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Danila Rassokhin edited this page Jan 27, 2023 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the Progressive wiki!

Progressive is a simple game framework, which lets you to create real-time or interactive fiction games such as novels, text quests and much more!
Progressive gives you a structure and ready-made components to create games easily


  • IoC/DI container for auto dependency injections, packages scanning and synchronized work of all components
  • Predefined way to game development: create game objects and attach some scripts to them
  • State machine allows you to change game lifecycle, or control any other object states with transitions through events, actions and guards
  • Global publisher - the way your components can "talk" to each other
  • Component creator will help you to create some components with just one method call
  • Many useful annotations to reduce boilerplate code

Learn more

See some examples in example package or learn about components here

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