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Contracts on Mainnet


cover core design


  • npm install install dependencies
  • npx hardhat compile compile

Run Test With in-process hardhat

  • npx hardhat test run tests in a new terminal.

Run Test With hardhat EVM (as an independent node)

  • Run npx hardhat node to setup a local blockchain emulator in one terminal.
  • npx hardhat test --network localhost run tests in a new terminal. npx hardhat node restart required after full test run. As the blockchain timestamp has changed.

Run Tests With Ganache VM

  • Install npm install -g ganache-cli if not already. See details.
  • Run ganache-cli to setup a local blockchain emulator.
  • npx hardhat test --network localhost run tests in a new terminal.

Deploy to Your Local Hardhat Node

  • Add required env vars into your ./.env file. Set COVER_TEST_ADDRESS to the address your want to use as treasury and governance
  • Run npx hardhat run scripts/frontend-testing.js --network localhost