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ACCC & DSB | CDR Implementation Call Agenda & Meeting Notes (17th of June 2021)

CDR API Stream edited this page Jun 18, 2021 · 5 revisions

ACCC & DSB | CDR Implementation Call Agenda & Meeting Notes (17th of June 2021)

When: Weekly every Thursday at 3pm-4.30pm AEST
Location: WebEx, quick dial +61262464433,785383900%23%23
Meeting Details:

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  1. Introductions
  2. Actions
  3. CDR Stream updates
  4. Presentation
  5. Q&A
  6. Any other business


  • 5 min will be allowed for participants to join the call.


The Consumer Data Right Implementation Calls are recorded for note taking purposes. All recordings are kept securely, as are the transcripts which may be made from them. No identifying material shall be provided without the participant's consent. Participants may should they have any further questions or wish to have any material redacted from the record.

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the various lands on which we work today and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people participating in this call.
We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and recognise and celebrate the diversity of Aboriginal peoples and their ongoing cultures and connections to the lands and waters of Australia.


Type Topic Update
Standards Version 1.10.0 Published Link to change log here
Standards Version 1.11.0 Draft Board Link to Version Project Board here
Maintenance 7th Maintenance Iteration underway Agenda of the backlog session
Maintenance Decision Proposal 178 - Banking Maintenance Iteration 7 Link to consultation
DSB Newsletter To subscribe to DSB Newsletter Link here
TSY Newsletter To subscribe to TSY Newsletter Link here
TSY Newsletter 4th of June 2021 Edition View in browser here
DSB Newsletter 11th of June 2021 Edition View in browser here
Consultation Decision Proposal 166 - CX metrics for Data Holders Link to consultation
Consultation Decision Proposal 180 - Energy Draft Feedback Cycle 3 Link to consultation
Consultation Decision Proposal 182 - InfoSec Uplift for Write Link to consultation
Consultation Decision Proposal 186 - Engineering Support Link to consultation
Consultation Decision Proposal 187 - CX Standards - Disclosure Consents Link to consultation
Consultation Extending Decision Proposal 166 by 1 week Link to consultation
OAIC Updated CDR Privacy Safeguard Guidelines

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) has published updates to the CDR Privacy Safeguard Guidelines to reflect amendments to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and the CDR Rules. The Privacy Safeguard Guidelines outline how the Information Commissioner will interpret and apply the privacy safeguards. The updated guidelines reflect changes to:

  • when certain privacy safeguards apply
  • consent, such as allowing for consent to be amended and the different categories of consent
  • the transfer of CDR data between accredited persons
  • new permitted uses and disclosures, such as general research using de-identified data
  • the collection of CDR data by accredited outsourced service providers.
Community Regional Australia Bank - myCDRdata If people want some background and context
If people want to go straight to the application
If people want minimal typing

CDR Stream Updates

Provides a weekly update on the activities of each of the CDR streams and their workplaces

Organisation Stream Member
ACCC CDR Register (Technical) Ivan Hosgood
ACCC Onboarding Chantelle Demian
DSB CX Standards Michael Palmyre
DSB Technical Standards - Banking Mark Verstege
DSB Technical Standards - Energy & Engineering James Bligh


None this week.


Questions will be received by the community via WebEx chat before the questions are opened to the floor. Participants can pre-submit questions to the DSB mailing box.

