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Anthony Ramirez edited this page Sep 28, 2015 · 2 revisions


Qt is an open-source, cross-platform application toolkit that used to develop application software. The term "cross-platform" refers to the idea that the software can be run on multiple device platforms.

Qt uses standard C++ with an added language construct to make widget implementation easier. It includes about 1000 C++ library classes. It comes with its own IDE known as Qt Creator.

###Qt Essentials

###Creating a Widget

Qt creator includes an application wizard that aids in the initial process. This is a basic tutorial on how to create a basic notepad widget.

Applications > Qt Widgets Application > Choose

The Widgets App creates a project with the following files:

  • the project file.
  • main.cpp: the main source file for the application.
  • notepad.cpp: the source file of the notepad class of the Notepad widget.
  • notepad.h: the header file of the notepad class for the Notepad widget.
  • notepad.ui: the UI form for the Notepad widget.

Next we are going to use the Qt Designer to add widgets.

  1. double click notepad.ui file to launch the Qt designer
  2. drag and drop Text Edit and Push Button to the main form
  3. double-click the push button to change the text
  4. In the properties pane, change the object name value to quitButton
  5. Press Ctrl+A or Cmd+A to select widgets and click Vertical Layout

###Adding Push Buttons

We have to add a slot to the connect the Quit button we've already added.

  1. Go to the Qt design window
  2. Right click on the button and select Go to slot > clicked()

This adds a slot to the notepad.h header file.

 private slots:
     void on_quitButton_clicked();

Next, got to the notepad.cpp file to modify the private function executed. Add qApp->quit(); to the function body.

 void Notepad::on_quitButton_clicked()

###Adding Menu Items

You can add dropdown menus to the window. Before doing this, the following 4 classes need to be included in the notepad.cpp file

  • #include < QFileDialog >
  • #include < QFile >
  • #include < QMessageBox >
  • #include < QTextStream >

Now follow the steps to add menu items and tool buttons to the main window.

  1. Go to the Qt designer
  2. Double click the text Type Here
  3. Enter File
  4. In the dropdown menu, enter Open and Save
  5. Right click on an action and select Go to slot > triggered()

Edit the Open trigger slot in the notepad.cpp file to look like the following:

 void Notepad::on_actionOpen_triggered()
     QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"), QString(),
             tr("Text Files (*.txt);;C++ Files (*.cpp *.h)"));

     if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
         QFile file(fileName);
         if (! {
             QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Could not open file"));
         QTextStream in(&file);

Edit the Save trigger slot in the notepad.cpp file to look like the following:

 void Notepad::on_actionSave_triggered()
     QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), QString(),
             tr("Text Files (*.txt);;C++ Files (*.cpp *.h)"));

     if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
         QFile file(fileName);
         if (! {
             // error message
         } else {
             QTextStream stream(&file);
             stream << ui->textEdit->toPlainText();

This creates two dialogs allowing the user to open and save information.

###Building and Running the Project

You may build and run the project using through Qt Creator by selecting Build > Build Project Notepad or from a command line by adding the project file ( to the directory in which the .cpp is contained then inputing the following shell commands:

