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Count licensed Contrast Assess Applications across environments, de-duplicating them by name, language, and metadata

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Contrast Assess Count License Usage

Script to count licensed Contrast Assess Applications across environments, de-duplicating them by name, language, and metadata. Intended for use with Prometheus.

A total unique application count metric is emitted, as well as used license counts for each environment.


  • Python 3.10 (other versions may work but are untested)
  • Ability to install Python libraries from requirements.txt


You can run this script locally with a Python install, or, in a container with the provided Dockerfile

Container use


docker run -it -v $PWD/config.json:/usr/src/app/config.json <...args...>

Local build

docker build . --tag contrast-count-assess-licenses # Build the container
docker run -it -v $PWD/config.json:/usr/src/app/config.json contrast-count-assess-licenses <...args...> # Run the container

Local use

Use of a virtual environment is encouraged

python3 -m venv venv # Create the virtual environment
. venv/bin/activate # Activate the virtual environment
pip3 install -r requirements.txt # Install dependencies
python3 <args> # Run script

Connection and Authentication

Connection details for your environments should be specified in the format described in config.json.tmpl.

Each environment must be distinctly named.


Full usage information:


Utility to count licensed Contrast Assess Applications across environments, de-duplicating them by name, language, and metadata.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config_file CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Path to JSON config or - to read it from stdin, defaults to config.json
  -i UPDATE_INTERVAL, --update-interval UPDATE_INTERVAL, --update_interval UPDATE_INTERVAL
                        Number of minutes to wait between polls of the configured environments for licensed applications. Only used when serving prometheus data with -p.
                        Log level
  -p PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_PORT, --prometheus-listen-port PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_PORT, --prometheus_listen_port PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_PORT
                        Port to serve metrics on.
  -u PROMETHEUS_PUSH_GATEWAY, --prometheus-push-gateway PROMETHEUS_PUSH_GATEWAY, --prometheus_push_gateway PROMETHEUS_PUSH_GATEWAY
                        URL for a Prometheus push gateway where metrics will be sent.

If used with -p, the license data will be periodically refreshed (default every 5 minutes), and served on the specified port (daemon mode).

If used with -u, the license data is retrieved once and sent to the specified push gateway URL. This is good for cron-style environments.

Both options may not be used together.

If neither option is provided, counts are logged at the default info level.


# HELP contrast_assess_unique_licensed_applications Number of unique licensed Contrast Assess applications, de-duplicated by name, language and metadata values.
# TYPE contrast_assess_unique_licensed_applications gauge
contrast_assess_unique_licensed_applications 6.0
# HELP contrast_assess_licensed_applications_total Number of licensed Contrast Assess applications on an environment.
# TYPE contrast_assess_licensed_applications_total gauge
contrast_assess_licensed_applications_total{environment="Environment1"} 5.0
contrast_assess_licensed_applications_total{environment="Environment2-EU"} 3.0
# HELP contrast_assess_licensed_applications Number of licensed Contrast Assess applications in a specific language.
# TYPE contrast_assess_licensed_applications gauge
contrast_assess_licensed_applications{environment="Environment1",language="Node"} 3.0
contrast_assess_licensed_applications{environment="Environment1",language="Java"} 1.0
contrast_assess_licensed_applications{environment="Environment1",language="PHP"} 1.0
contrast_assess_licensed_applications{environment="Environment2-EU",language="Node"} 3.0
# HELP contrast_assess_licensed_applications_updated_unixtime Time the Contrast Assess licensed applications were last polled.
# TYPE contrast_assess_licensed_applications_updated_unixtime gauge
contrast_assess_licensed_applications_updated_unixtime 1.663061168118352e+09
# HELP contrast_assess_licensed_applications_update_duration_seconds Time it took to update license counts.
# TYPE contrast_assess_licensed_applications_update_duration_seconds gauge
contrast_assess_licensed_applications_update_duration_seconds 0.0750698340125382

Development Setup

Various tools enforce code standards, and are run as a pre-commit hook. This must be setup before committing changes with the following commands:

python3 -m venv venv # setup a virtual environment
. venv/bin/activate # activate the virtual environment
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt # install development dependencies (will also include app dependencies)
pre-commit install # setup the pre-commit hook which handles formatting


Count licensed Contrast Assess Applications across environments, de-duplicating them by name, language, and metadata







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