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Cranelift IR Reference

.. default-domain:: clif
.. todo:: Update the IR reference

   This document is likely to be outdated and missing some important
   information. It is recommended to look at the list of instructions as
   documented in the `InstBuilder` documentation:

The Cranelift intermediate representation (:term:`IR`) has two primary forms: an in-memory data structure that the code generator library is using, and a text format which is used for test cases and debug output. Files containing Cranelift textual IR have the .clif filename extension.

This reference uses the text format to describe IR semantics but glosses over the finer details of the lexical and syntactic structure of the format.

Overall structure

Cranelift compiles functions independently. A .clif IR file may contain multiple functions, and the programmatic API can create multiple function handles at the same time, but the functions don't share any data or reference each other directly.

This is a simple C function that computes the average of an array of floats:

.. literalinclude:: example.c
    :language: c

Here is the same function compiled into Cranelift IR:

.. literalinclude:: example.clif
    :language: clif
    :lines: 2-

The first line of a function definition provides the function name and the :term:`function signature` which declares the parameter and return types. Then follows the :term:`function preamble` which declares a number of entities that can be referenced inside the function. In the example above, the preamble declares a single explicit stack slot, ss0.

After the preamble follows the :term:`function body` which consists of :term:`extended basic block`s (EBBs), the first of which is the :term:`entry block`. Every EBB ends with a :term:`terminator instruction`, so execution can never fall through to the next EBB without an explicit branch.

A .clif file consists of a sequence of independent function definitions:

.. productionlist::
    function_list : { function }
    function      : "function" function_name signature "{" preamble function_body "}"
    preamble      : { preamble_decl }
    function_body : { extended_basic_block }

Static single assignment form

The instructions in the function body use and produce values in SSA form. This means that every value is defined exactly once, and every use of a value must be dominated by the definition.

Cranelift does not have phi instructions but uses :term:`EBB parameter`s instead. An EBB can be defined with a list of typed parameters. Whenever control is transferred to the EBB, argument values for the parameters must be provided. When entering a function, the incoming function parameters are passed as arguments to the entry EBB's parameters.

Instructions define zero, one, or more result values. All SSA values are either EBB parameters or instruction results.

In the example above, the loop induction variable i is represented as three SSA values: In the entry block, v4 is the initial value. In the loop block ebb2, the EBB parameter v5 represents the value of the induction variable during each iteration. Finally, v12 is computed as the induction variable value for the next iteration.

The cranelift_frontend crate contains utilities for translating from programs containing multiple assignments to the same variables into SSA form for Cranelift :term:`IR`.

Such variables can also be presented to Cranelift as :term:`stack slot`s. Stack slots are accessed with the stack_store and stack_load instructions, and can have their address taken with stack_addr, which supports C-like programming languages where local variables can have their address taken.

Value types

All SSA values have a type which determines the size and shape (for SIMD vectors) of the value. Many instructions are polymorphic -- they can operate on different types.

Boolean types

Boolean values are either true or false.

The b1 type represents an abstract boolean value. It can only exist as an SSA value, and can't be directly stored in memory. It can, however, be converted into an integer with value 0 or 1 by the bint instruction (and converted back with icmp_imm with 0).

Several larger boolean types are also defined, primarily to be used as SIMD element types. They can be stored in memory, and are represented as either all zero bits or all one bits.

  • b1
  • b8
  • b16
  • b32
  • b64

Integer types

Integer values have a fixed size and can be interpreted as either signed or unsigned. Some instructions will interpret an operand as a signed or unsigned number, others don't care.

The support for i8 and i16 arithmetic is incomplete and use could lead to bugs.

  • i8
  • i16
  • i32
  • i64

Floating point types

The floating point types have the IEEE 754 semantics that are supported by most hardware, except that non-default rounding modes, unmasked exceptions, and exception flags are not currently supported.

There is currently no support for higher-precision types like quad-precision, double-double, or extended-precision, nor for narrower-precision types like half-precision.

NaNs are encoded following the IEEE 754-2008 recommendation, with quiet NaN being encoded with the MSB of the trailing significand set to 1, and signaling NaNs being indicated by the MSB of the trailing significand set to 0.

