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File metadata and controls

79 lines (57 loc) · 2.39 KB


Movie Platform test MVP application backend system.

Project Main Structure

This is the project main structure:

  • src
    • modules
      • auth
      • user
      • movie
    • common
      • constants
      • decorators
      • dto
      • exceptions
      • guards
      • services
  • test

modules directory contains components encapsulating a closely related set of capabilities:

  • auth - provides APIs and functionality for user registration and authentication,
  • user - provides APIs and functionality for user creation, update, retrieval and favorite movies,
  • movie - provides APIs and functionality for movie creation, update, retrieval, removal and movie rating.

common directory contains common functionalities and defined constants used in the project:

  • constants - contains enumeration types used in the project,
  • decorators - contains decorators used in controllers,
  • dto - contains common DTOs used in the modules,
  • exceptions - contains different exception types used in the project,
  • guards - contains access control guards, used to ensure that the caller has sufficient permission to execute a specific route,
  • services - contains services (such as config service) used in the project from different components.

In test directory should be located unit tests for project components.


$ npm install

Local Development

A local .env file should be created with environment variables. Here is a template:



JWT_EXPIRES_IN=21600 #In seconds, 6 hours

SWAGGER_DESCRIPTION="Movie Platform API Documentation"

Run the following command to start the service (in watch mode):

npm run-script start:dev

Swagger Documentation

Swagger documentation is available in http://localhost:5000/api/doc/ URL.

Possible improvements

The project can be improved as follows:

  • Add unit test,
  • Docker image can be used in order to run MongoDB locally. For that docker-compose.yml file can be created with MongoDB configurations,
  • Relation DB like PostgreSQL with TypeORM can be used to have separate UserFavoriteMovies table, thus removing it from Users table.