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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 2, 2021. It is now read-only.


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This project is currently on hold. In the short term, I plan to add Firefox Sync support to SmartCookieWeb for Android so you can share bookmarks, etc with a desktop browser. I'll eventually resume working on this when I have some more time.

SmartCookieWeb-Desktop is a web brower for PCs based on Wexond and designed to be as similar to SmartCookieWeb for Android as possible whilst still remaining suited to use with a mouse and keyboard. If you would like an identical experience, including the touchscreen-based UI, your best option is Anbox.


This project requires NPM and Node.JS to be installed on your machine.

If you're on Windows you'll need to run the following command before building:

npm i -g windows-build-tools


To build SmartCookieWeb-Dekstop, run the following commands in the root folder:

npm install

npm run rebuild

and to run the app (please note that if you encounter issues with the development version, try building an executable and see if the bug appears there):

npm run dev


To generate an executable, run one of the following commands depending on the OS you want to build for:


npm run compile-win32


npm run compile-linux


npm run compile-darwin

The executable will be created in the dist/ folder