Except for bitwise and memory instructions, NaNs returned from arithmetic instructions are encoded as follows:

  • If all NaN inputs to an instruction are quiet NaNs with all bits of the trailing significand other than the MSB set to 0, the result is a quiet NaN with a nondeterministic sign bit and all bits of the trailing significand other than the MSB set to 0.
  • Otherwise the result is a quiet NaN with a nondeterministic sign bit and all bits of the trailing significand other than the MSB set to nondeterministic values.
  • f32
  • f64

CPU flags types

Some target ISAs use CPU flags to represent the result of a comparison. These CPU flags are represented as two value types depending on the type of values compared.

Since some ISAs don't have CPU flags, these value types should not be used until the legalization phase of compilation where the code is adapted to fit the target ISA. Use instructions like icmp instead.

The CPU flags types are also restricted such that two flags values can not be live at the same time. After legalization, some instruction encodings will clobber the flags, and flags values are not allowed to be live across such instructions either. The verifier enforces these rules.

  • iflags
  • fflags

SIMD vector types

A SIMD vector type represents a vector of values from one of the scalar types (boolean, integer, and floating point). Each scalar value in a SIMD type is called a lane. The number of lanes must be a power of two in the range 2-256.


A SIMD vector of integers. The lane type iB is one of the integer types i8 ... i64.

Some concrete integer vector types are i32x4, i64x8, and i16x4.

The size of a SIMD integer vector in memory is N B\over 8 bytes.


A SIMD vector of single precision floating point numbers.

Some concrete f32 vector types are: f32x2, f32x4, and f32x8.

The size of a f32 vector in memory is 4N bytes.


A SIMD vector of double precision floating point numbers.

Some concrete f64 vector types are: f64x2, f64x4, and f64x8.

The size of a f64 vector in memory is 8N bytes.


A boolean SIMD vector.

Boolean vectors are used when comparing SIMD vectors. For example, comparing two i32x4 values would produce a b1x4 result.

Like the b1 type, a boolean vector cannot be stored in memory.

Pseudo-types and type classes

These are not concrete types, but convenient names used to refer to real types in this reference.


A Pointer-sized integer representing an address.

This is either i32, or i64, depending on whether the target platform has 32-bit or 64-bit pointers.

Any of the scalar integer types i8 -- i64.
Any scalar or vector integer type: iB or iBxN.
Either of the floating point scalar types: f32 or f64.
Any scalar or vector floating point type: fB or fBxN.
Any SIMD vector type.
Any type that can be stored in memory: Int or Float.
Either b1 or iN.

Immediate operand types

These types are not part of the normal SSA type system. They are used to indicate the different kinds of immediate operands on an instruction.


A 64-bit immediate integer. The value of this operand is interpreted as a signed two's complement integer. Instruction encodings may limit the valid range.

In the textual format, imm64 immediates appear as decimal or hexadecimal literals using the same syntax as C.


A signed 32-bit immediate address offset.

In the textual format, offset32 immediates always have an explicit sign, and a 0 offset may be omitted.

A 32-bit immediate floating point number in the IEEE 754-2008 binary32 interchange format. All bit patterns are allowed.
A 64-bit immediate floating point number in the IEEE 754-2008 binary64 interchange format. All bit patterns are allowed.

A boolean immediate value, either false or true.

In the textual format, bool immediates appear as 'false' and 'true'.

An integer condition code. See the icmp instruction for details.
A floating point condition code. See the fcmp instruction for details.

