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Danila Rassokhin edited this page Mar 24, 2023 · 3 revisions

This is the home of the CompaJ Project - open source, cross-platform programming and numeric computing platform for math modelling.

Compaj logo wide


CompaJ has modular structure based on Maven modules.

  • CompaJ Core
    • Core is a library with basic content for CompaJ. It contains simple functions and models.
  • CompaJ Applied
    • Applied module contains ready to use models.
  • CompaJ Lang
    • CompaJ Lang is an object oriented and optionally typed programming language based on Groovy with useful extensions to reduce redundant symbols and simplify calculations.
  • CompaJ REPL
    • CompaJ REPL is a console application which provides all functionality of CompaJ Lang.
  • CompaJ
    • CompaJ is a standalone application with GUI and many useful tools for CompaJ REPL.



CompaJ uses Groovy under the hood with some tweaks. You can learn Groovy on its official site.


CompaJ uses Apache Commons Math library for math operations.


CompaJ uses widgets system for visualization in WorkSpace. Documentation will be released soon.

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