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Tensuko committed Apr 3, 2022
1 parent 65fd06f commit 7dd9e69
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Showing 17 changed files with 62 additions and 30 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_br.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -454,8 +454,10 @@ F: Clicar neste ícone abre o menu de configurações globais.
G: Fecha o HUD.
H: Diminuir ou aumentar a largura de trabalho. Uma linha vermelha no seu veículo mostra o valor atual.
I: Valor para deslocamento horizontal, + esquerda, - direita.
J: Valor para deslocamento vertical, + para trás, - para frente.
K, L e M: Clicar no texto irá redefinir suas alterações para os valores padrão.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K e L: Clicar no texto irá redefinir suas alterações para os valores padrão.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: Esta área mostra o deslocamento da pista se você tiver uma rota multi implementos carregado para comboio.
Clicar no texto alterna as posições.
O: Iniciar/parar a gravação de campos customizados.
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_cs.xml
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Expand Up @@ -453,8 +453,10 @@ F:点击图标打开常规设置页面。
K、 L和M:点击文本将重置对自动值的更改。
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K 和 L:点击文本将重置对自动值的更改。
M: Shows the copied course.
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_ct.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -452,8 +452,10 @@ F: Clicking on the icon opens the general settings page.
G: Closes the HUD.
H: Decrease and increase the working width. A red line on your vehicle shows the current setting.
I: Value for horizontal offset, + left, - right.
J: Value for vertical offset, + backward, - forward.
K, L and M: Clicking on the text will reset your changes to the auto values.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K and L: Clicking on the text will reset your changes to the auto values.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: This area shows the lane offset if you have a multitool course loaded. Clicking on the text toggles the positions.
O: Start/stop recording a custom field course.
P: Removes course from vehicle
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_cz.xml
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Expand Up @@ -452,8 +452,10 @@ F: Kliknutím na ikonu se otevře stránka obecných nastavení.
G: Zavře Hud.
H: Snižte a zvětšete pracovní šířku. Červená čára na vašem vozidle ukazuje aktuální nastavení.
I: Hodnota pro horizontální posun, + vlevo, - vpravo.
J: Hodnota pro vertikální posun, + dozadu, - dopředu.
K, L a M: Kliknutím na text resetujete změny na automatické hodnoty.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K a L: Kliknutím na text resetujete změny na automatické hodnoty.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: Tato oblast zobrazuje odsazení jízdního pruhu, pokud máte načtený kurz s více nástroji. Kliknutím na text přepnete pozice.
O: Spuštění/zastavení záznamu vlastní trasy na poli.
P: Odstraňuje trasu z vozidla
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_da.xml
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Expand Up @@ -455,8 +455,10 @@ F: Ved at klikke på ikonet åbnes de grundindstillinger.
G: Lukke HUD.
H: Reducerer eller øger arbejdsbredden. En rød streg på køretøjet viser indstillingen.
I: Vandret offset værdi, + venstre, - højre.
J: Lodret offset værdi, + tilbage, - frem.
K, L og M: Klik på teksten for at nulstille værdierne.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K og L: Klik på teksten for at nulstille værdierne.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: Det er her baneforskydningen vises, hvis et konvøjforløb er blevet indlæst. Ved at klikke på teksten ændres banen.
O: Start/stop Optegning af brugerdefineret mark.
P: fjern rute fra køretøj
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions translations/translation_de.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -458,6 +458,7 @@ I: Value for horizontal offset, + left, - right.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K and L: Clicking on the text will reset your changes to the default values.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: This area shows the lane offset if you have a multi tool course loaded for convoy.
Clicking on the text toggles the positions.
O: Start/stop the recording of custom fields.
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions translations/translation_en.xml
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Expand Up @@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ I: Value for horizontal offset, + left, - right.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K and L: Clicking on the text will reset your changes to the default values.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: This area shows the lane offset if you have a multi tool course loaded for convoy.
Clicking on the text toggles the positions.
O: Start/stop the recording of custom fields.
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_es.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -453,8 +453,10 @@ F: Al hacer clic en el icono se abre la página de configuración general.
