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How to use the editor

Corne2Plum3 edited this page Dec 16, 2020 · 2 revisions

How to use the editor

In this page there is a short presentation of all elements of the editor and the documentation about colors and shadows, 2 commons elements in the editor.


Image of the editor 1

  1. Editor mode selector: This is here you can change what you edit (hitcircle, slider-heads, or numbers).
  2. Skin and author name: Put the name of your skin and your username. It's used in the skin.ini file.
  3. Preview: A preview of your hitcircle with all elements.
  4. Preview settings: You can set what is displayed in the preview.
  5. Combo colors: Choose the default combo of the skin.
  6. Editor controls: This is here you change settings to custom your hitcircle. Varies with the editor mode.
  7. Reset button: Reset the editor.

Image of the editor 2

  1. skin.ini: Displays the content of the skin.ini file.
  2. Export settings & button: Configure and export your skin.

Colors and gradients

You can configure the color of a lot of elements. The editor allows you to use gradients too. You can choose one color or a gradient too.

The color and gradient UI

  1. Type of gradient: define the type of gradient. There is 3 types of gradients: None, Linear, and Radial.

None, Linear and Gradient

  • None: No gradient. The Color 1 will be used.
  • Linear: Linear gradient. The Color 1 will be in a border of the circle, and the Color 2 in the opposite.
  • Radial: Radial gradient. The Color 1 will be the color at the center (for a filled circle) or in the inner border (for border-only circles), and the Color 2 will be used at the outer border.
  1. Gradient direction: (Linear gradient only) set the direction of the gradient. The direction is in degrees, and you can put a value between -360 and 360.
  2. Color 1: A color have 2 things: a color picker and a opacity value, between 0 (transparant) and 100 (full visible).
  3. Color 2: (Linear and Radial gradients only) Same inputs than Color 1.

Shadow and glow

Shadow and glow it's the same thing. In some elements you can put a shadow/glow.

Shadow UI

  1. Type of shadow: define the type of shadow/glow. There is 3 types of shadow/glow: None, out, in/out.
  • None: Don't apply a shadow/glow.
  • Shadow/Glow out: Apply a shadow/glow outside of the circle.
  • Shadow in/out: (Overlay only) Add a shadow in the inner and outer of the circle.

Blur example

Units aren't accurate.

  1. Blur: Define the blur of the shadow/glow. (Values aren't accurate in the image, and don't have unit, but you know the idea.)
  2. Shadow/glow color: You can set the color and the opacity, between 0 (transparant) and 100 (full visible).