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Hypothesis Testing

In this part of my practise the following hypothesis were performed.

  • Independent T-test to test the difference between two groups
  • Welch's T-test for sampples with unequal variances
  • Paired difference T-test for assess the significance of an intervention
  • Applying one-way and two-way ANOVA for multiple categorical values

The test were performed on different datasets for the following purpose:

  1. Bike sharing data set: To test whether weather situation, temperature affected the numbe of bikes rented.
  2. Blood pressure dataset: To test the blood pressure results before and after the intervention are statistically significant or not
  3. Women's clothing e-commerce reviews data set: To test whether the frequency distribution of a dataset matches the expected distribution

Tasks included

Following tasks related to hypothesis testing and data visualization were done:

  • Hypothesis testing

  • Data visualization

    • Box plot visualization alt text
    • Histogram visualization alt text
    • Q-Q plot alt text
    • Barchart visualization alt text


You can find all the datasets used in this project inside the datasets directory. The datasets include

  • Bike_sharing_dataset_preprocessed.csv
  • Blood_pressure.csv
  • Womens Clothin E-Commerce Reviews.csv


You can clone the repository and practise for yourself.


This is a part of Pluralsight's - Interpreting Data Using Statistical Models with Python

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