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CoreMedia CKEditor 5 Content Clipboard Plugin

API Documentation

Module: @coremedia/ckeditor5-coremedia-content-clipboard

The CoreMedia Content Clipboard plugin extends the CKEditor 5 Clipboard Feature.

It consists of two main plugins

  • ContentClipboard:

    Integrates into CKEditor's Input Pipeline and evaluates input events for CoreMedia Content inputs. Inputs can be triggered by all kinds of user interaction, such as dropping or pasting.

    If an input is of the CoreMedia Content type, the default Input Pipeline is stopped and the ContentClipboard takes over by adding loading spinners (and Markers) for the dropped contents.

  • ContentClipboardEditing:

    The ContentClipboardEditing plugin listens to Content Input Markers, added by the ContentClipboard plugin. It then loads the linked content, removes the placeholder and renders the corresponding content.


pnpm install @coremedia/ckeditor5-coremedia-content-clipboard
import ContentClipboard from "@coremedia/ckeditor5-coremedia-content-clipboard/ContentClipboard";

ClassicEditor.create(document.querySelector('#editor'), {
  plugins: [
    /* ... */
}).then((editor) => {
  /* ... */