The two IEEE floating point immediate types ieee32 and ieee64 are displayed as hexadecimal floating point literals in the textual :term:`IR` format. Decimal floating point literals are not allowed because some computer systems can round differently when converting to binary. The hexadecimal floating point format is mostly the same as the one used by C99, but extended to represent all NaN bit patterns:

Normal numbers
Compatible with C99: -0x1.Tpe where T are the trailing significand bits encoded as hexadecimal, and e is the unbiased exponent as a decimal number. ieee32 has 23 trailing significand bits. They are padded with an extra LSB to produce 6 hexadecimal digits. This is not necessary for ieee64 which has 52 trailing significand bits forming 13 hexadecimal digits with no padding.
Positive and negative zero are displayed as 0.0 and -0.0 respectively.
Subnormal numbers
Compatible with C99: -0x0.Tpemin where T are the trailing significand bits encoded as hexadecimal, and emin is the minimum exponent as a decimal number.
Either -Inf or Inf.
Quiet NaNs
Quiet NaNs have the MSB of the trailing significand set. If the remaining bits of the trailing significand are all zero, the value is displayed as -NaN or NaN. Otherwise, -NaN:0xT where T are the trailing significand bits encoded as hexadecimal.
Signaling NaNs
Displayed as -sNaN:0xT.

Control flow

Branches transfer control to a new EBB and provide values for the target EBB's arguments, if it has any. Conditional branches only take the branch if their condition is satisfied, otherwise execution continues at the following instruction in the EBB.

JT = jump_table [EBB0, EBB1, ..., EBBn]

Declare a jump table in the :term:`function preamble`.

This declares a jump table for use by the br_table indirect branch instruction. Entries in the table are EBB names.

The EBBs listed must belong to the current function, and they can't have any arguments.

arg EBB0:Target EBB when x = 0.
arg EBB1:Target EBB when x = 1.
arg EBBn:Target EBB when x = n.
result:A jump table identifier. (Not an SSA value).

Traps stop the program because something went wrong. The exact behavior depends on the target instruction set architecture and operating system. There are explicit trap instructions defined below, but some instructions may also cause traps for certain input value. For example, udiv traps when the divisor is zero.

Function calls

A function call needs a target function and a :term:`function signature`. The target function may be determined dynamically at runtime, but the signature must be known when the function call is compiled. The function signature describes how to call the function, including parameters, return values, and the calling convention:

.. productionlist::
    signature    : "(" [paramlist] ")" ["->" retlist] [call_conv]
    paramlist    : param { "," param }
    retlist      : paramlist
    param        : type [paramext] [paramspecial]
    paramext     : "uext" | "sext"
    paramspecial : "sret" | "link" | "fp" | "csr" | "vmctx" | "sigid" | "stack_limit"
    callconv     : "fast" | "cold" | "system_v" | "fastcall" | "baldrdash_system_v" | "baldrdash_windows"

A function's calling convention determines exactly how arguments and return values are passed, and how stack frames are managed. Since all of these details depend on both the instruction set /// architecture and possibly the operating system, a function's calling convention is only fully determined by a (TargetIsa, CallConv) tuple.

Name Description
sret pointer to a return value in memory
link return address
fp the initial value of the frame pointer
csr callee-saved register
vmctx VM context pointer, which may contain pointers to heaps etc.
sigid signature id, for checking caller/callee signature compatibility
stack_limit limit value for the size of the stack

The "not-ABI-stable" conventions do not follow an external specification and may change between versions of Cranelift.

The "fastcall" convention is not yet implemented.

Parameters and return values have flags whose meaning is mostly target dependent. These flags support interfacing with code produced by other compilers.

Functions that are called directly must be declared in the :term:`function preamble`:

FN = [colocated] NAME signature

Declare a function so it can be called directly.

If the colocated keyword is present, the symbol's definition will be defined along with the current function, such that it can use more efficient addressing.

arg NAME:Name of the function, passed to the linker for resolution.
arg signature:Function signature. See below.
result FN:A function identifier that can be used with call.

This simple example illustrates direct function calls and signatures:

.. literalinclude:: callex.clif
    :language: clif
    :lines: 3-

Indirect function calls use a signature declared in the preamble.


Cranelift provides fully general load and store instructions for accessing memory, as well as :ref:`extending loads and truncating stores <extload-truncstore>`.

If the memory at the given address is not :term:`addressable`, the behavior of these instructions is undefined. If it is addressable but not :term:`accessible`, they :term:`trap`.

There are also more restricted operations for accessing specific types of memory objects.

Additionally, instructions are provided for handling multi-register addressing.

Memory operation flags

Loads and stores can have flags that loosen their semantics in order to enable optimizations.

