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"Vireo" is Latin for "green". Vireo is simply Web3.0 "GreenPeace". Vireo is a project that started with the belief that blockchain technology can help the environment.

We thought that the web3.0 POS validator activity would be a clue to sustainability. We set up a treasury with the yield from the validator and completed the structure by letting the DAO decide how to use the treasury for environmental activities.

In addition, DAO users can check their environmental impact in a visualized form and enjoy more environmental activities by obtaining VireoX creatures (Dynamic NFTs) that evolve in proportion to the amount of staking and the period of time.


In 2023, the world was hit by an unprecedented climate crisis. As we were in the blockchain industry, we were inspired to start using blockchain to heal environmental problems.

Why Validators?

  • Long-Term Commitment: Solving environmental issues isn't a quick fix; it requires sustained attention and investment.

  • The Web3.0 Solution: Vireo enables donors to preserve their principal amount, using only the generated interest
    for environmental causes.

Current Scale of Staking

How It Works

1. Delegated Staking
smart contracts transparently direct generated interest into an environmental treasury.
A real-time dashboard allows users to track how much is staked and accrued in the treasury.

2. Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)
Stakers are granted DAO memberships that allow them voting rights on how the treasury is utilized.
DAO members can propose and vote on environmental initiatives.

3. Dynamic NFTs (D-NFT)
Stakers receive D-NFTs as proof of membership.
These D-NFTs evolve based on the amount and duration of the stake, and they can grant additional voting power.


owner = 0xb4fa1208e1f7dada8a952b1edeada26122024092

VireoETH = 0xF399415f8B9E5e8284BdB90bed51cD34e3eA7D4D

VireoX = 0x96B8982c049b94F56Bb21479d9AAEbECF057381c

VireoStaker = 0x019083EC729A9f7D14b11C60468EE02e58fDce33

Group 58


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