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ACCC & DSB | CDR Implementation Call Agenda & Meeting Notes | 26th of October 2023

CDR-Engagement-Stream edited this page Oct 26, 2023 · 5 revisions

CDR Implementation Call Banner

Agenda & Meeting Notes

When: Weekly every Thursday at 3pm-4:30pm AEDT
Location: Microsoft Teams
Meeting Details: Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 446 019 435 001
Passcode: BU6uFg
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Video Conference ID: 133 133 341 4
Alternate VTC instructions Or call in (audio only)
+61 2 9161 1229,,715805177# Australia, Sydney Phone Conference ID: 715 805 177# Find a local number | Reset PIN
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  1. Introductions
  2. Updates
  3. CDR Stream updates
  4. Presentation
  5. Q&A
  6. Any other business


  • 5 min will be allowed for participants to join the call.

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the various lands on which we work today and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people participating in this call.

We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and recognise and celebrate the diversity of Aboriginal peoples and their ongoing cultures and connections to the lands and waters of Australia.

House Keeping


The Consumer Data Right Implementation Calls are recorded for note taking purposes. All recordings are kept securely, as are the transcripts which may be made from them. No identifying material shall be provided without the participant's consent. Participants may should they have any further questions or wish to have any material redacted from the record.

Community Guidelines

By participating in the Consumer Data Right Implementation Call you agree to the Community Guidelines. These guidelines intend to provide a safe and constructive space for members to discuss implementation topics with other participants and members of the ACCC and Data Standards Body.


⭐ indicates change from last week.

Type Topic Update
Standards ⭐ Version 1.27.0 Published: 10th October 2023
Change log
Maintenance ⭐ Maintenance Iteration 17 Met on the 18th of October 2023
Next meet on the 1st of November 2023
Maintenance Maintenance Iteration 17 All agendas and meeting minutes
DSB Newsletter To subscribe to DSB Newsletter Link here
DSB Newsletter ⭐ 20th of October 2023 View in browser here
Consultation Decision Proposal 229 - CDR Participant Representation Placeholder: no close date
Link to consultation
Consultation Noting Paper 280: The CX of Authentication Uplift No Close Date
Link to consultation
Consultation Noting Paper 307 - LCCD Consultation Approach No Close Date
Link to consultation
Consultation Noting Paper 308 - Categories of Standards No Close Date
Link to consultation
Consultation ⭐ Decision Proposal 318 - Non-Bank Lending Standards Feedback Closes: 8th of December 2023
Link to consultation
Consultation Noting Paper 326 - Authentication Uplift Context Feedback Closes: 15th of November 2023
Link to consultation
Consultation Decision Proposal 327 - Authentication Uplift Phase 1 Feedback Closes: 15th of November 2023
Link to consultation
Consultation Noting Paper 323 - NFR Workshops Link to consultation
Consultation ⭐ Decision Proposal 333 - Business Consumer Provisions Feedback Closes: 21st November 2023 Link to consultation
Consultation ⭐ Decision Proposal 334 - Data Holder Dashboards Feedback Closes: 21st November 2023 Link to consultation
Video ⭐ Maintenance Iteration 17 Candidate Issues - narrated by Neale Morison (20/10/2023) Video
Video ⭐ Future Dated Obligations for Q4 of 2023 - narrated by Peter Nowotnik (25/10/2023) Video
Survey End of the year!
Question to everyone on the Call: When do we want to stop the call in 2023? And when to pick it back up again in 2024?
Survey closes: Tomorrow! 27th October 2023
Review results: 2nd November 2023
2 question survey
CDR Implementation Call 2023-2024

CDR Stream Updates

Provides a weekly update on the activities of each CDR stream and their work.

Organisation Stream Member
ACCC Register and Accreditation Application Platform Eva
ACCC Conformance Test Suite Christian
DSB Consumer Experience Holly


None planned this week.


Questions on Notice

Questions will be received by the community via Microsoft Teams chat before the questions are opened to the floor. Participants can submit questions outside of the CDR Implementation Call to the CDR Support Portal.

In regards to topics for questions, we ask the participants on the call to consider the Community Guidelines when posing questions to the subject matter experts.

