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Releases: Cookierawks/Anno-1800-Collection-Tracker

Anno 1800 Collection Tracker

28 Jun 17:37
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A program that allows you to track your gained cultural items one has across several islands.

Note: The original tool is currently only available in German but I have translated the text to EN. Nothing else was modified. For the original source, visit Thank you u/Waynetertainer for making an awesome tool!


When the tool starts it opens a dialogue where you can either: (the same dialogue opens when you click “Load Save” in the tool) - Create a new save (enter a name and click on “New”. If you entered a name of a file that already exists you will be asked whether you want to override the save) - Delete a save (Click “Load Save” then click on the save. Click on “Delete”. You will be asked to confirm your decision as this action is irreversible) - Open a save (Click “Load Save”, select the save file and then on “Open”)

Note: Saves files must be in the same folder as the tool

To mark an item click on an icon to activate/deactivate it. There are tabs for the different islands with each having three tabs for zoo, museum & botanical garden. You can add new islands by writing the name of the new island into the text field in the top left corner (default is “New Island”) and clicking on “Add Island”. If you want to delete an island simply click on “Delete Island” while the island is selected (If you accidentally deleted the wrong island, simply close the tool. Your changes aren’t saved automatically). When you click on “Save” all changes you made will be saved to the save you choose at the beginning.


