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nitr8 edited this page May 17, 2018 · 16 revisions

Quick start guide!

Download the latest version of the creepMiner for your OS

Unpack / Install the download (zip / msi | tar.gz / deb)

Start the miner (run creepMiner.exe or ./

note: If you using a NAS or just want to use a docker container of creepMiner please download the official container

Open up http://localhost:8124 in your favourite browser and go to settings. You can now configure your creepMiner

Go to settings and enter your mining URL information provided by your pool:

Go to plots and select to add a new directory.

Adding plot location

  • Enter all plot directories you want to be read while mining
    • on Windows, it looks like this: C:\\plots (double \\)
    • on Unix, it looks like this: /Users/abc/plots
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