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Ease-Functions library


This library cannot be used without having imported the universalsmoothscroll-min.js script in your project first.
This library is also a module so each function you see below must be imported before you can use it.

For example:

  //The name of these and more other functions is in the table below.
  import {
  } from "YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_FOLDER/universalsmoothscroll-ease-functions-min.js";

  //From here I can start using the imported functions.


This library contains functions that can be invoked to get custom stepLengthCalculators which can be used to control the easing of any scroll-animation.

In order to do that, just pass the returned stepLengthCalculator to either one of these methods:

For instance:

  import {
  } from "YOUR_JAVASCRIPT_FOLDER/universalsmoothscroll-ease-functions-min.js";

  //Save the returned value (a stepLengthCalculator) to use it later.
  const myCustomStepLengthCalculator = CUSTOM_CUBIC_HERMITE_SPLINE(
    [0, 0.5, 1],
    [0, 0.2, 1]

  //Use the imported functions to customize the easings of your scroll-animatons.
  uss.setXStepLengthCalculator(EASE_OUT_QUAD(300), myContainer, true);
  uss.setYStepLengthCalculator(EASE_OUT_BOUNCE(750), myContainer, true);
  uss.setStepLengthCalculator(myCustomStepLengthCalculator, myContainer);

A bold input parameter's name means that it's a mandatory input (its default value is always ).
An italic input parameter's name means that it's an optional parameter.

Name Visualizations Input Parameters Default values
tension 0
duration 500
callback undefined
duration 500
callback undefined
CUSTOM_CUBIC_BEZIER x1, y1, x2, y2 0, 0, 1, 1
duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_LINEAR duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_SINE duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_QUAD duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_CUBIC duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_QUART duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_QUINT duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_EXPO duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_CIRC duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_BOUNCE duration 900
callback undefined
bouncesNumber 3
EASE_OUT_SINE duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_OUT_QUAD duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_OUT_CUBIC duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_OUT_QUART duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_OUT_QUINT duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_OUT_EXPO duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_OUT_CIRC duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_OUT_BOUNCE duration 900
callback undefined
bouncesNumber 3
EASE_IN_OUT_SINE duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_OUT_QUART duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_OUT_QUINT duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_OUT_EXPO duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_OUT_CIRC duration 500
callback undefined
EASE_IN_OUT_BOUNCE duration 1200
callback undefined
bouncesNumber 6
EASE_ELASTIC_X forwardEasing
elasticPointCalculator () => 50
debounceTime 0
EASE_ELASTIC_Y forwardEasing
elasticPointCalculator () => 50
debounceTime 0

The xs and ys parameters

They're 2 arrays containing finite numbers between 0 (included) and 1 (included).
They must contain the same number of elements.
Values at the same index will represent a single point (x,y).
xs and ys can both be empty.

For instance:

 * In this example:
 * xs and ys represents the 3 points
 * - (0,0)
 * - (0.50, 0.25)
 * - (1,1)
const xs = [0, 0.50, 1];
const ys = [0, 0.25, 1];

In the case of the CUSTOM_BEZIER_CURVE easing, the xs and ys's values represent the control points of a generic n-th degree bezier curve.

For example:

 * In this example:
 * xs and ys represents the 4 control points
 * - (0,0)
 * - (0.33, 1.00)
 * - (0.68, 1.00)
 * - (1,1)
 * N.B. Using 4 control points will give you a cubic bezier curve.
 *      In this case:
 *      CUSTOM_BEZIER_CURVE(xs,ys) === CUSTOM_CUBIC_BEZIER(0.33, 1.00, 0.68, 1.00) 
const xs = [0, 0.33, 0.68, 1];
const ys = [0, 1.00, 1.00, 1];

//This is a non-temporary EASE_OUT_CUBIC-like easing
//which always make the scroll-animation last 1 second.
    CUSTOM_BEZIER_CURVE(xs, ys, 1000),

In the case of the CUSTOM_CUBIC_HERMITE_SPLINE easing, successive xs's values represent the generic interpolation intervals (xk , xk+1) of a canonical cubic hermite spline and they must be sorted, whereas the ys's values represent the points through which the spline should pass in the specified xs intervals.

For instance:

 * In this example:
 * xs and ys represents the 4 points
 * - (0,0)
 * - (0.40, 0.26)
 * - (0.60, 0.84)
 * - (1,1)
 * N.B. You can add as many points as you want, 
 *      but the API's hermite splines will always be cubic.
const xs = [0, 0.40, 0.60, 1];
const ys = [0, 0.26, 0.84, 1];

//This is a temporary custom EASE_IN_OUT-like easing
//which always make the scroll-animation last 1.2 second.
    CUSTOM_CUBIC_HERMITE_SPLINE(xs, ys, 0, 1200),

The tension parameter

It's a number between 0 (included) and 1 (included) which represent the tension of a canonical cubic hermite spline.
The lesser the tension value is, the softer the spline will be.

The x1, y1, x2 and y2 parameters

They're 4 finite numbers between 0 (included) and 1 (included).
They're the 2nd and the 3rd control points of a cubic bezier curve ((x1,y1) and (x2,y2)).
The 1st control point is always fixed to (0,0) whilst the 4th one is fixed to (1,1).
They determine the type of easing the returned stepLengthCalculator will have.

The duration parameter

It's a positive number which indicates the time (in milliseconds) every scroll-animation controlled by this stepLengthCalculator will last.

The callback parameter

Each one of the above mentioned functions will return a stepLengthCalculator when invoked.
These stepLengthCalculators are passed some input parameters (see here for more info).
The callback parameter is a function which will be executed at every scroll-animation step and that is always invoked with those same input parameters.

The bouncesNumber parameter

It's the number of bounces the returned stepLengthCalculator will do before completing the scroll-animation.
A bounce occurs when the scroll-animation reaches the highest scrollable value of a container and then goes back.

EASE_ELASTIC parameters

The forwardEasing parameter

The backwardEasing parameter

  • It's a stepLengthCalculator that controls the easing of the backward part of the scroll-animation.

The elasticPointCalculator parameter

  • It's a function which must return the number of pixels that will be scrolled by the backward part of the scroll-animation.
    If this function returns a negative number, the forwardEasing will be used instead of the backwardEasing for the backward part of the scroll-animation.

    An ElasticPointCalculator is always passed the following input parameters (in this order):

    • the originalTimestamp which indicates the exact time in milliseconds at which the (forward part of) the scroll-animation has started
    • the currentTimestamp which indicates the time in milliseconds at which this function is invoked
    • the currentPosition of the container's scrollTop/Left (scrollTop/scrollY for EASE_ELASTIC_Y, scrollLeft/scrollX for EASE_ELASTIC_X)
    • the direction of the (forward part of) scroll-animation: 1 if the scrolling was from right-to-left/bottom-to-top, -1 otherwise
    • the container on which the scroll-animation is currently being performed (an Element that can be scrolled or the Window)

The debounceTime parameter

  • It's the time (in milliseconds) that has to elapse after the end of the (forward part of) the scroll-animation in order to start the backward part.

For example:

 * Every scroll-animation on the x-axis of myContainer:
 *  - will scroll by x pixels with an EASE_OUT_QUAD easing for 1 second
 *  - will wait 500ms
 *  - will scroll by 50 pixels in the opposite direction with an EASE_OUT_BOUNCE easing for 700ms
    (originalTimestamp, currentTimestamp, currentPosition, direction, container) => 50,