarity.


Pending: This finding has not yet been presented to the 0x team.

Avoid "named returns" (in long functions)

"Named returns" in Solidity allocate a variable and simply setting the variable to a value will become the return value for the function, unless an explicit return is encountered. These behaviors are uncommon in general programming experience and in our opinion do not bring enough advantages to warrant burdening both old and new Solidity developers with.


For example, replacing the named return returns(uint filledTakerTokenAmount) with returns (uint) and explicitly declaring uint filledTakerTokenAmount would make the code clearer, more explicit, and less prone to the possible introduction of bugs (for example, if return was used instead of return 0 in that function).


Fixed in pull/117

The fix in cancelOrder illustrates the recommendation's benefits.

It turned out that the actual example in the recommendation could not be performed due to EVM stack limits and it was essential to add the named return back.

No tests for Exchange::batchFillOrKillOrders() [issues/116]

There are no tests for batchFillOrKillOrders().


Add one or more tests with usage and values similar to how batchFillOrKillOrders() would actually be called in practice.


A test was added in pull/133. The correctness and rigor were not evaluated due to time constraints.

Use keccak256 instead of sha3 [issues/77]

In Solidity, sha3 and kecak256 are aliases for the same function, with keccak256 being the more accurate name which does not mislead new or casual observers about which hash algorithm is being executed (since the standardized SHA-3 is slightly different from Keccak-256).


Use keccak256 instead of sha3.


Partially fixed in:

We thought one case was missed so we fixed:

Unfortunately, there is still an occurrence:

No event when TokenTransferProxy transferOwnership occurs [issues/147]

When transferOwnership occurs, an event may be desirable for user interfaces, monitoring services, as well as blockchain explorers.


Add an event after contracts/base/Ownable.sol#L24


None (in fairness to the 0x team, this was reported after they provided the final system).

Token address is not indexed in TokenRegistry events [issues/135]


Use address indexed token in the TokenRegistry events such as:


Fixed in the final system:

4.4 Minor

IPFS hashes more than 32 bytes are unsupported [issues/75]

The TokenRegistry.sol contract uses a bytes32 value to store IPFS hashes (contracts/TokenRegistry.sol#L94).

IPFS uses a multihash and the TokenRegistry might also be assuming a convention that the first 2 bytes of the IPFS hash, which are not stored on-chain are 0x1220.


Assumptions should be documented. Consider future-proofing by using the bytes type rather than bytes32.


Fixed by storing IPFS hashes stored as bytes here: pull/86.

TokenDistributionWithRegistry::init does not ensure zero fees [issues/144]

TokenDistributionWithRegistry::init() has no require or assert statement to ensure that there are no fees, and no feeRecipient specified on the order. This can only be verified by viewing the contract's storage after the order has been created. This is particularly relevant given that the TokenDistributionWithRegistry contract uses the Exchange mechanism, but inserts itself as the taker, and then forwards the proceeds to the caller of fillOrderWithEth().


Add a require statement ensuring no extra fees will be paid on order fills.


Fixed: Pull/108, added

require(order.feeRecipient == address(0));

Per the logic of the Exchange contract, this will also ensure that no fees are paid.

No versioning support in Exchange contract [issues/113]

It's not clear how an upgraded Exchange contract would be differentiated from this contract.


Exchange contract versions could be clarified with a string public version value in Exchange.sol, or else adding mapping (address => string) public version to Proxy.sol.


Fixed in pull/117.

Duplication of contract address storage in TokenDistributionWithRegistry.sol [issue/138]

We note that the contract is using 3 storage slots which could be avoided.


Remove address public PROTOCOL_TOKEN_CONTRACT;, when needed, the address can be retrieved using address(protocolToken).


Fixed: The issue was addressed in pull/143.

TokenDistributionWithRegistry.sol does not reference Registry.sol [issues/106]

Despite the name, TokenDistributionWithRegistry contract does not import, or make any reference to the Registry contract at all. This is confusing.


Use a clearer name, or implement the intended Registry.sol functionality.


Fixed in pull/120 The developers clarified that the "Registry" being referred to here is the mapping holding a list of registered contributors. For clarity the contract was renamed to TokenSale.sol.

Proxy.sol contract is not a generic Proxy as its name implies [issues/109]

The concept of a Proxy contracts is often associated with a general purpose identity contract, as in Uport or as proposed in ERC 121. TokenProxy.sol (or something else) may be a better name because the proxy function here isn't generic but for token transferFrom


Rename Proxy.sol to TokenProxy.sol, or another more precise name.


Fixed: Proxy was renamed to TokenProxy and then TokenTransferProxy in pull/120.

Non-meaningful boolean returns in multiple functions [issues/141]

There are several functions that explicitly return true; when this information could totally be inferred.


contracts/Exchange.sol#L302 contracts/Exchange.sol#L336 contracts/Exchange.sol#L367 contracts/Exchange.sol#L426


contracts/TokenTransferProxy.sol#L65 contracts/TokenTransferProxy.sol#L86



These return booleans are used in functions made for heavy and repeated use which means they could account for some gas savings for the end-user.

Since these return values cannot be used by web3.js and calling it from other contracts will result in the same outcome with or without that statement (since they would throw all the same even if not returning anything) our recommendation would be to strip these out of the final codebase.


Totally remove the return statements and returns () modifiers from the functions