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Compliments the Building a Complex, Realtime Data Management Application with PostgreSQL presentation:

How to Use This Repository

This provides all of the examples that are used in the Building a Complex, Realtime Data Management Application with PostgreSQL presentation. You can follow along as a reference, or run the examples on your own.

This README provides a guide for setting up all the resources you need in a Kubernetes environment and guidance for running the demo. You do not necessarily need to use Kubernetes to set up the various components of the demo, but this is utilizing tools that make it easier to set up distributed environments.

Note that the demo is broken up into several different parts. This README will provide guidance on where each demo is run in the context of the presentation.

General Notes

  • All of the examples are run in the postgres-operator namespace. You may need to create this:
kubectl create ns
  • The example uses PostgreSQL 14. There is a dependency on wal2json. This is included in the crunchy-postgres container.
  • The database used in the application is called realtime.
  • When running the example application, you will need to have a logical replication slot defined in the database you are running the examples (e.g. realtime). For example:
SELECT * FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('schedule', 'wal2json');



You may need to make some changes to the manifests provided in this repository. As such, you should fork this repository and clone it to your host machine. For example:

YOUR_GITHUB_UN="<your GitHub username>"
git clone --depth 1 "${YOUR_GITHUB_UN}/postgres-operator-examples.git"

PGO, the open source Postgres Operator from Crunchy Data

PGO, the Postgres Operator from Crunchy Data, gives you a declarative Postgres solution that automatically manages your PostgreSQL clusters.

PGO is easy to set up. You can follow the quickstart, or follow the instructions below:

  1. Fork the Postgres Operator examples repository and clone it to your host machine. For example:
YOUR_GITHUB_UN="<your GitHub username>"
git clone --depth 1 "${YOUR_GITHUB_UN}/postgres-operator-examples.git"
cd postgres-operator-examples
  1. Run kubectl apply -k kustomize/install

  2. Go back to this repository:

cd ../postgres-realtime-demo
  1. Deploy the Postgres cluster example from the manifests directory:
kubectl apply -k manifests/postgres

Your PostgreSQL cluster will now be deployed.

  1. There are several ways to connect to your Postgres cluster. The examples are already configured to connect automatically to your Postgres cluster.

If you want to manually connect to the cluster, you can do so with the following command:

kubectl exec -it -c database -n postgres-operator \
  $(kubectl get pods -o name \
    -n postgres-operator \, \
  -- psql realtime

Or follow one of the psql methods in the quickstart.


Kafka can be installed using the Strimzi Kubernetes Operator.

  1. Install the Strimzi Operator into the postgres-operator namespace:
kubectl create -f '' -n postgres-operator
  1. Once the Strimzi Operator is installed, create a Kafka broker and topics:
kubectl apply -k manifests/kafka


  1. Before installing the application, you will need to ensure that you have created the schema needed to run the application in the database. You can do this by running the SQL in demo5.sql in the realtime database.

  2. You will also need to create a logical replication slot in the realtime database:

SELECT * FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('schedule', 'wal2json');
  1. You may need to build the container and push it to your registry. You can do this from the Makefile. There are several variables you can tune to build the container for your registry:
Variable Usage Default
BUILDER The container image builder podman
IMAGE_NAME The name of the image postgres-realtime-demo
IMAGE_REGISTRY The registry to store the image crunchydata
IMAGE_TAG The tag of the image latest

For example, to build an image for your own registry (giving it the name your-registry):

IMAGE_REGISTRY=your-registry make

To build the image with docker:

BUILDER=docker make

To build and push the image to your registry:

IMAGE_REGISTRY=your-registry make build push
  1. Once the image is pushed to your registry, you can deploy the application.

First, set the name of the image in the manifests/app/kustomization.yaml file. You can do this by uncommenting this section:

  - name: crunchydata/postgres-realtime-demo
    newName: your-registry/postgres-realtime-demo

and setting newName to the name of your image. Assuming you kept the tag name of latest, you do not need to make any additional changes.

Running the Example

Once you have deployed PostgreSQL, Kafka, and the application, you can run the example found in demo6.sql.


Application Configuration

There are several environmental variables available for the application that you can set on the Pod.

Variable Usage
POSTGRES_URI A PostgreSQL URI. You can use this, or break out each Postgres connection parameter into its own setting.
POSTGRES_HOST The host representing a PostgreSQL instance.
POSTGRES_PORT The port representing a PostgreSQL instance.
POSTGRES_USER The PostgreSQL user to login as.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD The password of the PostgreSQL user.
POSTGRES_DBNAME The PostgreSQL database to login to.
STRIMZI_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS Reference to the advertised-hostnames.config that Strimzi creates for Kafka bootstrap servers. Use this, or the breakout Kafka settings.
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS A comma-separated list of Kafka bootstrap servers.


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