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NFT Farm


Full stack Dapp that allows users to stake their tokens and earn points for doing so. They can use these points to redeem crop themed ERC-1155 NFTs.

Technology Stack & Tools

  • Solidity (Writing Smart Contract)
  • Javascript (React & Testing)
  • Ethers (Blockchain Interaction)
  • Truffle (Development Framework)
  • Ganache (For Local Blockchain)
  • Open Zeppelin (smart contract libraries)

Requirements For Initial Setup

  • Install NodeJS, should work with any node version below 16.5.0
  • Install Truffle, In your terminal, you can check to see if you have truffle by running truffle version. To install truffle run npm i -g truffle. Ideal to have truffle version 5.4 to avoid dependency issues.
  • Install Ganache.

Setting Up

1. Clone/Download the Repository

2. Install Dependencies:

$ cd nft_farm
$ npm install

3. Start Ganache

4. Connect you ganache addresses to Metamask

  • Copy private key of the addresses in ganache and import to Metamask
  • Connect you metamask to ganache, network
  • If you have not added ganache to the list of networks on your metamask, open up a browser, click the fox icon, then click the top center dropdown button that lists all the available networks then click add networks. A form should pop up. For the "Network Name" field enter "ganache". For the "New RPC URL" field enter "". For the chain ID enter "1337". Then click save.

5. Migrate Smart Contracts

truffle migrate --reset

6. Run Tests

$ truffle test

7. Launch Frontend

$ npm run start




Farming game using NFTs and the ERC1155 token.






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