We are trialling for Question and Answer. Join our Q&A live here: Code: #169517

Answer provided

Ticket # Question Answer
812 Part 1 As a DH, due to technical limitations that exist within our current core banking application; in some scenarios such as transaction back dating/readjustment or for interest calculations adjustments that may need to occur due to differences in effective date and clearing (posting) date of some transactions on some products/accounts, we could potentially have some historical transactions (transactionId) that are no longer available (however, may have been shared in the past with the ADR). To add further, in these scenarios, these old transactions are effectively replayed/replaced with a modified transaction, but, with a new transactionId.
In this problem scenario, is it fine for the DH to respond with a 4xx error when Get Transaction Detail is requested by the ADR, for the old transactionId that does not exist anymore. Is this still considered compliant from a CDR implementation perspective? If yes, which would be a more suitable response - 404 or 422 error response?
As a separate question, would this scenario be classified as a data correction by any chance, where we would need to notify the consumer of this amendment to the transaction listing that was shared earlier, in line with Privacy safeguard 11? Guidance on this also would be highly appreciated.
Also, do you have an insight of any other CDR participants that are having similar technical limitations/challenges and have reached out with a similar question around Transaction IDs/listing/detail.
First, yes some banks have similar situations for transaction data. Transaction IDs are unevenly implemented and can change across the lifecycle of various transactions as they move from pending to posted (or equivalent stages for various types of transactions).
For this reason the transaction ID has specific language indicating that it does not need to be provided if there are good technical reasons not (as you have outlined in your comments).
Changes of this type would not be considered as data correction as the data has changed through the normal lifecycle of the data and not through correction of an error.
812 Part 2 In this problem scenario, is it fine for the DH to respond with a 4xx error when Get Transaction Detail is requested by the ADR, for the old transactionId that does not exist anymore (noting that this old transactionId has been shared in the past through the Get transaction API). Is this still considered compliant from a CDR implementation perspective? If yes, which would be a more suitable response - 404 or 422 error response? The correct response would be 422 as the transactionId is valid and has been previously shared but is no longer available. 404 indicates the transactionId was never valid and is unknown.
820 I wanted to understand how the egress to the outside world is solved by the Data Holders.
The default egress policy would be deny all outbound calls (unless we explicitly allow specific ones that we really want to).
In the DCR model it becomes a bit tricky.
Outbound calls from a DH Solution are the following:
1. ACCC (CDR Register, CDR JWKS). - The end points are absolutely clear. So we can allow outbound traffic for this
2. Digicert CA (for OCSP checks) - The end points are made available by Digicert so not issues here as well
3. ADR (JWKS, cdr arrangement end point ...) - These URLs are not known prior to a DCR request.
If we want a DCR call to be successful, then I have the following three choices
Allow all outbound traffic - which is not a sensible thing to do. The banks are unlikely to support this approach.
Allow a DCR flow to come through and fail - Use the information in DCR (getting the ADR end points and allow egress traffic for that in some automated way) so that a subsequent request from the is successful.
ADRs will be unhappy as their first request fails and hoping our automation set up can set things up before the DCR re-try request comes through
Have the ADR end points communicated via another mechanism to the Data Holder which is used to get this information. (none of the CDR Registry APIs will provide us with the required information)
Interested to see how this has been solved by the other Data Holders.
The DSB does not give detailed guidance on internal implementation questions.
We can, however, say that:
Giving an initial error is a non-compliant solution
Requiring a separate path for ADR registration is a non-compliant solution
Note that this was raised by at least one Data Holder during consultation on the standards and the standards are the result of combining that feedback with other feedback. It is worth noting that the issue you are raising is an inherent issue with the OIDC Dynamic Client Registration protocol which is an international standard tested by the industry.
It is also a feature of many other protocols such as internet browsing and the exchange of email. The compensating controls for these implementation models may be more appropriate than the compensating controls normally applied to B2B communication where both end points are often known in advance.
822 Link:
This appears to violate the standards that say "Must contain at least one address." ?
We shouldn't let these inconsistencies stand. We've responded on the article and raised a maintenance change request.
825 Would like to seek guidance on the nbf claim and its validation.
As a dataholder we expect that the nbf claim should be provided in any scenario that requires a JWT validation (DCR create/modify (Request and SSA JWT),
COnsent Request JWT, Client_assertion JWT (revoke, cdr introspection, /token endpoint)
This is not explictly called out in the CDS or the register standards but these requirements are taken from the FAPI profile spec referenced from the standards.
Could you confirm our understanding is correct? If we turn on nbf validation, we will reject requests from ADRs that do not include the nbf claim.
