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Common Errors

Pratham Rawat edited this page Mar 20, 2021 · 1 revision

Out of Memory Error

Try to increase the Java Heap/Stack Memory when running the Pencroff Processes. This can be done by setting the JAVA_OPTS environment variable to -Xmx4G

Specifically for DataServer.scala

If increasing the memory using the command line option does not work, open DataServer.scala in your editor of choice:

Find and remove the following line from the body of the file:


This will stop Pencroff from indexing through the entire data store, which is a very memory intensive operation. Generally, this happens when the DataServer is started after the BlockIngestor has read a very large number of blocks.

Illegal Argument Exception: v84

If the BlockIngestor is frequently posting this error message:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown column: v84

Then the block data is overflowing the storage allocated for each block. Open ingestor/src/main/resources/reference.conf and edit the max-mob-size parameter. Double it. This should remove the error. If it does not, then keep on doubling it until the message is gone.

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