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A Julia implementation of the Anaerobic Digestion Model 1 (ADM1).



The following outlines the basic installation and usage of the code. The complete documentation can be found at

Getting started

To solve ADM1 for a single tank reactor, just run ADM1sol. For multiple tanks running in parallel, use multichamberSolution


To install ADM1jl open the Julia REPL and run the following:

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add(url="")

OR enter the Pkg REPL by pressing ] and running:


Then, to use the package, run

julia> using ADM1jl

Basic Usage

Before beginning, make sure that the file model_parameters.csv is saved in your working directory. model_parameters.csv can be found on the github here.

ADM1sol takes the timespan, initial conditions, and inflow vector as inputs. The timespan is length 2 and type Tuple{Float64}. It specifies how the initial and final times of the simulation. The initial conditions and inflow vector both have type Vector{Float64} and length 35. To test this out, run the following code:

using ADM1jl

u0 = initialConditions(); # assigns the default initial conditions to u0

IV = inflowvector_definition(); # assigns the default inflow vector to IV

tspan = (0.0,200.0); # the solution will be computed from t=0.0 to t=200.0

sol, tSol = ADM1sol(tspan,u0,IV); # computes the solution  and saves it to sol, the time to solve is saved to tSol

sol # the solution has two fields: sol.t contains the timesteps and sol.u contains the solution at each timestep

tSol # this is the time ExampleSol took to solve the system

State Variables and their Indices

The follow table shows which state variable corresponds to each index.

Index State Variable
1 S_su
2 S_aa
3 S_fa
4 S_va
5 S_bu
6 S_pr
7 S_ac
8 S_h2
9 S_ch4
10 S_IC
11 S_IN
12 S_I
13 X_xc
14 X_ch
15 X_pr
16 X_li
17 X_su
18 X_aa
19 X_fa
20 X_c4
21 X_pro
22 X_ac
23 X_h2
24 X_I
25 S_va_ion
26 S_bu_ion
27 S_pro_ion
28 S_ac_ion
29 S_hco3_ion
30 S_nh3
31 S_cat
32 S_an
33 S_gas_h2
34 S_gas_ch4
35 S_gas_co2


A Julia implementation of the Anaerobic Digestion Model 1 (ADM1)







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