the mandatory requirement of "nbf" was introduced in FAPI 1.0. The CDS currently relies on FAPI WG Draft 06 which does not include this requirement. The "nbf" claim is not currently required by the CDS. A review of differences between Draft 06 and 1.0 Final is currently being undertaken to identify changes like this that will have breaking change impacts.
Currently, clients are not required to present the nbf claim however if received, the DH must validate it in accordance to RFC7523 and RFC7519. The additional constraints on validation of the nbf claim introduced in FAPI 1.0 Final don't currently apply but there is a good expectation that on completion of the analysis and consultation on FAPI standards uplift this would be adopted.
834 Address to be returned in GetAccountDetails API - Requesting clarification on whether it is just the MAIL address that is required, or whether both the REGISTERED and MAIL address should be returned in the GetAccountDetail API response.
(Schema ResponseBankingAccountById - BankingAccountDetail - CommonPhysicalAddress - CommonSimpleAddress).
In the ResponseCommonCustomerDetail API it is clear that the CommonPhysicalAddressWithPurpose can return more than one address detail, however I can't see that this is clear in the GetAccountDetails API.
The purpose type isn't specified. The description of the address array notes that the addresses applicable for the account are "to be used for correspondence". If the address is not used for correspondence purposes it is excluded.
835 Under the traffic thresholds for unattended traffic, there's a threshold mentioning 20 sessions per day, per customer, per data recipient[1]. When applying this threshold, do we have to consider unattended traffic which result in error responses? For example Bad requests due to an invalid account request with a valid access token.
And also, as per our understanding traffic with authentication failures should not be considered when applying this policy. Is our understanding correct?
The threshold you quote in your question is "20 sessions per day, per customer, per data recipient". Elsewhere a session is defined as the provision of an access token.
Your questions, however, related to the counting of API invocations which are not the same as session. A single session could result in many API invocations, some which success and some which fail.
843 I think my original question was misunderstood. What I was after is how should data holders treat the following scenario: A customer provides consent today, the consent is given an arrangement ID. 2 years later, when the consent is expired (and no other consent has been added to the arrangement ID) the DR sends a request for a new consent under the same arrangement ID. Should the DH treat it as an 'amendment' and present to the customer the variations between the 2 consents as per the CX standards and then create the new consent under the same arrangement ID. So pretty much the arrangement ID lives for at least 6 years (as per record keeping requirements) from when it was issued or when the last valid consent was added to it?
Or should the DH treat it as a totally new consent and give it a new arrangement ID, and not show the differences between the 2 consents in the UI?
I could not find anything in the standards related to this scenario. The standards say that if a request for 'amendment' comes a new consent should be created and the old one revoked. However there's nothing mentioned about the case where the original consent is not valid anymore.
This is an interesting scenario. It is true that the standards are silent on this. This is because, when the arrangement ID was introduced, consent amendment was not actually valid under the rules and we were preparing the ground for a rule change indicated by the rules team. As the rules for amendment were not known the standards could not be definitive on treatment.
As the standards are silent we can only give a convention rather than a standards interpretation.
Logically, an expired consent is defunct. According to the rules the election for deletion/de-identification has already been invoked. In this context it would not be expected that an expired or revoked consent could be resurrected or amended and this scenario should be treated as a new consent. It should probably not be responded to with error, however, as the consumer must be in the context of establishing consent, otherwise a call would not be made, responding with error would be counter to the desire of the consumer.
846 We would appreciate it if the Data Standards Body could recommend an approach for including cashback offers (for example an offer to receive an amount of money for opening a new mortgage) in the product reference data. Our suggested approach is to include an offer of this type as a feature with featureType of OTHER. Please confirm that this is the best approach. This seems a reasonable approach. If you would prefer this to be an explicit feature, it would be worth raising a change request on standards maintenance.
849 I Was looking for an example of request in the scenario where DH calls the DR /arrangements/revoke. I came across example within section Client Authentication( with below and wanted to make sure I am looking at the right one.
Is the below right example for DH calling DR /arrangements/revoke end point?
The below example has token&token_type_hint sent as body parameters. But in case of /arrangements/revoke, there will be a single body parameter cdr_arrangement_id, is this correct understanding?
Example from ( Also attached is the screenshot of the same.
Non-Normative Example - Data Holder calls the Data Recipient's revocation end point (note that the “aud” claim is the fully qualified path to the revocation end point because the full path is also the Base URI).
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJQUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IjEyNDU2In0.ey …
## Decoded Bearer token JWT
{ "alg":"PS256", "typ":"JWT", "kid":"67890"}{"iss":"dataholderbrand-123", "sub":"dataholderbrand-123", "aud":"", "iat":1516239022, "exp":1516239322, jti":"dba86502-7cf5-4719-9638-c5339a0ddb06"}
