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The goal of devubesp is to automate analyses setup tasks that are otherwise performed manually. This includes setting up directories, supporting packages and projects.


You can install the development version from GitHub with the following procedure:

# install.packages("devtools")


The package, de facto, provide a single function. The aim of the function `create_ubesp_analysis() is to setup all the folders’ structure, with all the needed and sample files to conduct analyses at UBESP. Does not matter if they are for a thesis, a project, a simple analyses, the initial structure for the project should be the same.

The aim is to drastically reduce (up to the phisical limit of write a single line of code) the time needed to set up a well-organized and standardized structure for all the project, from the simplest to the most complex.

My first hope is to have provaided a simple and effective instrument to reduce the direct time in the preparation of any project. The second, and more relevant, hope is that all of this will be shared between the colleagues in a way to reduce also the future time to understand each other projects structure and work-flow in conducting analyses with R within the same unit.


The main characteristics of the resulting structure of files and folders created are:

  • A main folder name which is not ambiguous in time, this is achieved pre-appending the year to the name of the main project name.[1]

  • presence of a first-level folder to collect and manage data-raw, which can be huge, and sensitive, hence often they cannot be shared or uploaded on the Net (e.g., GitHub). For this reason this folder is outside the one promoted to be VCS trakked by git.GitHub. On the other hand, the folder itself can be copy-pasted to a costumer folder, a supervisor folder, or to an external folder (e.g., SharePoint), if usefull and admitted, because it contains only the raw data and the script to import (merge and) import them in the analyses folder (if necessary).

    The folder structure is very simple and it contains only a preconfigured script to import and save the data in the right position.

  • presence of a folder (analyses/) that can be safely copy-pasted to a costumer folder, to supervisor folder, or to an external folder (e.g., SharePoint). This has to be happen without any worry to brake some VCS controller (like git) nor to share unwanted information, comments, notes, data that should remain private to the analyst. It will contain all the reports, the outputs, and the scripts useful to find the results and also to reproduce them.

    The main folder structure is:

        |- R/                # R script for analyses and reports (.R)
        |- reports/          # Final version of the reports (.docx)
        |- outputs/          # Output to share for the analyses (.png)
        |- docx-template/    # Template to fine knit the report (.docx) 
        |- bibtex-files/     # Reference cited in the report (.bib)

    This folder, because it is an analyses one, is already preconfigured as an RStudio .Rproj.

  • presence of a package-folder infrastructure which can be use to implement and include any custom or additional function usefull for the analyses. Making able to test, document, trakking their changes, and share with everyone else easily.

    This can be VCS with git and GitHub safely, without the risk to overfull the space at the disposal with messy and uncompressed raw data.

    The folder analyses/ is stored in the first level inside of the package-folder prjname/, so it is easy to find, and use them for the analyses. On the other hande, analyses/ is .Rbuildignored from the package, this way it that can be git-tracked (by default it is) but it is not provided in the package boundle.[2] Hence, the package can be safely shared both through GitHub or CRAN without risk to share data or analyses, and everyone (future-you too) can easily use all the function you provide with the package as simply as devtools::install_gitub("UBESP-DCTV/<project_name>").

  • presence of (standardized) additional common project and utility folders and files. These are all subfolders of the main project folder:

        |- prjname/           # the R-package folder
            |- analyses/      # the folder for the analyses
        |- essential-bibliography/        # used literature (.pdf) 
        |- papers/            # maintaining ordered in writings
            |- draft/         # from drafts (`.docx`) 
            |- submitted/     # to submissions (`.docx`, `.png`, `.pdf`)
            |- published/     # up to the publishing (`.pdf`, only)
        |- minutes/           # for the minutes (example `.txt` inside)
        |- proposal.docx      # requests (replace example w/ current!)
        |-  # personal notes, not to be shared 

Example of usage

The simplest example is all you need to view to learn how simple it is to be used:[3]

# next, read and follow the instructions appering on the screen :-)

You can also include longer path to aggregate similar kynd of projects:


Best Practice for synchronized folders

If you are traking your job using a synchronized folder (e.g., OneDrive, G Drive, or DropBox), from one side you can experience iussue including a git progect into it because too many agent try to have the control of what you can see and what is changed (i.e., git and, e.g., OneDrive). On the other side, if you develop your code using git, you really do not need to have a second agent to track it! Anyway, all the part of your project which is not under git control should be tracked and stored in the synchronized folder. From here the choice seams to be to use two distinct folders, e.g., one under OneDrive/ for all the project’s files you do not whant into git (and data, if they are protected on too big for, e.g., GitHub) and one on ~/Documents/. On the other hand, this can be annoying because you have to switch from one folder to another during the development of your project and, more important, you cannot access smootly to the data folder from your R project directory (in the case you do not want to git it). Copying averiting twice is, at the best, incredibly inefficient!

The solution comes using symbolic link, simply pointers to a file or folder. They appear like a shortcut links but they are not: the first are really only a pointer (i.e. they are neighter file or folder), while the second are files, containing the address of the target file or folder they point to.

Now you can create all your project tree under, e.g., OneDrive/yyyy-prjname, create an empty folder ~/Documets/yyyy-prjname and move into it the projname/ folder containing all the development staff you are going to develop in R and, that you want to exclude from OneDrive tracking, and track under git. Next you can create a symbolic link from all the other files and folders into OneDrive/yyyy-prjname to ~/Documets/yyyy-prjname. This way your ~/Documets/yyyy-prjname folder will apparently contain all the object of the OneDrive/yyyy-prjname, plus the project R folder. On the other hand, they do not use any space in your disk, and they are safely sotred and tracked by OneDrive only but, thank to the symlinks, you can acess to them, from the R project folder smootly using standard relative path as they are really there, e.g., by here::here(../data-raw) from the project working directory!

To create symlinks you can have different ways depending of your needs and OS. Following what I find usefull to learn how to create them:

Feature request

If you need some more features, please file an issue on github.

Bug reports

If you encounter a bug, please file a reprex (minimal reproducible example) on github.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the “devubesp” project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


Most of the underlying function used to create this package comes directly or with slightly modifications from the usethis package, by Hadley Wickham and Jennifer Bryan.


  1. In the minutes/ folder there where also an empty .txt file named with the current date (yymmdd) and the project name, to permit to setup initial official notes (time-trakked).

  2. If you want to not git trakking the analyses/ folder too, add it to .gitignore.

  3. the tilda (“~”), here, expands to the home directory from the “r point-of-view”, i.e. the classical home/ on Unix systems, but to the “user/documents” on windows (instead of the simple “user/”).


Automate Analyses Setup at UBESP



Code of conduct



