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DMp Contained



To provide a relatively simple way of launching a copy of the Digital Marketplace website loaded with test data.

Some likely users could be:

  • architects who would like to have a Digital Marketplace environment running on their computer (with Docker being the only dependency)
  • product managers, designers, user researchers who would like to explore and use the service in their own time
  • developers who would like to be able to "spin" a Digital Marketplace environment for testing purposes (e.g. running overnight tests of the current code against all the states of a framework)


This is not for production use. If this was run on the public Internet (e.g. on GOV.UK PaaS), it should be password protected at the very least, to also avoid search engines indexing its content


The architecture priorities simplicity and economy of setup above other factors.

The single Docker container runs all the apps and backend services. The apps code is mounted onto the container so that when the code is changed on the host, those changes are reflected in the container.

The apps are run via the built-in Flask web server (each app listens on a different port) while nginx, redis, postgres and elasticsearch are run as services on the container (no Docker-in-docker).

Localstack (which "emulates" the AWS S3 service so to run the environment without the need of AWS credentials) is running as a separate container. The dmp-contained and localstack containers are attached to a Docker network so that they can communicate.

Pain points

  1. As the backend services run directly on this container it is more difficult (albeit not impossible) to control their version compared to running them as separate containers - that is because we install the version available for the container operating system (see Dockerfile) which may be different from the one we use on production.

  2. It is slow to stand up an environment - everything needs to be provisioned basically from scratch. At the time of writing, on a Macbook Pro, 2.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM:

    • it takes around 35 mins for the environment to be ready if the code is already on your computer, roughly distributed as 1 min to provision the backend services, 20 mins to start the apps, 5 mins for importing test data in Postgres and 10 minutes to build the Elasticsearch indexes.
    • it takes around 75 mins for the environment to be ready if the code is not already on your computer
  3. Having at least 6GB of RAM for Docker is needed, mostly because the ElasticSearch indexing is very intensive.


Docker, with a reservation of at least 6GB of RAM (that is because Elasticsearch indexing is very intensive). You may need to increase Docker's memory allocation, for example in the Docker Desktop for Mac preferences.

How to run this project

  1. Clone this repo

  2. In the /resources-for-container/mount folder, add a file test_data.sql containing the SQL statements to initialise the database (you can use the one from dm-runner).

  3. Create network to attach both the Localstack and dmp-contained containers to (only the first time): docker network create dmp-contained

  4. Run the Localstack container in a separate terminal (or terminal tab):

docker run \
--rm -it \
--net=dmp-contained \ \ \
--name=localstack \
-p 4566:4566 \
--env SERVICES=s3 \
--env DATA_DIR=/tmp/localstack \
--env DEFAULT_REGION=eu-west-1 \
--mount 'type=volume,source=s3-data,target=/tmp/localstack' \
--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  1. Build the dmp-contained container: docker build -t dmp-contained .

  2. Run the container:

docker run \
--init --rm -it \
--memory 6G \
--name dmp-contained \
--net=dmp-contained \
-p 80:80 \
-p 55000:55000 \
-p 55009:55009 \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/resources-for-container/mount,target=/dmp-contained/mount \
dmp-contained /bin/bash

This is going to open up a shell on the container

  1. In the container, run /usr/local/bin/python3.6 (use the --help option for seeing all the options available when running the script)

This step will checkout the code into /resources-for-container/mount/local-repos. If the code was already checked out, it will perform a git pull --rebase on all the checkout folders.

When this script ends you should be able to hit http://localhost from your browser (host environment) and see a DMp webpage.

Running the functional tests

To run the functional tests against the environment, you need to:

  • have the dmp-contained environment running
  • clone the functional tests repository and follow the instructions there. You will need to set 55000 and 55009 as api and search-api ports respectively (that is the original ports with an extra 5 at the start) in the configuration file of the functional tests.

Those two ports will be proxied to the api apps by nginx. It would have been nice if we didn't need this extra step and we could have used the apps ports directly from the host. That may be possible with some nginx and/or Docker network configuration change. One other solution may be to have the flask api apps run on rather than (detailed explanation).

Managing the environment

Utilities to manage the environment can be found in the resources-for-container/files/utils folder, which is copied onto the container - typically, those utilities need to be run on the container.

Ideally, we will have time to provide a more integrated and convenient management "console" at some point.


Firstly, there are TODO notes in the code, so worth having a look at them.

Possible improvements that may be considered are:

  • Having Localstack running inside the dmp-contained
  • Being able to deploy dmp-contained to GOV.UK PaaS, ideally in an automated manner
  • Being able to navigate through the journeys that use emails (e.g. user signup)
  • Generate test data within the container, therefore removing the need to have an existing test dataset

Some nice to haves could be:

  • Add automated regression tests
  • Improve speed of the setup (e.g. via caching, parallelisation)
  • Make the step of running the automatic when the container is run


MIT License