Flag Description
notrap Memory is assumed to be :term:`accessible`.
aligned Trapping allowed for misaligned accesses.
readonly The data at the specified address will not modified between when this function is called and exited.

When the accessible flag is set, the behavior is undefined if the memory is not :term:`accessible`.

Loads and stores are misaligned if the resultant address is not a multiple of the expected alignment. By default, misaligned loads and stores are allowed, but when the aligned flag is set, a misaligned memory access is allowed to :term:`trap`.

Explicit Stack Slots

One set of restricted memory operations access the current function's stack frame. The stack frame is divided into fixed-size stack slots that are allocated in the :term:`function preamble`. Stack slots are not typed, they simply represent a contiguous sequence of :term:`accessible` bytes in the stack frame.

SS = explicit_slot Bytes, Flags...

Allocate a stack slot in the preamble.

If no alignment is specified, Cranelift will pick an appropriate alignment for the stack slot based on its size and access patterns.

arg Bytes:Stack slot size on bytes.
flag align(N):Request at least N bytes alignment.
result SS:Stack slot index.

The dedicated stack access instructions are easy for the compiler to reason about because stack slots and offsets are fixed at compile time. For example, the alignment of these stack memory accesses can be inferred from the offsets and stack slot alignments.

It's also possible to obtain the address of a stack slot, which can be used in :ref:`unrestricted loads and stores <memory>`.

The stack_addr instruction can be used to macro-expand the stack access instructions before instruction selection:

v0 = stack_load.f64 ss3, 16
; Expands to:
v1 = stack_addr ss3, 16
v0 = load.f64 v1

When Cranelift code is running in a sandbox, it can also be necessary to include stack overflow checks in the prologue.

Global values

A global value is an object whose value is not known at compile time. The value is computed at runtime by global_value, possibly using information provided by the linker via relocations. There are multiple kinds of global values using different methods for determining their value. Cranelift does not track the type of a global value, for they are just values stored in non-stack memory.

When Cranelift is generating code for a virtual machine environment, globals can be used to access data structures in the VM's runtime. This requires functions to have access to a VM context pointer which is used as the base address. Typically, the VM context pointer is passed as a hidden function argument to Cranelift functions.

Chains of global value expressions are possible, but cycles are not allowed. They will be caught by the IR verifier.

GV = vmctx

Declare a global value of the address of the VM context struct.

This declares a global value which is the VM context pointer which may be passed as a hidden argument to functions JIT-compiled for a VM.

Typically, the VM context is a #[repr(C, packed)] struct.

result GV:Global value.

A global value can also be derived by treating another global variable as a struct pointer and loading from one of its fields. This makes it possible to chase pointers into VM runtime data structures.

GV = load.Type BaseGV [Offset]

Declare a global value pointed to by BaseGV plus Offset, with type Type.

It is assumed the BaseGV plus Offset resides in accessible memory with the appropriate alignment for storing a value with type Type.

arg BaseGV:Global value providing the base pointer.
arg Offset:Offset added to the base before loading.
result GV:Global value.
GV = iadd_imm BaseGV, Offset

Declare a global value which has the value of BaseGV offset by Offset.

arg BaseGV:Global value providing the base value.
arg Offset:Offset added to the base value.
GV = [colocated] symbol Name

Declare a symbolic address global value.

The value of GV is symbolic and will be assigned a relocation, so that it can be resolved by a later linking phase.

If the colocated keyword is present, the symbol's definition will be defined along with the current function, such that it can use more efficient addressing.

arg Name:External name.
result GV:Global value.


Code compiled from WebAssembly or asm.js runs in a sandbox where it can't access all process memory. Instead, it is given a small set of memory areas to work in, and all accesses are bounds checked. Cranelift models this through the concept of heaps.

A heap is declared in the function preamble and can be accessed with the heap_addr instruction that :term:`traps` on out-of-bounds accesses or returns a pointer that is guaranteed to trap. Heap addresses can be smaller than the native pointer size, for example unsigned i32 offsets on a 64-bit architecture.

