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Vincent Carluer edited this page Apr 20, 2021 · 3 revisions


Azure Digital Twins. A Microsoft Platform to manage Digital Twins which is pre-connected with the Cosmo Tech Platform and Tooling.

BI Service

A SaaS BI service like Microsoft PowerBI which is able to share externally its reports.


A software which connect a specific system to read or write Data compatible with Run Templates.


A BI Dashboard authored in a BI dedicated service and declared in the Workspace for the Web Application.

Data Warehouse

The Platform Data Warehouse which is connected to the EventHub to store Data and make it available for BI Use Cases.


A set of data compatible with a Run Template fetch by a Connector.


A Compute Engine which can handle the Simulator to tackle advanced Use Cases.


A Cosmo Tech Platform streaming service which receives the ScenarioRun results and events while it is running.


A registered Organization in the Platform. Base of the Platform tenant security to isolate Data.


Platform as a Service. When the Cosmo Tech Platform is deployed in customer own Cloud tenant.


The Cosmo Tech Digital Twins API Platform.


A Cosmo Tech Project which can define a Cosmo Tech Simulator and the associated Solution. A Project is package and published to the Platform as a Container image.

Run Template

A Run definition which define the parameters available for a Scenario, how to use this parameters, how to validate a model, how to run the engine.


Software as a Service. When the Cosmo Tech Platform is used directly from the Cosmo Tech service.


A Master or WhatIf Scenario, bound to Datasets and a Run Template for which it defines the parameter values. It can be run.


A single Run for a given Scenario with execution logs. It sends results and events Data to the Platform EventHub.


A Cosmo Tech Simulator defined in CosML with a Conceptual Model, its Behavior and a Scheduler.


A Cosmo Tech Solution which references a Project Container image and define Run Templates.


The Cosmo Tech SDK and CLI used to build and publish Solutions in the Platform.


A registered User in the Platform with its associated roles.

Web Application

A Web Application which is connected to a Platform Workspace to offer a customized User Experience.


A project Workspace, bound to a Solution which contextualize Business Use Cases with a Web Application, Dashboard definitions and available Run Templates.