G: Cierra el HUD.
H: Disminuir/Aumentar el ancho de trabajo. Una línea roja en su vehículo muestra la configuración actual.
I: Valor del desplazamiento horizontal, (+)Izquierda, (-)Derecha.
J: Valor del desplazamiento vertical, (+)Atrás, (-)Adelante.
K: L y M: Al hacer clic en el texto, se restablecerán los cambios a los valores automáticos.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K y L: Al hacer clic en el texto, se restablecerán los cambios a los valores automáticos.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: Esta área muestra el desplazamiento del carril si tiene cargado una ruta multiherramienta. Al hacer clic en el texto, se alternan las posiciones.
O: Inicia/Detiene la grabación de un curso de campo personalizado.
P: Remueve el curso de un vehículo.
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_fr.xml
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Expand Up @@ -452,8 +452,10 @@ F: Cliquez sur l'icone pour ouvrir les paramètres généraux.
G: Ferme l'ATH.
H: Augmente ou diminue la largeur de travail. Visible via une ligne rouge sur le véhicule.
I: Valeur du décalage horizontal, + gauche, - droite.
J: Valeur du décalage vertical, + arrière, - avant.
K, L and M: Cliquez sur le texte pour rétablir les valeurs automatiques.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K and L: Cliquez sur le texte pour rétablir les valeurs automatiques.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: Affichage du décalage de rang lorsque vous avez chargé une course multi-outils. Cliquez sur le texte pour intervertir les positions.
O: Démarrer/Arrêter l'enregistrement d'un contour de champ personnalisé.
P: Réinitialiser la course active.
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_hu.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -452,8 +452,10 @@ F: Clicking on the icon opens the general settings page.
G: Closes the HUD.
H: Decrease and increase the working width. A red line on your vehicle shows the current setting.
I: Value for horizontal offset, + left, - right.
J: Value for vertical offset, + backward, - forward.
K, L and M: Clicking on the text will reset your changes to the auto values.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K and L: Clicking on the text will reset your changes to the auto values.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: This area shows the lane offset if you have a multitool course loaded. Clicking on the text toggles the positions.
O: Start/stop recording a custom field course.
P: Removes course from vehicle
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_it.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -453,8 +453,10 @@ F: Cliccando sull'icona si apre la pagina delle impostazioni generali.
G: Chiude la HUD.
H: Diminuire e aumentare la larghezza di lavoro. Una linea rossa sul tuo veicolo mostra l'impostazione corrente.
I: Valore per la correzione orizzontale, + a sinistra, - a destra.
J: Valore per la correzione verticale, + indietro, - avanti.
K, L e M: Facendo clic sul testo verranno ripristinate le modifiche ai valori automatici.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K e L: Facendo clic sul testo verranno ripristinate le modifiche ai valori automatici.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: Quest'area mostra la correzione della corsia se è stata caricata una rotta multiutensile. Cliccando sul testo si alternano le posizioni.
O: Avvia/interrompi la registrazione di un corso sul campo personalizzato.
P: Rimuove il porcorso dal veicolo
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_jp.xml
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Expand Up @@ -454,8 +454,10 @@ F: アイコンをクリックすると一般設定ページが開きます。
G: HUDを閉じます。
H: 作業幅を小さくしたり大きくしたりします。自車両の赤い線が現在の設定を示しています。
I: 水平方向のオフセットの値で、+左、-右です。
J: 垂直方向のオフセットの値で、+後方、-前方です。
K、 L、M:テキストをクリックすると、変更内容がオート値にリセットされます。
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K、 L:テキストをクリックすると、変更内容がオート値にリセットされます。
M: Shows the copied course.
N: このエリアは、マルチツールコースをロードしている場合、レーンオフセットを表示します。テキストをクリックすると、位置が切り替わります。
O: カスタムフィールドコースのレコードを開始/停止します。
P: 車両からコースを削除します。
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_nl.xml
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Expand Up @@ -454,8 +454,10 @@ F: Als u op het pictogram klikt, wordt de pagina met algemene instellingen geope
G: Sluit de HUD.
