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Moving to postgresql dump file

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@thesteve0 thesteve0 released this 31 Dec 01:45
· 2 commits to master since this release

This release is the beginning of our new download format - pg_dump files. We no longer support individual csv files with instructions on how to load each file. This data was dumped from a PostgreSQL 11 database.

Here is the command we used

 pg_dump -h localhost -U postgres -Fp --compress=9 -d workshop -f crunchy-demo-data.dump.sql.gz

and here is an example of the command you can use to restore the database

gunzip -c crunchy-demo-data.dump.sql.gz |psql -h localhost -U postgres -p 5432  workshop

We recommend using the postgres user as this will help avoid permission issues when trying to import the data.