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About Measurements

Dave Raffensperger edited this page Mar 16, 2016 · 2 revisions


Measurements are regular metrics/measurements about an entity. They are usually recorded monthly and show trends over time. Most measurements are related to a person or ministry and are recorded monthly. Examples of measurements are “Gospel Presentations” (from GMA) or Staff Account Balance (from Finance).

Gospel Presentations
├──name: "Gospel Presentations"
├──description: ""
├──category: "LMI"
├──frequency: "monthly"
├──unit: "People"
└──related_entity_type_id: "ABCD" (Person)

Measurement Types define which entity is being measured and what kind of information is being recorded

##Category Measurements are grouped into categories (Finance, LMI, MPD, HR) - to help with searching and retrieving sets of data.

##Frequency Global Registry is capable of recording measurement data at most frequencies (including irregular). However, we are currently only supporting monthly data. If your data is annual or quarterly, you can either repeat the value in the intervening months, or skip the irrelevant months.

##Unit Units are optional and serve no function purpose, other than to let people know the unit of the data. You may enter anything in this field.

##Related Entity Type All measurements within a measurement type, must be about the same type of entity. This will usually be a person or a ministry, or the relationship entity between a person and a ministry (a staff assignment).

##Adding Measurement Types The easiest way to create a new measurement type is using the UI on the Entity Types page of this website. Select the entity type you are interested in, and add the measurement type to that entity type. You can also add a measurement type using the API.

├──period: "2014-01"
├──value:  "100"
├──related_entity_id:  "MNOP" (Fred)
└──relationship_type_id: "WXYZ"

Measurements are single datapoints providing a value for a given period and related entity

##Measurement Data A period, value and related_entity_id must be provided. The above example shows that Fred presented the Gospel to 100 people Jan 2014. Unlike entities, each system does not have its own measurement data. If global registry already has a measurement from another system, your system is not able to change it. Different systems can submit measurements for the same measurement type, but only if the period or related_entity_id are different.

##Period Periods are specified using the following format: yyyy-MM.

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