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Inofficial Littlstar Java SDK


This project is an inofficial Java Library to interact with the Littlstar API. So far, it only supports the API calls which are required to register and authenticate users, and all API calls required to upload a File to Littlstar.

For the official Littlstar API documentation, visit


To use the library, download the lastest binary release or compile it from source yourself using the provided Gradle Wrapper.

The Littlstar Java SDK is written in and it's official binary releases are compiled with Java 6 to allow it to be used in projects that require an older Java SDK version.


This project has the following dependencies:

To compile this project, you will also need Project Lombok 1.16.6.

All of these dependencies are available via Maven, and are referenced by the project's build.gradle file.

Code Examples

Every call to the Littlstar API can and should be made using an instance of LittlstarApiClient.

Example call to register a new user on Littlstar:

LittlstarApiClient apiClient = new LittlstarApiClient();
apiClient.register("USERNAME", "E-MAIL", "PASSWORD");

Every API call made with the LittlstarApiClient returns a ResponseWrapper object, containing the API's response. For more information about the returned objects, read the official Littlstar API Documentation.

If an API call fails due to connectivity problems, an UnirestException is being thrown.

If an API call fails because the API returns an error code or an invalid payload, a LittlstarApiException is being thrown, containing further information about the API's response for you to evaluate. You can prevent a LittlstarApiClient from validating the API's response by calling apiClient.setThrowApiExceptions(false).

Uploading files


Access to the Littlstar upload endpoints must be requested by an application developer and approved by the Littlstar development team. Upon approval, an Application Token is generated for that application and can be revoked by Littlstar if abuse of their platform is detected, or if an application developer’s Token is in any way compromised. Please read the Littlstar API Terms of Service for more information.

To use a Littlstar Application Token to make file upload requests, you can either instantiate a LittlstarApiClient object using new LittlstarApiClient("APPLICATION_TOKEN") or set it using apiClient.setApplicationToken("APPLICATION_TOKEN").

To be able to access private (user-specific) API endpoints (for example the upload endpoints), you need to authenticate the LittlstarApiClient first by logging in.

LittlstarApiClient apiClient = new LittlstarApiClient();
apiClient.login("USERNAME_OR_E-MAIL", "PASSWORD");

Creating a file upload

To start a file upload, you first need to send a request to the Littlstar API, to be assigned to a File Upload.

ResponseWrapper<CreateUploadResponse> createUploadResponse = apiClient.createFileUpload(MimeType.MP4, "VIDEO TITLE");

The ResponseWrapper object returned by this method contains information about the newly created file upload which is required to execute the upload, for example the upload's ID.

Executing the upload

To actually execute the upload, the API Client needs to perform a file upload to Littlstar's Amazon S3 Bucket. The required connection information to access the S3 Bucket is contained in the ResponseWrapper returned by createFileUpload() as well. You can pass an S3UploadProgressListener to the call, whose onProgressUpdated() method is called whenever bytes are transferred to the S3 Service. If you intend to be able to cancel a running upload, you can pass an S3UploadCancelHook to the call.

final S3UploadProgressListener uploadProgressListener = new S3UploadProgressListener() {
    public void onProgressUpdated(S3UpdateProgressEvent updateProgressEvent) {

final S3UploadCancelHook uploadCancelHook = new S3UploadCancelHook();

//asynchronously start the upload
new Thread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
         ResponseWrapper<UploadData> uploadFileResponse = apiClient.uploadFileToS3(file, createUploadResponse.getData(), uploadProgressListener, uploadCancelHook);
//after 10 seconds, cancel the upload (just an example)

Updating a running file upload's data

While an upload is in progress, you can update the file's information (e.g. title, description and visibility) with incremental updates using the following call:

//this only updates the file title and visibility, description and other fields are retained
UpdateUploadData updateData = new UpdateUploadData("NEW_TITLE", null, null, false, null);
apiClient.updateFileUpload(createUploadResponse.getData().getId(), updateData);

Please note that from the moment that the Littlstar API has been notified about the file upload being finished (which is automatically done by the uploadFileToS3 call), updating the file information won't be possible anymore using this call.

Error handling

It is important that if a file upload to the S3 Bucket fails, and you do not intend to resume or restart it, you should inform the Littlstar API that the upload was canceled. If cancelling using an S3UploadCancelHook, this is done on your behalf automatically.

try {
    ResponseWrapper<UploadData> uploadFileResponse = apiClient.uploadFileToS3(file, createUploadResponse.getData(), uploadProgressListener, uploadCancelHook);
} catch(Exception e) {
    //the file upload failed, so we tell the Littlstar API that the upload was canceled
    try {
    } catch(Exception e2) {
        //the upload couldn't be canceled, theres nothing more we can do

Working with a successful upload

Finally, all of the information about the uploaded file is returned in the ResponseWrapper<UploadData>, which the uploadFileToS3() call returns. To generate the URL for a file you uploaded, you can use the resource's slug:

String resourceSlug = uploadFileResponse.getData().getResource().getSlug();
String resourceURL = "" + resourceSlug;

Please keep in mind that depending on the file size, it may take some time for Littlstar to process the uploaded file, so the URL doesn't instantly become valid.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


If you want to thank me for this project, feel free to donate any amount to my PayPal Account.