.. digraph:: static
    :align: center
    :caption: Heap address space layout

    node [
        fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans"
    "static" [label="mapped\npages|unmapped\npages|offset_guard\npages"]

A heap appears as three consecutive ranges of address space:

  1. The mapped pages are the :term:`accessible` memory range in the heap. A heap may have a minimum guaranteed size which means that some mapped pages are always present.
  2. The unmapped pages is a possibly empty range of address space that may be mapped in the future when the heap is grown. They are :term:`addressable` but not :term:`accessible`.
  3. The offset-guard pages is a range of address space that is guaranteed to always cause a trap when accessed. It is used to optimize bounds checking for heap accesses with a shared base pointer. They are :term:`addressable` but not :term:`accessible`.

The heap bound is the total size of the mapped and unmapped pages. This is the bound that heap_addr checks against. Memory accesses inside the heap bounds can trap if they hit an unmapped page (which is not :term:`accessible`).

Two styles of heaps are supported, static and dynamic. They behave differently when resized.

Static heaps

A static heap starts out with all the address space it will ever need, so it never moves to a different address. At the base address is a number of mapped pages corresponding to the heap's current size. Then follows a number of unmapped pages where the heap can grow up to its maximum size. After the unmapped pages follow the offset-guard pages which are also guaranteed to generate a trap when accessed.

H = static Base, min MinBytes, bound BoundBytes, offset_guard OffsetGuardBytes

Declare a static heap in the preamble.

arg Base:Global value holding the heap's base address.
arg MinBytes:Guaranteed minimum heap size in bytes. Accesses below this size will never trap.
arg BoundBytes:Fixed heap bound in bytes. This defines the amount of address space reserved for the heap, not including the offset-guard pages.
arg OffsetGuardBytes:Size of the offset-guard pages in bytes.

Dynamic heaps

A dynamic heap can be relocated to a different base address when it is resized, and its bound can move dynamically. The offset-guard pages move when the heap is resized. The bound of a dynamic heap is stored in a global value.

H = dynamic Base, min MinBytes, bound BoundGV, offset_guard OffsetGuardBytes

Declare a dynamic heap in the preamble.

arg Base:Global value holding the heap's base address.
arg MinBytes:Guaranteed minimum heap size in bytes. Accesses below this size will never trap.
arg BoundGV:Global value containing the current heap bound in bytes.
arg OffsetGuardBytes:Size of the offset-guard pages in bytes.

Heap examples

The SpiderMonkey VM prefers to use fixed heaps with a 4 GB bound and 2 GB of offset-guard pages when running WebAssembly code on 64-bit CPUs. The combination of a 4 GB fixed bound and 1-byte bounds checks means that no code needs to be generated for bounds checks at all:

.. literalinclude:: heapex-sm64.clif
    :language: clif
    :lines: 2-

A static heap can also be used for 32-bit code when the WebAssembly module declares a small upper bound on its memory. A 1 MB static bound with a single 4 KB offset-guard page still has opportunities for sharing bounds checking code:

.. literalinclude:: heapex-sm32.clif
    :language: clif
    :lines: 2-

If the upper bound on the heap size is too large, a dynamic heap is required instead.

Finally, a runtime environment that simply allocates a heap with :c:func:`malloc()` may not have any offset-guard pages at all. In that case, full bounds checking is required for each access:

.. literalinclude:: heapex-dyn.clif
    :language: clif
    :lines: 2-


Code compiled from WebAssembly often needs access to objects outside of its linear memory. WebAssembly uses tables to allow programs to refer to opaque values through integer indices.

A table is declared in the function preamble and can be accessed with the table_addr instruction that :term:`traps` on out-of-bounds accesses. Table addresses can be smaller than the native pointer size, for example unsigned i32 offsets on a 64-bit architecture.

A table appears as a consecutive range of address space, conceptually divided into elements of fixed sizes, which are identified by their index. The memory is :term:`accessible`.

The table bound is the number of elements currently in the table. This is the bound that table_addr checks against.

A table can be relocated to a different base address when it is resized, and its bound can move dynamically. The bound of a table is stored in a global value.