The normative example you refer takes the form of the token revocation end point. Prior to the introduction of the arrangement revocation end point we were leveraging the OIDC token revocation end point. This is why the URL and the body match the token revocation structure rather than the arrangement revocation structure.
There is actually a non-normative example of the arrangement revocation end point in the security end points section:
852 As per new CDR Standards v1.10.0, new standards in error handling technique has been introduced.
Why are the error codes different across the APIs for the same business case? There should be one list of all the applicable error codes and not spread across the APIs. Application wise its not possible to have different error codes (CDR errors in this case) for the same business condition.
Eg : Get Transactions has 404 - Unavailable Banking Account and 404 - Invalid Banking Account
Get Direct Debits has 422 - Unavailable Banking Account and 422 - Invalid Banking Account
this has to do with the way the resource is requested. For the bulk APIs that use a POST, the 404 (Not Found) is not the applicable status code because the resource is not presented in the URL. 422 has always been used for the bulk APIs via POST whereby the resource that is being requested cannot be found or returned. The CDR error code is the same in both instances.
853 BankingInternationalPayee message & legalEntityIdentifier field clarifications
I have clarification on what must be provided in following fields of BankingInternationalPayee:
1. beneficiaryDetails -> message: Is this the default Payment Message/Reference entered while payee creation? If not please advice
2. legalEntityIdentifier : ISO 17442-1:2020 specifies LegalEntity ID. Is passing the SWIFT BIC ok? If not please advice.
In response to your questions:
Q: beneficiaryDetails -> message: Is this the default Payment Message/Reference entered while payee creation? If not please advice
A: Yes, I believe that is the intent
Q: legalEntityIdentifier : ISO 17442-1:2020 specifies LegalEntity ID. Is passing the SWIFT BIC ok? If not please advice.
A: No, the Swift BIC should go in beneficiaryBankBIC as stated in the description of that field
Note that these fields are optional and designed to capture a beneficiary that may be used for a variety of international payment flows such as NEFT and RTGS. It is therefore not expected that every field will be captured or returned. For instance, if a data holder doesn't capture an ISO 17442 field for international payees then the legalEntityIdentifier would be blank.
854 The description for the Unavailable Resource, Invalid Banking Account and Unavailable Bank Account for 404 and 422 is the same. Could it be that there's a mistake in the standards and for the 422 errors codes it was meant to apply when the unavailable/invalid resource is provided in the request body?
Otherwise what is the difference between the 2 sets of error codes. For example when should the 404 Invalid Banking Account be used and when should the 422 Invalid Banking Account be used?
This is correct. This was also picked up during internal team review. I have created a fix for this under Standards Maintenance ( and the fix will be included in the next release.
856 Looking for some guidance on the consent amendment scenario in a business consumer context and also on the terminology within the standards around customer & consumer.
The PAR endpoint standards say "If the cdr_arrangement_id is not related to the consumer being authenticated it MUST be rejected"
Could you please clarify who is the consumer here? The nominated representative or the business consumer itself.
And, In Issue #153's comments, DSB said this - "The DSB is working with the ACCC to draft a response providing guidance here. CDR Arrangement IDs are bound to the subject, so they are not transferable across different “sub” values."
Could you please clarify if we should allow amending the arrangement by the nominated representative who did not create the arrangement in the first place but belongs to the same business consumer?
Similarly, for get customer the standards say "Obtain basic information on the customer that has authorised the current session".
Could you please clarify who is the customer here? the nominated representative or the business consumer (Organization). I think the expectation here is to provide the organization details even though the customer that has authorized the session is nominated representative.
I was referring to the #153 in the Standards github in the specific comment -
Currently the statement "If the cdr_arrangement_id is not related to the consumer being authenticated it MUST be rejected" should be understood to mean "If the cdr_arrangement_id is not related to the same subject being authenticated it MUST be rejected". It should be noted that the provision of a subject identifier is up to the data holder in many scenarios and guidance in various articles has been given on this topic.
Note that for the standards, a customer is defined as being the customer as interpreted by the data holder. Broad latitude is given to the data holder to interpret the relationship between Customer and Agent Of Customer. This is simple in the retail context as the two entities are always the same. For business customers this is more complicated and data holders have different ways of handling this. In this context the provision of a subject identifier, the relationship between subject and person and the relationship between subject and business is a question for the data holder in their specific context.
862 Could you please confirm that data sharing rejections for below reasons should not be reported as refusals under rule 9.4(d):
  • Any bad request, for example malformed/missing/invalid header or fields in request URI or request body.
  • Method not supported, API version not supported, unacceptable header, unsupported payload format or page out of range.
  • Could not verify DR, for example due to missing/invalid certificates, or status not active with the Registry, DR/software product not found in the Registry or software product does not match DR.
  • The requested URI is not a CDR defined endpoint
  • Customer is not eligible anymore

