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Import Configuration

Michael Parsons edited this page Nov 18, 2020 · 3 revisions



The main project for the import is in the solution Import folder, CTI.Import.Key project files:
  • Program class is the startup, and calls separate classes for each type of import.
  • RegistryImport includes the code to retrieve data from the registry - in the registry envelope container
The key app.config settings will be described below.


  • NOTE: We are using the V3 import methods and the related MappingHelperV3 class. The original import methods have not been removed yet
  • Handles mapping from the JSON-LD format from the registry to POCO classes
  • After mapping the data successfully the appropriate related method from the workIT.Services project will be called to handle saving the data, marking data to be updated in elastic, and any caching methods. Example CredentialServices.Import( ThisEntity entity, ref SaveStatus status )


  • Has all the business service layer code. There will be code used just by the import as well as by the credential finder
  • All data CRUD code is in the workIt.Factories project
  • We mostly use entity frameworks (database first) for interfacing with the database. workIT.Data contains the related edmx files. We used separate edmx files for tables and views.
  • There are a few stored procedures in use, mostly for retrieving data to load into the elastic indices
  • Most DTO classes are in the workIT.Models project



There will be many of the same keys used by the web project.

Primary Key values

Application Key Value/Notes


Provide your custom user name for google geo services



  • daily,
  • sinceLastRun,
  • hourly,
  • adhoc,
  • or integer - meaning minutes. Could use to schedule for 7:00 am and minutes since 8pm previous night
  • will need to record or derive the last run


Normally false, set to true if say only want to download and save the registry document and not import data


If doing an adhoc run, provide the starting date.

NOTE: start/end dates will be converted to UTC before calling the registry searches. If the dates will be provided in UTC, be sure to set usingUTC_ForTime to false.


If doing an adhoc import and the endDate is to be less than the current date, then provide an end date.


If true (default), the import will convert any calculated dates to UTC.

Import Entity options.








Normally these are all true. Set to false if wish to only import particular entities.

Skipping options - normally false

special codes for imports to handle special cases. Typically due to a change to data format in the registry


Actions: 0-normal; 1-DeleteOnly; 2-SkipDelete


If true expand state abbreviations to the full name

Keys that are needed due to common code used by the finder, but not applicable directly to the import

    <add key="credentialCacheMinutes" value="1" />

    <add key="organizationCacheMinutes" value="1" />

    <add key="learningOppCacheMinutes" value="1" />

    <add key="maxKeywordLength" value="200" />

    <add key="maxReferenceTextLength" value="900" />

    <add key="maxReferenceUrlLength" value="600" />

 CR registry

Keys related to the target credential registry environment


Provide your API Key from the CE accounts site


Always true now.


If downloading from the sandbox:

    <add key="credentialRegistryUrl" value="" />

    <add key="credentialRegistryGet" value="{0}" />

    <add key="credentialRegistrySearch" value="" />

    <add key="credentialRegistryResource" value="{0}" />


If downloading from production:

<add key="credentialRegistryUrl" value="" />

<add key="credentialRegistryGet" value="{0}" />

<add key="credentialRegistrySearch" value="" />

<add key="credentialRegistryResource" value="{0}" />

Elastic search related


Url to the instance of elastic being used


Was used in prototyping, typically set to a large size like 9999. The import typically imports a small amount daily, or hourly. More pertinent for a full rebuild.


organizationCollection assessmentCollection


Name of elastic collection that will be updated by the import. Can use different collections for different sources. For example one for a test environment and another for production copies.

Options to use or not use Elastic for the searches





These are always true, unless using sql server for searching.

Note that the sql search has been set as the default, so these keys will all be set to false.


False - will update caches, and elastic on a per record basis,

True - store requests in the SearchPendingReindex table, and handle at end of import.


Action to take when updating an elastic index.

0-none; 1- Use Index; 2-use Bulk (default)

Section for email

The user would update this section for providers for sending emails. There is an email manager with code to Mailgun, an api service and localhost (not recently verified). The email service is disabled by default.

 <add key="sendEmailFlag" value="FALSE" />        

Section for tracing and logging

The utilities project has code for tracing, logging errors, and saving files (example files downloaded from registry). The same approach is used in the finder project.

The default folder for logs is c:\@logs. Create the latter folder and give modify access as needed for your environment, or just select Everyone.


Set to the max level of tracing to display. The DoTrace methods start with a display level. The actual method that outputs trace messages to a file (and console) will only output message with a display level less than or equal to the value of appTraceLevel.

LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 8,”some message to only show in rare circumstances” );

Or to messages to always log.

LoggingHelper.DoTrace( 1, string.Format( " - Updates since: {0} ", startingDate ) );


Path and filename for file to store error messages. Uses a pattern so only a month of files are kept, and then overwritten.



Path and filename for file to store trace messages. Uses a pattern so only a month of files are kept, and then overwritten.



Path and pattern for saving files such as registry downloads.


If using the latter default value, be sure to create the RegistryDownload folder in the C:\@logs folder.

Path to file for logging emails, if logAllEmail=yes

Connection strings



These are not enabled for this project - yet. Authentication is not used by the import. The finder uses SSO via the accounts site.





These are set up for sql server. User should only have to provide the database name (if not using the default), server name/data source, and password.

Next: Import Workflow

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