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VitaDock MPV DIY project


VitaDock video sneak peak

Updates comming soon!!!!

What you will need for this build

  • Raspberry Pi

I used a Raspberry Pi 3 B+


  • Bluetooth Dongle

Any BT 4.0 should work. I used this no-name brand.


  • Momentary Switch


While this is not required, it will make for a nice setup.


On my build I used the Borken Button.

  • 3D Printed Case

image image There are a few on thingverse, and a few people that can print them for you.

Find a dock and get it printed 3D Prints

  • Hacked PS VITA with usb connection

...and of course a Hacked PSVITA Henkaku/enso/h-encore with udcd-uvc plugin by xerpi


Software Instructions Setup

1- Download Raspbian with a desktop from: downloads, remember to use the full desktop version, NOT the lite or desktop with recomended software.

2 - Using Win32diskimager or etcher "write" the unzipped Raspbian image to your SD Card.

3 - Once done remove the SD Card from PC and put your card in you pi and boot it up.

4 - After the first boot set your time zone, language etc. [AND DO NOT SKIP UPDATE ONCE ASKED!!!] Also enable SSH if you want to use a pc and putty to help set this up.

5 - Once everything is done restart your raspberry pi (system message will appear asking you to press reboot).

6 - (Optional) If you want to use Putty, here is a quick tutorial

Setting up the Dock

1 - Update MPV and FFMPEG

Adjust your memory split to 128 and reboot.

This can be done on the desktop, with raspi-config, or with editing the /boot/config.txt. we will use raspi-config

Open up putty or the terminal and copy and paste

sudo raspi-config

Select Advanced options

Select Memory split

Change it to 128, click ok and then back out and click Finish, it will ask you to reboot, say yes/ok.

Now lets update mpv and ffmpeg

Using putty or terminal on the raspberry pi, copy and paste the following and let your pi run, this process should take about hour.

cd && wget && chmod u+x vidware && sudo bash vidware

Once the video loads you can press Q on the keyboard to exit the video.

2 - Reboot the pi

3 - Setup your Sound

You can use a usb sound card an some 3.5mm cables to send the sound to the pi. I found the sound quality to be poor. So I opted to turn the pi into a BT reciver and send the sound from the vita to the pi. I bought a cheap no name dongle, worked well.

Since we are using a BT dongle add dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt to your /boot/config.txt.

Once again use putty or terminal on the raspberry pi

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

and add


Then reboot

Use Putty or your Pi's terminal

Copy and paste the following, and press enter, Then follow the on screen prompts.

git clone
cd super-simple-raspberry-pi-audio-receiver-install
git checkout stretch-fix
sudo ./

During the setup it will ask you some questions. Here were my answers.


Which installation would you like to choose? (1/2/3/4/5/6) : 2. Install the Raspberry Pi Audio Receiver Home Installation

Do you want all the Devices to use the same name? (y/n) : y

Device name: vitadock

Airplay password (y/n): n

Which Sound Card are you using? (0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11) : 0. No Sound Card

4 - Reboot your PI

5 - Make a launching script

open a terminal

sudo nano /home/pi/Desktop/

then copy and paste the following


mpv /dev/video0

Save (CTRL +x), hit Y, then enter

make it exicutionable and change ownership

sudo chmod a+x /home/pi/Desktop/ && sudo chown pi:pi /home/pi/Desktop/

You can now launch the script from your desktop.

If you want to launch from command line type this into the terminal.

mpv /dev/video0

6 - (Optional) Power button setup optional

To setup an on/off button follow this tutorial by Eta Prime

To set up the Borken Button follow this tutorial by Eta prime

You are done!



Plug in

Pi3 B/B+ Beta Builds

VitaDock MPV by Motie: Click to Download

VitaDock MPV console beta: Click to download

Pi4 Beta Builds

Pi 4 MPV/VLC Hybrid: Click to Download

Notes :

  • You can use xerpi's ds3/4 plugin to use controller with vita

  • I Suggest you use the upcomming release, the MPV and FFMPEG tutorial can be hard to follow. I did automate it, to see if that will help make the set up eaiser. all credit goes to RPi_Mike and his killer script.

  • For audio I recommend usb bluetooth dongle

  • I used BaReinhard's Super Simple Raspberry Pi Audio Receiver Install for the BT Sound setup, all credit for the BT sound setup goes to him.