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Use Application Analytics to autocollect events and track application specific events and state changes.

Conviva Android App Analytics can be included in two ways in any Android app projects.

  • Gradle dependency
  • Offline library

Gradle dependency

Add the following line to app's build.gradle file along with the dependencies:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.conviva.sdk:conviva-android-tracker:<version>'

    // Conviva video sensor dependency(supported 4.0.19 onwards)
    implementation 'com.conviva.sdk:conviva-core-sdk:<version>'
Offline library

Offline library

Place the Conviva App Sensor in app's 'libs' folder and add the following line to app's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs',include:['*.aar'])

Support Android Version

Target sdk version : Android 14 (API level 34)
Minimum sdk version : Android 5.0 (API level 21)

Android Sensor and Conviva Plugin Versions compatibility

Android Gradle Version Conviva Sensor Version Conviva Plugin Version
7.2 and above >=0.9.0 0.3.3
below 7.2 >=0.9.1 0.2.4
below 7.2 0.9.0 0.2.3

Initialize the tracker by enabling autocollection

TrackerController tracker = ConvivaAppAnalytics.createTracker(context,
// The tracker object can be fetched using the following API in the other classes than the place where createTracker is invoked using following API:
TrackerController tracker = ConvivaAppAnalytics.getDefaultTracker();

customerKey - a string to identify specific customer account. Different keys shall be used for development / debug versus production environment. Find your keys on the account info page in Pulse.

appName - a string value used to distinguish your applications. Simple values that are unique across all of your integrated platforms work best here.

Set the user id (viewer id)


Extend tracking to track your application specific events and state changes

Use trackCustomEvent() API to track all kinds of events. This API provides 2 fields to describe the tracked events:
eventName - Name of the custom event
eventData - Any type of data in JSONObject format

The following example shows the implementation of the 'onClick' event listener to any element.

// Supported from 0.5.0 onwards

JSONObject eventDataJSON = new JSONObject();
eventDataJSON.put("identifier1", intValue);
eventDataJSON.put("identifier2", boolValue);
eventDataJSON.put("identifier3", "stringValue");

String eventName = "your-event-name";

tracker.trackCustomEvent(eventName, eventDataJSON);
track application with data in JSON String format

trackCustomEvent() with data in JSON String format

Use trackCustomEvent() API to track all kinds of events. This API provides 2 fields to describe the tracked events:
eventName - Name of the custom event
eventData - Any type of data in JSON String format

The following example shows the implementation of the 'onClick' event listener to any element.

// ... send events 'onClick' of button
HashMap<String, Object> eventData = new HashMap<>(); 
eventData.put("identifier1", intValue); 
eventData.put("identifier2", boolValue); 
eventData.put("identifier3", "stringValue");

String eventName = "your-event-name";

tracker.trackCustomEvent(eventName, JSONValue.toJSONString(eventData));

Extend tracking to set your application specific custom tags

Use setCustomTags() API to set custom tags
Use clearCustomTags() API to clear few of the previously set custom tags
Use clearAllCustomTags() API to clear all the previously set custom tags

The following example shows the implementation of the application using these API's:

// Adds the custom tags
HashMap<String, Object> tags = new HashMap<>(); 
eventData.put("key1", intValue); 
eventData.put("key2", boolValue); 
eventData.put("key3", "stringValue");

// clears few of the custom tags
Set<String> clearTagKeysSet = new HashSet<>();

// clears all the custom tags

Collection of the user click events of any clickable views via instrumentation

This feature supports tracking the user click events of views when a View.OnClickListener is set in the application and is supported from 0.7.3 version onwards

The following example shows how to include the plugin:

// in the root or project-level build.gradle
dependencies {
// For Android Gradle Plugin version 8.0 and above, use
classpath 'com.conviva.sdk:android-plugin:0.3.x'

// For Android Gradle Plugin version below 8.x, use
classpath 'com.conviva.sdk:android-plugin:0.2.x'

// in the app, build.gradle at the end of plugins add the
apply plugin: ''

// in the app, build.gradle.kts at the end of plugins add the
plugins {
    id ''

Collection of the OkHttp/Retrofit/HTTPSUrlConnection/HTTPUrlConnection NetworkRequest Tracking via instrumentation

This feature supports to track the Network Requests triggerred with in application and third party libraries scope as well supported from 0.7.1 version onwards

The following example shows how to include the plugin:

// in the root or project-level build.gradle
dependencies {
// For Android Gradle Plugin version 8.0 and above, use
classpath 'com.conviva.sdk:android-plugin:0.3.x'

// For Android Gradle Plugin version below 8.x, use
classpath 'com.conviva.sdk:android-plugin:0.2.x'

// in the app, build.gradle at the end of plugins add the
apply plugin: ''

// in the app, build.gradle.kts at the end of plugins add the
plugins {
    id ''

Here are some of the granular details/limitations of the feature:

  • Response and Request Body atributes are collected only when the:
    • size is < 10kb and the content-length is available
    • content-type is "json" or "text/plain"
    • data is a JSONObject or Nested JSONObject or JSONArray
  • Response and Request Headers are collected only when the:
    • data is a JSONObject(Nested JSONObject and JSONArray are not yet supported)
    • server is provisioned with "Access-Control-Expose-Headers:"*

API to override the default Activity Name in the Screen View Event

This feature supports overriding the default Activity Name in the Screen View Event. Add the public variable convivaScreenName in the corresponding activity which you want to set the screen name supported from 0.9.0 version onwards

The following example shows how to include the plugin:

public class ExampleActivity extends Activity {
    Public String convivaScreenName = "HomeScreen";
Auto-collected Events
Conviva provides a rich set of application performance metrics with the help of autocollected app events, such as screen_view , button_click, and network_request.
Event Occurrence
network_request after receiving the network request response
screen_view when the screen is interacted on either first launch or relaunch
application_error when an error occurrs in the application
button_click on the button click callback
application_background when the application is taken to the background
application_foreground when the application is taken to the foreground
application_install when the application is launched for the first time after it's installed. (It's not the exact installed time.)
deep_link_received on opening an application using the UTM URL
anr_start Timer starts for the response from the main thread. If it takes more than 4 seconds, anr_start event is triggered.
anr_end If the SDK gets response after triggering anr_start, then anr_end is dispatched.

To learn about the default metrics for analyzing the native and web applications performance, such as App Crashes, Avg Screen Load Time, and Page Loads, refer to the App Experience Metrics page in the Learning Center.