H: Verklein en vergroot de werkbreedte. Een rode lijn op uw voertuig geeft de huidige instelling aan.
I: Waarde voor horizontale offset, + links, - rechts.
J: Waarde voor verticale offset, + achteruit, - vooruit.
K, L en M: Als u op de tekst klikt, worden uw wijzigingen teruggezet naar de automatische waarden.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K en L: Als u op de tekst klikt, worden uw wijzigingen teruggezet naar de automatische waarden.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: Dit gebied toont de baanverschuiving als u een koers met meerdere voertuigen hebt geladen. Als u op de tekst klikt, worden de posities omgeschakeld.
O: Start/stop recording a custom field course.
P: Removes course from vehicle.
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_pl.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -454,8 +454,10 @@ F: Kliknięcie na ikonę otwiera stronę z głównymi ustawieniami.
G: Zamyka HUD.
H: Zwiększa i zmniejsza szerokość roboczą. Czerwona linia na twoim pojeździe pokazuje obecne ustawienia.
I: Wartość przesunięcia horyzontalnego, + w lewo, - w prawo.
J: Wartość przesunięcia wertykalnego, + do tyłu, - do przodu.
K, L i M: Kliknięcie na tekst zresetuje ustawienia do wartości automatycznych.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K i L: Kliknięcie na tekst zresetuje ustawienia do wartości automatycznych.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: Ten obszar pokazuje przesunięcie linii jeśli masz załadowany kurs dla wielu narzędzi. Kliknięcie na tekst przełącza pozycję.
O: Rozpocznij/Zakończ nagrywanie nowego pola.
P: Usuń kurs z pojazdu.
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_pt.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -453,8 +453,10 @@ F: Clicking on the icon opens the general settings page.
G: Closes the HUD.
H: Decrease and increase the working width. A red line on your vehicle shows the current setting.
I: Value for horizontal offset, + left, - right.
J: Value for vertical offset, + backward, - forward.
K, L and M: Clicking on the text will reset your changes to the auto values.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K and L: Clicking on the text will reset your changes to the auto values.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: This area shows the lane offset if you have a multitool course loaded. Clicking on the text toggles the positions.
O: Start/stop recording a custom field course.
P: Removes course from vehicle.
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_ru.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -456,8 +456,10 @@ F: Клик на иконке открывает страницу глобаль
G: Можно закрыть HUD.
H: Увеличение и уменьшение рабочей ширины. Красная линия возле техники отображаете текущие настройки.
I: Значение для поперечного смещения: + влево, - вправо.
J: Значение для продольного смещения: + назад, - вперёд.
K, L и M: Нажатие на текст сбросит ваши изменения до автоматически определённых значений.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K и L: Нажатие на текст сбросит ваши изменения до автоматически определённых значений.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: Эта область показывает смещение полосы движения, если у вас будет загруженный курс для работы нескольких орудий. Нажатие на текст переключает позиции.
O: Start/stop recording a custom field course.
P: Removes course from vehicle.
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions translations/translation_sv.xml
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Expand Up @@ -456,8 +456,10 @@ F: Klicka på ikonen Öppnar sidan Allmänna inställningar.
G: Stänger HUD.
H: Minska och öka arbetsbredden. En röd linje på ditt fordon visar den aktuella inställningen.
I: Värde för horisontell förskjutning, + vänster, - höger.
J: Värde för vertikal förskjutning, + bakåt, - framåt.
K, L och M: Om du klickar på texten återställs dina ändringar i bilvärdena.
J: Copy and paste a course to a different vehicle.
Once the copy button was pressed, then the course can be pasted into a vehicle without a course when the icon turns green.
K och L: Om du klickar på texten återställs dina ändringar i bilvärdena.
M: Shows the copied course.
N: Detta område visar körfältets offset om du har en multitool-kurs. Genom att klicka på texten växlar positionerna.
O: Start / Sluta spela in en anpassad fältkurs.
P: tar bort kurs från fordon.
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