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Replace exposed modules with old internal implementations. Refs #289.
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In a prior commit, internal implementations had been moved to a separate
module so that modules that were not going to be exposed directly could
be deprecated safely without triggering warnings when compiling

With the concealment of the library's implementation, those additional
internal modules can return to where they were. This commit renames the
modules to have their original names, adjusts imports, and the cabal
file so that the modules removed are no longer listed in the library.
  • Loading branch information
ivanperez-keera committed Jan 12, 2022
1 parent f4f2c2a commit 17cd3f2
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Showing 6 changed files with 164 additions and 185 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions copilot-c99/copilot-c99.cabal
Expand Up @@ -63,5 +63,3 @@ library
, Copilot.Compile.C99.External
, Copilot.Compile.C99.Compile
, Copilot.Compile.C99.Settings
, Copilot.Compile.C99.Compile.Internal
, Copilot.Compile.C99.Settings.Internal
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions copilot-c99/src/Copilot/Compile/C99.hs
Expand Up @@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ module Copilot.Compile.C99
, mkDefaultCSettings
) where

import Copilot.Compile.C99.Compile.Internal
import Copilot.Compile.C99.Settings.Internal
import Copilot.Compile.C99.Compile
import Copilot.Compile.C99.Settings
158 changes: 153 additions & 5 deletions copilot-c99/src/Copilot/Compile/C99/Compile.hs
@@ -1,11 +1,159 @@
-- | Compile Copilot specifications to C99 code.
module Copilot.Compile.C99.Compile
{-# DEPRECATED "This module will be hidden in future versions." #-}
( compile
, compileWith
, CSettings(..)
, mkDefaultCSettings
) where

import Copilot.Compile.C99.Compile.Internal
import Copilot.Compile.C99.Settings.Internal
import Text.PrettyPrint (render)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)

import Language.C99.Pretty (pretty)
import qualified Language.C99.Simple as C

import Copilot.Core
import Copilot.Compile.C99.Util
import Copilot.Compile.C99.External
import Copilot.Compile.C99.Settings
import Copilot.Compile.C99.Translate
import Copilot.Compile.C99.CodeGen

-- | Compile a specification to a .h and a .c file.
-- The first argument is the settings for the C code generated.
-- The second argument is used as prefix for the .h and .c files generated.
compileWith :: CSettings -> String -> Spec -> IO ()
compileWith cSettings prefix spec
| null (specTriggers spec)
= do hPutStrLn stderr $
"Copilot error: attempt at compiling empty specification.\n"
++ "You must define at least one trigger to generate C monitors."

| otherwise
= do let cfile = render $ pretty $ C.translate $ compilec cSettings spec
hfile = render $ pretty $ C.translate $ compileh cSettings spec

-- TODO: find a nicer solution using annotated AST's
-- Should figure out exactly which headers are needed, based on what
-- is used.
cmacros = unlines [ "#include <stdint.h>"
, "#include <stdbool.h>"
, "#include <string.h>"
, "#include <stdlib.h>"
, "#include <math.h>"
, ""
, "#include \"" ++ prefix ++ ".h\""
, ""

let dir = cSettingsOutputDirectory cSettings
createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
writeFile (dir </> prefix ++ ".c") $ cmacros ++ cfile
writeFile (dir </> prefix ++ ".h") hfile

-- | Compile a specification to a .h and a .c file.
-- The first argument is used as prefix for the .h and .c files generated.
compile :: String -> Spec -> IO ()
compile = compileWith mkDefaultCSettings

-- | Generate the .c file from a 'Spec'.
-- The generated C file has the following structure:
-- * Include .h file.
-- * Declarations of global buffers and indices.
-- * Generator functions for streams, guards and trigger arguments.
-- * Declaration of the @step()@ function.
compilec :: CSettings -> Spec -> C.TransUnit
compilec cSettings spec = C.TransUnit declns funs where
streams = specStreams spec
triggers = specTriggers spec
exts = gatherexts streams triggers
exprs = gatherexprs streams triggers

declns = mkstructdeclns exprs ++ mkexts exts ++ mkglobals streams
funs = genfuns streams triggers ++ [mkstep cSettings streams triggers exts]