T = dynamic Base, min MinElements, bound BoundGV, element_size ElementSize

Declare a table in the preamble.

arg Base:Global value holding the table's base address.
arg MinElements:Guaranteed minimum table size in elements.
arg BoundGV:Global value containing the current heap bound in elements.
arg ElementSize:Size of each element.

Constant materialization

A few instructions have variants that take immediate operands, but in general an instruction is required to load a constant into an SSA value: iconst, f32const, f64const and bconst serve this purpose.

Bitwise operations

The bitwise operations and operate on any value type: Integers, floating point numbers, and booleans. When operating on integer or floating point types, the bitwise operations are working on the binary representation of the values. When operating on boolean values, the bitwise operations work as logical operators.

The shift and rotate operations only work on integer types (scalar and vector). The shift amount does not have to be the same type as the value being shifted. Only the low B bits of the shift amount is significant.

When operating on an integer vector type, the shift amount is still a scalar type, and all the lanes are shifted the same amount. The shift amount is masked to the number of bits in a lane, not the full size of the vector type.

The bit-counting instructions are scalar only.

Floating point operations

These operations generally follow IEEE 754-2008 semantics.

Sign bit manipulations

The sign manipulating instructions work as bitwise operations, so they don't have special behavior for signaling NaN operands. The exponent and trailing significand bits are always preserved.

Minimum and maximum

These instructions return the larger or smaller of their operands. Note that unlike the IEEE 754-2008 minNum and maxNum operations, these instructions return NaN when either input is NaN.

When comparing zeroes, these instructions behave as if -0.0 < 0.0.


These instructions round their argument to a nearby integral value, still represented as a floating point number.

Conversion operations

Extending loads and truncating stores

Most ISAs provide instructions that load an integer value smaller than a register and extends it to the width of the register. Similarly, store instructions that only write the low bits of an integer register are common.

In addition to the normal load and store instructions, Cranelift provides extending loads and truncation stores for 8, 16, and 32-bit memory accesses.

These instructions succeed, trap, or have undefined behavior, under the same conditions as :ref:`normal loads and stores <memory>`.

ISA-specific instructions

Target ISAs can define supplemental instructions that do not make sense to support generally.


Instructions that can only be used by the x86 target ISA.

Codegen implementation instructions

Frontends don't need to emit the instructions in this section themselves; Cranelift will generate them automatically as needed.

Legalization operations

These instructions are used as helpers when legalizing types and operations for the target ISA.

Special register operations

The prologue and epilogue of a function needs to manipulate special registers like the stack pointer and the frame pointer. These instructions should not be used in regular code.

CPU flag operations

These operations are for working with the "flags" registers of some CPU architectures.

Live range splitting

Cranelift's register allocator assigns each SSA value to a register or a spill slot on the stack for its entire live range. Since the live range of an SSA value can be quite large, it is sometimes beneficial to split the live range into smaller parts.

A live range is split by creating new SSA values that are copies or the original value or each other. The copies are created by inserting copy, spill, or fill instructions, depending on whether the values are assigned to registers or stack slots.

This approach permits SSA form to be preserved throughout the register allocation pass and beyond.

Register values can be temporarily diverted to other registers by the regmove instruction, and to and from stack slots by regspill and regfill.

Instruction groups

All of the shared instructions are part of the base instruction group.

Target ISAs may define further instructions in their own instruction groups.

Implementation limits

Cranelift's intermediate representation imposes some limits on the size of functions and the number of entities allowed. If these limits are exceeded, the implementation will panic.

Number of instructions in a function
At most 2^{31} - 1.
Number of EBBs in a function

At most 2^{31} - 1.

Every EBB needs at least a terminator instruction anyway.

Number of secondary values in a function

At most 2^{31} - 1.

Secondary values are any SSA values that are not the first result of an instruction.

Other entities declared in the preamble

At most 2^{32} - 1.

This covers things like stack slots, jump tables, external functions, and function signatures, etc.

Number of arguments to an EBB
At most 2^{16}.
Number of arguments to a function

At most 2^{16}.

This follows from the limit on arguments to the entry EBB. Note that Cranelift may add a handful of ABI register arguments as function signatures are lowered. This is for representing things like the link register, the incoming frame pointer, and callee-saved registers that are saved in the prologue.