Answer provided

Ticket # Question Answer
2133 Referring to the response received for ErrormetricsV2 "The aggregate field is intending to be a carry forward of the previous v3 errors field so should only include server errors and not client errors (ie. just keep your previous implementation for this field)." does this response applies to the aggregate object definition containing in other metrics i.e. AvailabilityMetricsV2, AverageTPSMetricsV2, PeakTPSMetricsV2 for Get Metrics V4? Yes. Each of the aggregate fields represents a field in the previous v3 version that has been modified. The aggregate field is intended to retain the v3 field for continuity
2147 Just double checking, that the intrinsic greenpower is only talking about the greenpower scheme? Therefore, any other scheme should not be passed in the get energy account details?
Reason I ask is because we have 100% carbon neutral included within some of our plans, but could be misleading as its not greenpower. (Carbon neutral and greenpower are two different things).
Based on our current understanding, we dont intend to pass any value in the intrinsic green power rate section as ours is not greenpower. But looking to clarify in case we have this wrong.
This structure, including the field is based on the current plan information the retailer provides EME/VEC. My suggestion would be to base it on what you currently provide in such plans/scenarios to EME.
2151 Part 1 The field EnergyInvoice.servicePoints has the description "Array of service point IDs to which this invoice applies. May be empty if the invoice contains no electricity usage related charges"
Is this meant to be an array of NMIs?
It is meant to be an array of servicePointId's which is not the same as the NMI.
servicePointId is a tokenised ID of the service point/NMI to be used for referring to the service point in the CDR API suite. The DH would need to create this in accordance to CDR ID permanence rules
Note that the servicePointId would need to be populated with the equivalent NMI for interactions between energy DH and AEMO (i.e. for any API calls a DH makes to AEMO).
2151 Part 2 I did wonder that however what got me confused is that AEMO are responsible for that endpoint GET /energy/electricity/servicepoints so therefore I would assume they create the mapping between servicePointId and nationalMeteringId when they return the data in the schema EnergyServicePoint ? Using Get Service Points as an example of Shared Responsibility Data, there are two types of it in the standards:
The one that energy DH implements and which ADRs call -
The one that AEMO implements and DHs call -
The high level call sequence would be something like:
ADR calls the Get Service Points API of the DH
The DH calls AEMO's Get Service Points-SR API
AEMO returns the data with a list of NMIs
DH creates servicePointids corresponding to the NMIs in accordance with the ID permanence rules and send its back to ADR
ADR can use the servicePointids for calling other DH APIs such as GET /energy/electricity/servicepoints/{servicePointId}/usage. The DH would replace servicePointId with value of NMI when calling the AEMO version of the API
2151 Part 3 So in #3 "AEMO returns the data with a list of NMIs", when AEMO returns the data in the schema EnergyServicePoint, both servicePointId and nationalMeteringId will be the NMI? and then we create our own servicePointids as per step #4 ? Yes that is correct.
2143 My understanding of Secondary Data Holders is that they are only relevant to the Energy sector at this stage, i.e. AEMO is the Secondary Data Holder. Is it expected that Secondary Data Holder rules will apply in the Banking sector in future? E.g. if a bank uses another vendor to disclosed Product Reference Data? According to Rule 1.7 of the CDR Rules, secondary data holders for a sector must be specified in the relevant sector schedule in the CDR Rules. At present the only specified secondary data holder in a sector schedule is AEMO in relation to energy sector data.
As stated in the Explanatory Statement for version 4 of the CDR Rules, “[the secondary data holder] model will initially be used in the energy sector, but may be applied to other sectors as appropriate.” We note that there are no current plans to apply the secondary data holder model to the banking or non-bank lending sector.

Any Other Business

Attendees are invited to raise topics related to the Consumer Data Right that would benefit from the DSB and ACCCs' consideration.

Useful Links

View a number of informative and useful links in the Consumer Data Standards Guide on Information Links.

Check out our guides, browse through our FAQs, and post your own questions for Support. The official Consumer Data Standards website This repository contains the binding API Standards and Information Security profile created in response to the Consumer Data Right legislation and the subsequent regulatory rules. A demonstration of Product Reference data from the Banking Sector.
Consumber Data Standards on GitHub Data Standards Body video channel on YouTube Helping organisations provide consumers with intuitive, informed, and trustworthy data sharing experiences. A Postman collection with a set of unit tests. It can be used as a development testing tool for Data Holders developing a DSB compliant API.
Follow Data Standards Body on LinkedIn for updates and announcements Digital Resources Repository on DSB's GitHub website The glossary of CDR CX terminology Data Holder server reference implementation and associated tools.
  A repository of DSB Newsletters/Blog posts since 2019 This repository is the staging repository for the Consumer Data Standards. Java Artefacts Data Holder server reference implementation
  This glossary lists terms and their definitions in the context of the Consumer Data Right and Consumer Data Standards. This repository is used to contain discussions and contributions from the community of participants and other interested parties in the Australian Consumer Data Right regime. Java Artefacts Data Holder server reference implementation
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