-- Write struct datatypes
mkstructdeclns :: [UExpr] -> [C.Decln]
mkstructdeclns es = catMaybes $ map mkdecln utypes where
mkdecln (UType ty) = case ty of
Struct x -> Just $ mkstructdecln ty
_ -> Nothing

utypes = nub $ concatMap (\(UExpr _ e) -> exprtypes e) es

-- Make declarations for copies of external variables.
mkexts :: [External] -> [C.Decln]
mkexts exts = map mkextcpydecln exts

-- Make buffer and index declarations for streams.
mkglobals :: [Stream] -> [C.Decln]
mkglobals streams = map buffdecln streams ++ map indexdecln streams where
buffdecln (Stream sid buff _ ty) = mkbuffdecln sid ty buff
indexdecln (Stream sid _ _ _ ) = mkindexdecln sid

-- Make generator functions, including trigger arguments.
genfuns :: [Stream] -> [Trigger] -> [C.FunDef]
genfuns streams triggers = map accessdecln streams
++ map streamgen streams
++ concatMap triggergen triggers where

accessdecln :: Stream -> C.FunDef
accessdecln (Stream sid buff _ ty) = mkaccessdecln sid ty buff

streamgen :: Stream -> C.FunDef
streamgen (Stream sid _ expr ty) = genfun (generatorname sid) expr ty

triggergen :: Trigger -> [C.FunDef]
triggergen (Trigger name guard args) = guarddef : argdefs where
guarddef = genfun (guardname name) guard Bool
argdefs = map arggen (zip (argnames name) args)

arggen :: (String, UExpr) -> C.FunDef
arggen (argname, UExpr ty expr) = genfun argname expr ty

-- | Generate the .h file from a 'Spec'.
compileh :: CSettings -> Spec -> C.TransUnit
compileh cSettings spec = C.TransUnit declns [] where
streams = specStreams spec
triggers = specTriggers spec
exts = gatherexts streams triggers
exprs = gatherexprs streams triggers

declns = mkstructforwdeclns exprs
++ mkexts exts
++ extfundeclns triggers
++ [stepdecln]

mkstructforwdeclns :: [UExpr] -> [C.Decln]
mkstructforwdeclns es = catMaybes $ map mkdecln utypes where
mkdecln (UType ty) = case ty of
Struct x -> Just $ mkstructforwdecln ty
_ -> Nothing

utypes = nub $ concatMap (\(UExpr _ e) -> exprtypes e) es

-- Make declarations for external variables.
mkexts :: [External] -> [C.Decln]
mkexts = map mkextdecln

extfundeclns :: [Trigger] -> [C.Decln]
extfundeclns triggers = map extfundecln triggers where
extfundecln :: Trigger -> C.Decln
extfundecln (Trigger name _ args) = C.FunDecln Nothing cty name params where
cty = C.TypeSpec C.Void
params = map mkparam $ zip (argnames name) args
mkparam (name, UExpr ty _) = C.Param (transtype ty) name

-- Declaration for the step function.
stepdecln :: C.Decln
stepdecln = C.FunDecln Nothing (C.TypeSpec C.Void)
(cSettingsStepFunctionName cSettings) []
159 changes: 0 additions & 159 deletions copilot-c99/src/Copilot/Compile/C99/Compile/Internal.hs

This file was deleted.

14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions copilot-c99/src/Copilot/Compile/C99/Settings.hs
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
-- | Settings used by the code generator to customize the code.
module Copilot.Compile.C99.Settings
{-# DEPRECATED "This module will be hidden in future versions." #-}
(module Copilot.Compile.C99.Settings.Internal)
module Copilot.Compile.C99.Settings where

import Copilot.Compile.C99.Settings.Internal
-- | Settings used to customize the code generated.
data CSettings = CSettings
{ cSettingsStepFunctionName :: String
, cSettingsOutputDirectory :: FilePath

-- | Default settings with a step function called @step@.
mkDefaultCSettings :: CSettings
mkDefaultCSettings = CSettings "step" "."
12 changes: 0 additions & 12 deletions copilot-c99/src/Copilot/Compile/C99/Settings/Internal.hs

This file was deleted.

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