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This repo contains code for the paper, Good Data, Large Data, or No Data? Comparing Three Approaches in Developing Research Aspect Classifiers for Biomedical Papers.


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This repo contains code for the paper, Good Data, Large Data, or No Data? Comparing Three Approaches in Developing Research Aspect Classifiers for Biomedical Papers.

You can find the paper here:

Environment Setup

If you use conda to manage your environment, you can create a new one using our environment.yml file. If you plan to use comet_ml to monitor the training status, you will need to modify the COMET_API_KEY. If you plan to run chatGPT or GPT-4 experiment, you will need to modify the OPENAI_API_KEY. Both of them can be specified in the environment.yml file.


  COMET_API_KEY: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  OPENAI_API_KEY: sk-oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

To create a new conda environment named coda19-exp, please run the following command.

conda env create --name coda19-exp --file environment.yml
conda activate conda19-exp

If you have your own python installed, you can also use pip to install all the packages.

python -m pip install requirements.txt

Getting Data

In this project, we conducted experiments using CODA-19 and PubMed dataset. Please download both of the data from the corresponding Github repo.


Once you download the data from Unzip the data/ from the repo and move the CODA19_v1_20200504 folder to our data folder.

You can run script/ directly to process all the data in batch. The script will generate (1) coda19 and (2) coda19-position data in a json format under the data folder. The detailed step-by-step settings are described below.

sh script/

Details about the Command

To process the CODA19 data in the json format, run the following command. Note that the command will only process the train data. Please modify the command accordingly for dev and test sets.

python src/ \
    --input-folder "data/CODA19_v1_20200504/human_label/train" \
    --output-filename "data/coda19/train.json"

You can enable the position-encoding by adding the position-encoding flag.

python src/ \
    --input-folder "data/CODA19_v1_20200504/human_label/train" \
    --output-filename "data/coda19-position/train.json" \


Once you download the data from We are using the PubMed_200k_RCT data. Please unzip the PubMed_200k_RCT/train.7z and move the PubMed_200k_RCT under the data folder.

You can run script/ directly to process all the data in batch. This script will generate (1) pubmed, (2) pubmed-position, (3) simple-mix-position, (4) upsampling-mix-position, (5) pubmed-position-coda19-label under the data folder. The detailed step-by-step settings are described below.

sh script/

Details about the Command

To process the PubMed data in the json format, run process-data in src/ Note that the command will only process the train data. Please modify the command accordingly for dev and test sets.

python src/ process-data \
        --input-file "data/PubMed_200k_RCT/train.txt" \
        --output-file "data/pubmed/train.json"

Again, you can add the position-encoding to the text by specifying the --position-encoding flag.

python src/ process-data \
        --input-file "data/PubMed_200k_RCT/train.txt" \
        --output-file "data/pubmed/train.json" \

To generate the PubMed data using the CODA-19 label set, specify the --coda19-label flag. Note that this is for the two-staged training experiment.

python src/ process-data \
        --input-file "data/PubMed_200k_RCT/train.txt" \
        --output-file "data/pubmed/train.json" \
        --position-encoding \

To generate the mixed data (CODA19+PubMed) for the simple-mixing and upsampling-mixing experiment, please use mix-data in src/ Note that we are mixing the position-encoded data and the order of input-file-1 and input-file-2 does not matter.

python src/ mix-data \
        --input-file-1 "data/coda19-position/train.json" \
        --input-file-2 "data/pubmed-position/train.json" \
        --output-file "data/simple-mix-position/train.json"

To upsample the data with fewer samples, specify the --upsampling flag. You can also change the ratio (default value is 10) to determine the upsampling ratio.

python src/ mix-data \
        --input-file-1 "data/coda19-position/train.json" \
        --input-file-2 "data/pubmed-position/train.json" \
        --output-file "data/simple-mix-position/train.json" \
        --upsampling \
        [--ratio 10]

Fine-tuned Model Experiment

We modify the src/ file provided by HuggingFace to fine-tune all the models. All the basic settings are included in the script/ for calling src/ You will need to specify data_folder, output_folder, model_name, and cuda_device when running script/ For example, the following command will fine-tune allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased with data/coda19-position dataset using cuda:0. The output model will be saved to model/coda19-position-scibert_scivocab_uncased folder.

sh script/ \
  "data/coda19-position" \
  "model/coda19-position-scibert_scivocab_uncased" \
  "allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased" \

In this paper, we fine-tuned a total of 7 models:

  1. coda19
  2. coda19-position
  3. pubmed
  4. pubmed-position
  5. simple-mix-position
  6. upsampling-mix-position
  7. two-staged-mix-position: train the model with pubmed-position-coda19-label and coda19-position sequentially

To run all the experiment at once, you can run script/ (the default gpu is cuda:0, please modify it accordingly).

sh script/

Inference and Evaluate

After training the model, you can use src/ to make prediction for the given data.

