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Releases: Crypto90/Wolcen-Socket-Roller

Wolcen Socket Roller 1.9.6

24 Feb 17:30
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  • Added suport for "X or Y" searches for all 3 sockets.
  • Disabled log screenshots of scan areas by default, because it consumes a it of time to creating the screenshots and log them. Added a checkbox into the GUI to enable/disable screenshot logging.
  • Added more colors to socket log, now the found socket text shows the color of the referenced socket. Unset and ignored are grey.

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Use x64 .exe if possible. The x86 .exe gets more flagged by antivirus. x64 compilations look fine.

Wolcen Socket Roller 1.9.5

24 Feb 00:35
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  • Added DPI awareness to GUI for all texts to fix too large texts for windows scaling higher than 100%.
  • Fixed not creating temp folder for screenshots of scanned areas used in sockets log.
  • Now stopping loop correctly if tabbed out of the game, previously it was a bit harder o get the loop aborted.
  • Fixed log screenshot for socket 1 could show the same screenshot from previously scanned socket 1 one roll previously, this was caused by screenshotting too fast if the first socket was wrong and the game was not ready with the rendering of the next socket. Added additional 50 ms sleep in this case, to get the game time to render the new sockets.

Wolcen Socket Roller 1.9.4

22 Feb 19:38
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Increased version number, to make sure everyone notices the 1.9.3 rerelease.

  • This version now is a single exe file again.
  • Added support for windows desktop scaling higher than 100%, it now does scan the correct position on higher scalings.

Wolcen Socket Roller 1.9.3

22 Feb 08:47
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  • Now releasing the tool packaged in a zip file, including the sound files in a separate folder instead of embedding them into the exe. Because antivirus tools do not like embedding sounds, because of this the .exe got deleted by antivirus tools.

  • Added custom mp3/wav finish sound support! You can now select a mp3 or wav on your pc to play on a match :)

Edited release 1.9.3:
Now supporting a single .exe file again with inline embedded images and sounds. It does not use anymore "FileInstall()" function calls to embedd images and sounds like in version 1.9.2 which triggered antivirus programs to delete the exe. Now the exe does not get force deleted anymore including images and sounds all in one file :)

This rerelease also includes support for windows scaling greater 100%.

Wolcen Socket Roller 1.9.2

21 Feb 17:31
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  • Now colors get matched by lowest color difference using the colors euclidean distance. No more color missmatches.
  • Only print abort message once.
  • Added 8 finish sounds and the option for "no sound".

Wolcen Socket Roller 1.9.1

21 Feb 05:17
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  • Reworked socket log to be able to colorize words and append images.
  • Added screenshots of scanned areas to the socket log.
  • Colorized counter, timestamp, success and failure log messages.

It should be easier now to detect and trace issues and control whats happening.

Wolcen Socket Roller 1.9.0

20 Feb 16:44
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  • Added border width and window title height sizes to coordinate calculation, because the window borders do impact in window mode.
  • Improved "any" socket roll.
  • Added version check to show a little "A newer version is available!" information.

Wolcen Socket Roller 1.8.9

20 Feb 12:28
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  • Added full window mode support.
  • Fixed wrong painted red scan line positions for multi monitor setups.
  • Added "any" option for socket rolls. So for example you can now roll for 2 needed sockets and the 3rd one can be any.
  • Removed slow mode, instead added input value to change the time to sleep after reroll button got clicked. Increased it from 100ms to 200ms. 100ms could roll over a matched result because the game/server needs some time to render new sockets for each roll.

Wolcen Socket Roller 1.8.8

20 Feb 02:29
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  • Fixed not correctly working max roll limit counter check.

Wolcen Socket Roller 1.8.7

20 Feb 01:28
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  • Replaced Return statements with ExitLoop to get correctly out of the loop. This works differently in autoit lol.
  • Added resolution support for not correctly working 1366x768 resolution.
  • Increased shader tolerance from 5 to 6 because in resolutions lower than 1080p the text gets really blurry and got not always correctly color matched.