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Christopher Mackinga edited this page Aug 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

Create our config.json file via:

sudo nano config.json

Just to get us started, lets do the two main variables, keep in mind you don't necessarily need a domain, you can use an IP instead, just make sure to put http:// or https:// to make the links clickable in Discord:

    "token": "DISCORD BOT TOKEN", 
    "nick": "BOTS NICKNAME",
    "url": "https://your_url",
    "longUrl": "https://your_url/home",
    "dlUrl": "https://your_url"

Replace all of the defaults with your URL/domain.

For example: You would like to enable all of the premium features by default, and are hosting a locally available copy of website on the machine with the bot (E.G. Behind a firewall, or haven't set up port forwarding). This configuration can be specified as follows.

    "token": "DISCORD BOT TOKEN",
    "nick": "BOTS NICKNAME",
    "url": "http://localhost/",
    "longUrl": "http://localhost/",
    "dlUrl": "http://localhost/",
    "rewards": false,
    "defaultFeatures": {
        "limits": {"record": 24, "download": 87660, "secondary": 20},
        "auto": true,
        "mix": true,
        "glowers": true,
        "eccontinuous": true,
        "ecflac": true,
        "mp3": true

You can check variables in the default-config.json file located in craig/craig/ via:

cat craig/default-config.json