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Justin Drew edited this page Jul 11, 2017 · 1 revision

enterprise-notifications App architecture

This file is a brief outline of the architecture of this application.


Assets for Ember.js are stored in the public directory. The crossdomain.xml and robots.txt files are auto-generated when the Ember project is created, and do not need to be touched.

Any new icons should be added under the assets/icons subdirectory.

|  |--icons
|  |  |--Critical.png
|  |  |--GreenCheck.png
|  |  `--Informational.png
|  `--svg
|     `--hourglass.svg


The configuration files for the app are in a few different places, depending on what is being configured.

  • Ember configuration is in config/environment.js. Visit Configuring Ember.js for more information on this file's structure
  • Project dependencies are listed in bower.json and package.json
  • Electron build configuration is included in package.json
  • electron-forge-config.js can be ignored; package.json is used instead


For the most part, the Cordova code is all boilerplate that is needed for properly building the application as a mobile app. You should not need to alter much here, with the possible exception of the ember-cordova/cordova/config.xml file.

Any new Cordova plugins that need to be added will be added into the package.json file. You can do this automatically by running npm install --save <package-name> from inside of the ember-cordova/cordova directory.

The mobile app can be given a new icon by replacing the ember-cordova/icon.svg file with a new SVG file and then running the command ember cdv:make-icons --platform <android or ios>. Note that ember-cordova requires using a SVG file to generate icons.


The Electron code creates the desktop application portion of enterprise-notifications. It does so by creating a custom browser base on the Chromium engine and Node.js. All custom Electron code is stored in the ember-electron directory.

The only custom Electron code is main.js and the code inside of the lib directory.

|  |--ipcSetup.js
|  |--powerSetup.js
|  |--traySetup.js
|  `--windowSetup.js
|  `--assets
|     `--icons
|        |--Icon.ico
|        |--Icon.png
|        |--IconGray.ico
|        |--IconGreen.ico
|        |--IconRed.ico
|        `--IconYellow.ico


All Ember.js custom code is stored under the app directory. There you will find any code that applies to the web page portion of the enterprise-notifications project.

|  |--clinical-system.js
|  `--historic-clinical-system.js
|  |--branded-text-canvas
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  |--branding-container
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  |--color-swatch
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  |--connection-alert
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  |--detailed-system-view
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  |--history-item
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  |--list-by-name
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  |--list-by-status
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  |--list-controls
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  |--list-selector
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  |--loading-mask
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  |--modal-window
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  |--overall-summary
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  |--system-list
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  |--text-box
|  |  |--component.js
|  |  `--template.hbs
|  `--text-field
|     |--component.js
|     `--template.hbs
|  |--main
|  |  |--history.js
|  |  `--notifications.js
|  `--main.js
|  `--pluralize-text.js
|  |--clinical-system.js
|  `--historic-clinical-system.js
|  |--main
|  |  |--history.js
|  |  `--notifications.js
|  |--application.js
|  |--loading.js
|  `--main.js
|  |--clinical-system.js
|  `--historic-clinical-system.js
|  |--_element-defaults.scss
|  |--_flex-classes.scss
|  |--_functions.scss
|  |--_layout.scss
|  |--_lists.scss
|  |--_mixins.scss
|  |--_semantic-ui-modifier.scss
|  |--_swatch.scss
|  |--_text.scss
|  |--_utility.scss
|  `--app.scss
|  |--main
|  |  |--history.hbs
|  |  `--notifications.hbs
|  |--application.hbs
|  |--loading.hbs
|  `--main.js


The styling in enterprise-notifications is done using SCSS and the Semantic UI CSS framework.

SCSS supports use of stylesheets called "partials." Partials are indicated by a leading underscore (_example.scss, for example). Partials are not directly compiled to SCSS, but instead have to be imported into another stylesheet using the @import command. In enterprise-notifications, all partials are imported into app.scss which is then compiled into a complete stylesheet at build time.

Semantic UI is a flexbox-based CSS framework. Because it heavily uses flexbox, the components it implements are incredibly easy to use in a responsive page, generally without much modification. Flexbox is well supported in all modern browsers, as well as IE11.

All modifications to the base Semantic UI classes are stored in the app/styles/_semantic-ui-modifier.scss partial.

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