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Topography Storage and Calculation Service for Contact Mechanics.

Built with Cookiecutter Django


Moved to settings.

User Accounts

The application uses ORCID for user authentication, so you need an ORCID account to use it.

If you need a super user or staff user during development, e.g. for acccessing the admin page, connect to the datbase and set the is_superuser or is_staff flags manually.

Running tests with py.test

$ USE_DOCKER=no DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.test pytest

Or use run configurations in your IDE, e.g. in PyCharm.

linting with pre-commit hooks

We are testing the code quality in the test pipeline, if your code is not conform with flake8, the pipeline will fail. To prevent you from committing non-conform code, you can install pre-commit. pre-commit runs tests on your code befor the commit. Just install pre-commit with pip or your package manager. Then run:

pre-commit install

Thats all you really need to do!

To run the pre-commit hooks by hand you can run:

pre-commit run

If you want to skip a pre-commit stage, i.e. flake8, run:

SKIP=flake8 pre-commit run


The full application can be run in Docker containers, for development and production. This also includes the database, message brokers, celery workers and more. It is currently the easiest way to run the full stack.

See the Sphinx documentation how to install docker and how to start the application using docker, for deployment (see chapter "Deploy") or local development (see "Installation on development machine / Starting Topobank in Docker").


This app comes with Celery.

To run a celery worker:

cd topobank
celery -A topobank.taskapp worker -l info

Please note: For Celery's import magic to work, it is important where the celery commands are run. If you are in the same folder with, you should be right.

There is a bash script which also sets some environment variables needed in order to connect to the message broker and to the result backend.


Development of this project is funded by the European Research Council within Starting Grant 757343.