Size of function call arguments on the stack

At most 2^{32} - 1 bytes.

This is probably not possible to achieve given the limit on the number of arguments, except by requiring extremely large offsets for stack arguments.


.. glossary::

        Memory in which loads and stores have defined behavior. They either
        succeed or :term:`trap`, depending on whether the memory is

        :term:`Addressable` memory in which loads and stores always succeed
        without :term:`trapping`, except where specified otherwise (eg. with the
        `aligned` flag). Heaps, globals, tables, and the stack may contain
        accessible, merely addressable, and outright unaddressable regions.
        There may also be additional regions of addressable and/or accessible
        memory not explicitly declared.

    basic block
        A maximal sequence of instructions that can only be entered from the
        top, and that contains no branch or terminator instructions except for
        the last instruction.

    entry block
        The :term:`EBB` that is executed first in a function. Currently, a
        Cranelift function must have exactly one entry block which must be the
        first block in the function. The types of the entry block arguments must
        match the types of arguments in the function signature.

    extended basic block
        A maximal sequence of instructions that can only be entered from the
        top, and that contains no :term:`terminator instruction`\s except for
        the last one. An EBB can contain conditional branches that can fall
        through to the following instructions in the block, but only the first
        instruction in the EBB can be a branch target.

        The last instruction in an EBB must be a :term:`terminator instruction`,
        so execution cannot flow through to the next EBB in the function. (But
        there may be a branch to the next EBB.)

        Note that some textbooks define an EBB as a maximal *subtree* in the
        control flow graph where only the root can be a join node. This
        definition is not equivalent to Cranelift EBBs.

    EBB parameter
        A formal parameter for an EBB is an SSA value that dominates everything
        in the EBB. For each parameter declared by an EBB, a corresponding
        argument value must be passed when branching to the EBB. The function's
        entry EBB has parameters that correspond to the function's parameters.

    EBB argument
        Similar to function arguments, EBB arguments must be provided when
        branching to an EBB that declares formal parameters. When execution
        begins at the top of an EBB, the formal parameters have the values of
        the arguments passed in the branch.

    function signature
        A function signature describes how to call a function. It consists of:

        - The calling convention.
        - The number of arguments and return values. (Functions can return
          multiple values.)
        - Type and flags of each argument.
        - Type and flags of each return value.

        Not all function attributes are part of the signature. For example, a
        function that never returns could be marked as ``noreturn``, but that
        is not necessary to know when calling it, so it is just an attribute,
        and not part of the signature.

    function preamble
        A list of declarations of entities that are used by the function body.
        Some of the entities that can be declared in the preamble are:

        - Stack slots.
        - Functions that are called directly.
        - Function signatures for indirect function calls.
        - Function flags and attributes that are not part of the signature.

    function body
        The extended basic blocks which contain all the executable code in a
        function. The function body follows the function preamble.

    intermediate representation
        The language used to describe functions to Cranelift. This reference
        describes the syntax and semantics of Cranelift IR. The IR has two
        forms: Textual, and an in-memory data structure.

    stack slot
        A fixed size memory allocation in the current function's activation
        frame. These include :term:`explicit stack slot`\s and
        :term:`spill stack slot`\s.

    explicit stack slot
        A fixed size memory allocation in the current function's activation
        frame. These differ from :term:`spill stack slot`\s in that they can
        be created by frontends and they may have their addresses taken.

    spill stack slot
        A fixed size memory allocation in the current function's activation
        frame. These differ from :term:`explicit stack slot`\s in that they are
        only created during register allocation, and they may not have their
        address taken.

    terminator instruction
        A control flow instruction that unconditionally directs the flow of
        execution somewhere else. Execution never continues at the instruction
        following a terminator instruction.

        The basic terminator instructions are `br`, `return`, and
        `trap`. Conditional branches and instructions that trap
        conditionally are not terminator instructions.

        Terminates execution of the current thread. The specific behavior after
        a trap depends on the underlying OS. For example, a common behavior is
        delivery of a signal, with the specific signal depending on the event
        that triggered it.