  1. model-name-or-path: the path for the fine-tuned model (e.g., model/coda19-position-scibert_scivocab_uncased)
  2. test-filename: the path for the testing data
  3. text-key: the key (json field name) for the input text in each of the sample (default: text)
  4. output-filename: the path for the output result
  5. batch-size: number of samples per batch (default: 32)
  6. device: device used for prediction (default: cuda:0)
  7. label-mapping: whether turn the PubMed label into CODA19 label set (default: False)

The following is an example command.

python src/ \
        --model-name-or-path model/coda19-position-scibert_scivocab_uncased \
        --test-filename data/coda19-position/test.json \
        --output-filename output/prediction-coda19-position-scibert.txt

After getting the predictions, you can run src/compute to compute the score. There are only two arguments.

  1. predict-file: the path for the prediction file (e.g., output/prediction-coda19-position-scibert.txt)
  2. answer-file: the path for the test file
python src/ \
        --predict-file output/prediction-coda19-position-scibert.txt \
        --answer-file data/coda19-position/test.json

You will see the output like this.

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

  background   0.824990  0.794350  0.809380      5062
     finding   0.823230  0.867199  0.844642      6890
      method   0.741281  0.665421  0.701305      2140
       other   0.818653  0.843416  0.830850       562
     purpose   0.638197  0.655298  0.646635       821

    accuracy                       0.803360     15475
   macro avg   0.769270  0.765137  0.766562     15475
weighted avg   0.802490  0.803360  0.802280     15475

Micro F1 Score 0.8033602584814217

LLM Experiment

In this paper, we run 6 large language models (LLMs), including 3 open-sourced LLMs (LLaMA, MPT, and Dolly) and 3 closed LLMs (GPT3, ChatGPT, and GPT4). We test them in both zero-shot and few-shot settings. You can find the prompts in the prompt folder (prompt/zero-shot.txt and prompt/few-shot.txt).

The subset of the samples (1250 samples) we used for our experiment is included in the data folder.

Preparing the models

Open-AI models

Please set your OpenAI API key as an environment variable (OPENAI_API_KEY)

export OPENAI_API_KEY="sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

If you are using conda, you can also use conda to manage it. Remember to re-activate your conda environment!

conda env config vars set OPENAI_API_KEY="sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"


We are using the officially released LLaMA model. Please fill out the request form and obtain the model here.

You can then convert the LLaMA weights into HuggingFace's format following the instruction here.


The interface for generating responses is written in src/ Here, to run the prediction, we will be calling src/

  1. model-type: the model type you would like to use (e.g., gpt3, chatgpt, gpt4, llama, mpt, dolly)
  2. model-path: if you are using the open-sourced models (llama, mpt, dolly), you will need to specify the precise model or path to the model (e.g., databricks/dolly-v2-12b or /data/data/llama/llama-7B)
  3. test-file: the path for the test set.
  4. prompt-file: the path for the prompt file.
  5. output-folder: the folder path for all the output files. Note that if there are 20 samples in the test file, then there will be 20 files in the output-folder after execution.

Here is an example command we used to run LLaMA with the zero-shot setting.

python src/ exp \
        --model-path /data/data/share/llama/llama-65B \
        --model-type llama \
        --test-file data/test_subset.json \
        --prompt-file prompt/zero-shot.txt \
        --output-folder output/llama-zero-shot

Running GPT4 with the few-shot setting.

python src/ exp \
        --model-type gpt4
        --test-file data/test_subset.json \
        --prompt-file prompt/few-shot.txt \
        --output-folder output/gpt4-few-shot

Calculate Scores

We implement the compute-score command in src/ To use it, you will need to specify the following arguments:

  1. test-file: the path for the test file
  2. output-folder: the path for the LLM's output folder (e.g., output/gpt4-few-shot)
  3. model-type: the model type for this LLM. We need this to determine how to extract the generated text from the responses.

Here is an example command for computing scores for the GPT-4 + few-shot output.

python src/ compute-score \
        --model-type gpt4 \
        --test-file data/test_subset.json \
        --output-folder output/gpt4-few-shot

Batch Processing

If you would like to run all the experiment, you can use the shell scripts we provided in the script folder.

Inference in Batch

bash script/

Compute Scores in Batch

bash script/


If you use the code or results from the paper, please consider citing our paper.

    title = "Good Data, Large Data, or No Data? Comparing Three Approaches in Developing Research Aspect Classifiers for Biomedical Papers",
    author = "Chandrasekhar, Shreya  and
      Huang, Chieh-Yang  and
      Huang, Ting-Hao",
    booktitle = "The 22nd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing and BioNLP Shared Tasks",
    month = july,
    year = "2023",
    address = "Toronto, Canada",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "103--113",


This repo contains code for the paper, Good Data, Large Data, or No Data? Comparing Three Approaches in Developing Research Aspect Classifiers for Biomedical Papers.






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