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History / ObdalibQuestIntro


  • Updated ObdalibQuestIntro (mediawiki)

    mislusnys committed Dec 9, 2013
  • dos2unix all the wiki files

    @ghxiao ghxiao committed Sep 18, 2013
  • fix all the image links for i in *.mediawiki; do gsed -i -r "s/\[\[Image\(([^,\)]+)\).*\]\]/[[attachments\/${i%.*}\/\1]]/g" $i; done for i in *.mediawiki; do gsed -i -r "s/\[\[attachments(.*),(.*)\]\]/[[attachments\1|\2]]/g" $i; done for i in *.mediawiki; do gsed -i -r "s/\[\[attachments(.*),(.*)\]\]/[[attachments\1|\2]]/g" $i; done

    @ghxiao ghxiao committed Sep 17, 2013
  • batch convert tracwiki files to mediawiki formats

    @ghxiao ghxiao committed Sep 17, 2013