And that below data sharing rejections should be reported as refusals under Rule 9.4(d)

  • Too many requests within a timeframe (more requests that NFRs specify)
  • Timeouts

Should requests for below data be responded with an error or empty response field or no response at all? If responded with an error, are they refusals to be reported for rule 9.4(d) purpose?

  • requests for consumer details/payees before Nov21
  • Requests in relation to closed accounts before Nov21
  • Requests for business accounts before Nov22
  • Requests for direct debit data for closed account post Nov21
  • Requests for transactions that happened more than 12 months before an account was closed (account closed within last 24 months)
  • Requests for transaction that happened more than 7 years ago
  • Requests for direct debits that happened more than 13 months ago post Nov21
  • The requested resource URL is a valid API endpoint defined by the Consumer Data Standards, but it is not implemented or not currently supported before Feb22. Assumption that the API is not supported because the Rules allow for it
    • Same scenario as above, but in this case the Rules do not allow for it. The DH got a special exemption or purely did not implement by requested time

I have been researching the support portal but was not able to find answers for these specific cases.

The classification of rejections in your first two lists seem fine to me based on previous statements by the regulator, although I would have considered a timeout as an error rather than a rejection (this still makes it reportable, however).
With regards to phasing, a data holder that is not yet obliged to implement a specific end point, or has an exemption, should respond with a 404 rather than an empty payload. These would not be considered refusals.

Response pending

Updating the table below - if your question/ ticket has not received a response yet the team continues to work on a response. We do apologise for the delay on some tickets, the teams are doing their best to get to everyone's questions.

To our valued CDR participants, We have undertaken a review of the CDR Support Portal as a channel for providing guidance on CDR Rules. Based on the volume and nature of questions we have received recently, we have decided to move to a model based on publishing guidance to the community, rather than providing individual responses to stakeholder questions. Our goal is to prioritise the provision of guidance that is accessible, transparent and has industry-wide application. We intend to develop this to meet clear community needs, which we will identify and prioritise based on questions and issues raised by stakeholders. We kindly ask for your patience as we work our way through the tickets, feedback and guidance

Useful Links

A work in progress - open for feedback from the community on what you would like to see.

Organisation Description Link
OAIC Main landing page for the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner and the Consumer Data Right Link
DSB CX Artefacts - The CX Guidelines provide optional examples of key requirements and recommendations to help organisations build best practice consent models. CDR Participants should also refer to the CDR Rules, data standards, and privacy guidelines for a complete view of obligations to facilitate compliance. Link
DSB Consumer Data Standards Main Page - About the DSB team, engaging with our consultations and Events Link
DSB The Consumer Data Standards - The technical and consumer experience standards for the Consumer Data Right Link
DSB The Banking Product Comparator - a demonstration of Product Reference Data from Data Holders as part of the Consumer Data Right Link
DSB GitHub Consultations - all public consultations from the Data Standards Body Link
DSB Java Artefacts - An Open Source Project comprised of reference implementations of both Data Holders and Data Recipients Link
ACCC & DSB The Consumer Data Right Support Portal
Knowledge base for the Consumer Data Right covering Rules through to Technical articles and questions
ACCC ACCC Main focus area/ landing page for the Consumer Data Right Link
ACCC GitHub Consultations - all public consultations from the ACCC Register Team Link
ACCC CDR Register Design Reference Link
ACCC Public page for the Consumer Data Right Link
ACCC Participant Portal page including sign-up and log-in Link
TSY Consumer Data Right background and historic records from the Treasury Link
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