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Note: example commands on this page assume that /usr/local/cpanel/scripts or /opt/cpanel/ea-podman/bin are in your PATH or that you can calling the full path.

For more information on anything here please see the design doc.


This package brings in podman and helpers (primarily the ea-podman command) for container based EA4 packages to run safely as the user.

While you can manage arbitrary images with podman directly, ea-podman can also manage arbitrary containers.

The advantages are:

  1. Common tasks have simpler commands
  2. If it needs ports they are managed by cPanel’s port authority system ensuring that everyone has unique ports and the firewall is setup to keep those port assignments safe.
  3. Consistency in location, naming, and behaviors
  4. Automatic service managemant

Anatomy of an EA4 container-based package

An EA4 container-based package contains everything necessary to setup and manage a containerized service.

As such no additional arguments are needed, simply ea-podman install <PKG>.

  • You can however pass additional start up args like -e and -v
    • Some start up args are handled by ea-podman and will error out if used.

How to use ea-podman to manage an arbitrary image like we do an EA4 container based package

Note: It recommended that you only use images you trust. For example, from docker hub it is best to only use images from a “Verified Publisher” and/or only “Official Images”. To help encourage that you will see this message on install:

!!!! Heads up about arbitrary images !!

For security and reliability, when using arbitrary images, we highly recommend the following:

  • only use a trusted registry
  • only use “Official Image” and/or “Verified Publisher” images
  • specifying a version specific tag so that a major or minor change won’t break your containers

To use any image you wish you need at least two things:

  1. A name you want to call it.
  2. An image you want to run.

Beyond that you need to determine:

  1. What ports, if any you want, exposed.
  2. Additional start up args like -e and -v
    • Some start up args are handled by ea-podman and will error out if used.


Let’s say the user bob wanted to use the latest official mongo from docker hub. bob might have a command like:

ea-podman install mymongo --cpuser-port=8081 -e "ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINUSERNAME=root" -e "ME_CONFIG_MONGODB_ADMINPASSWORD=example"

Now bob:

  1. has a directory ~/ea-podman/mymongo.bob.01 for use by the container (useful for -v)
  2. Can use mymongo.bob.01 for various ea-podman subcommands, e.g.
    • ea-podman restart mymongo.bob.01 restart the container
    • ea-podman bash mymongo.bob.01 get a shell inside the container (if it has bash)
    • ea-podman upgrade mymongo.bob.01 upgrade the image

How can I use the ea-podman CLI?

  • get a list of subcommands via ea-podman
  • get help in a given subcommand: ea-podman help <SUBCMD>


What about networking?

It works the same as using podman directly.



If you are not root you have two options:

  1. Use --pod to group the containers that need to talk to each other
  2. Do communication via your containers’ ports

If you are root you can additionally:

  1. create a network however you like
    • e.g. podman network create skynet for a bridged network named skynet
  2. pass --network to ea-podman install of 2 or more images that need it

There are files in my home directory that I don’t own/have access to!!!

This happens when podman creates files in the user namespace (e.g. creating storage) using user’s sub ids.

It is prefectly normal and is necessary for rootless containers to work. This is true whether inside the container is root or non-root. Flags like --userns=keep-id or --uidmap do not address it.

We may be able to rectify this in a future iteration (ZC-9872).


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