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Cylbot Commands

Paul edited this page Feb 5, 2020 · 3 revisions

Below you will find all the commands for Cylbot. For normal commands, anybody may execute them. For economy commands, anybody can execute them but they deal with server points. For Cylbot Admin commands, you have to have the Cylbot Admin role to execute them.

Normal Commands

;commands (alias: cmds)
Sends a message linking to this page.

;help (alias: assistance)
Brings up the bot information.

;ask {question} (alias: question)
Gives you a random unrelated answer.

;coinflip (aliases: flipcoin, flipacoin)
Flips a coin and gives you heads or tails.

;rtd (aliases: rolldice, rollthedice)
Rolls the dice and gives you a random number between 1 and 6.

;react (aliases: kidsreact, teensreact, adultsreact, eldersreact)
Places a random reaction on your last message.

;kill {user} (alias: murder)
Kills the user that you mention.

;punch {user} (alias: wack)
Punches the user that you mention.

;slap {user} (alias: hit)
Slaps the user that you mention.

Economy Commands

Work for a random amount of server points.

;balance {user} (alias: bal)
Check the server points balance of a user.

;pay {user} {amount} (aliases: send, sendpoints, paypoints)
Send server points to another user.

;coin {heads or tails} {bet amount} (alias: send, sendpoints, paypoints)
If you win you double your bet; if you don't, you lose it.

Cylbot Admin Commands

;botadmin {user}
Gives the mentioned user the Cylbot Admin role.

;prefix {new prefix} (aliases: setprefix, botprefix)
Changes the bot prefix to the text specified.

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