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Event Pulse


Event Pulse is a social broadcasting app that enables users to find and create spontaneous events happening nearby.

  • Users are required to login through Facebook, and then are presented with a map and list of events within a 50 mile radius.
  • Users can click on any individual event to view that event's details and chat with other guests or invite additional guests.
  • Users can create their own events happening within the next 12 hours.

landing list details create

Tech Stack

  • React
  • Redux
  • Webpack
  • Node/Express
  • PostgreSQL with Knex
  • Enzyme/Mocha/Chai for testing



Getting started

npm install

  • Set up environment variables

npm run setup

  • Start the server

npm start

Open your browser to http://localhost:3000 to view!


  • Run test suite

npm test

  • Run code coverage (make sure you have babel-cli installed globally)

npm run cover

Server API Reference

See Server API Endpoints

External API Keys

Our code relies on several APIs. To run the code with full functionality, you will need to get several keys in order to access these APIs.

You will need to create a Facebook Development account and register a new app.

FACEBOOK_ID = Facebook App ID

FACEBOOK_SECRET= Facebook App Secret

GEO_API_KEY = Google Geocoding API

MAP_API_KEY = Mapbox Access Token


Got an idea? Great! Create an issue describing your update, then fork the repo and create a branch named feat#, where # is the issue number. When ready, put in a pull request to master in this repo.

See contributing guidelines.