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Allegheny College Fall 2018 Coding Challenge

Jonathan Miller Kauffman edited this page Oct 31, 2018 · 4 revisions

Your Challenge

Look through the Selenified project and understand how to use this framework to write and execute automated tests. After you have done that, look through how Selenified currently interacts with the Selenium testing framework and identify one or more Selenium interactions that should be added to this framework. For example, are there additional Selenium methods for selecting elements on a web page that are not yet supported by Selenified? Once you have completed your feature, you should submit a pull request.

Judging Criteria

Judging criteria include, but are not limited to:

  • Creativity of the submission.
  • Code quality of the submission.
  • How thoroughly tested the new feature is.

Announcing the Winner

The winner of the coding challenge will be announced at the end of Coveros' talk (which will take place on Tuesday, November 13 at 12:30 PM). This individual will receive their very own Raspberry Pi 3.

A workshop where all participants can discuss their features and how they can be improved will take place sometime after the talk has been given (date, time, and location to be determined).

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