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Geomatplot is a Matlab interactive plot library similar to Geogebra. We showcased the library at the CAD'24 conference, see in Citation.

Main features

  1. Easy to use interactive geometry library for Matlab
  2. Efficient update through the dependency graph
  3. User defined callback functions for programming


  1. Image Processing Toolbox
  2. Mapping Toolbox (only for some intersections)
  3. Parallel Computing Toolbox (only for faster Image rendering)

Geogebra-like example

clf; disp Triangle

A = Point([0.0 0.0]);     % draggable point, automatically labelled A
B = Point([1.0 0.0]);     % automatic labels are applied if no label is given
C = Point([0.6 .55]);
ab = Segment(A,B,'b',2);  % a blue segment from A and B
bc = Segment(B,C,'b',2);  %         with LineWidth of 2
cd = Segment(C,A,'b',2);

S=Midpoint('S',A,B,C,'k',7);        % Barycenter of the triangle labelled S

[~,K] = Circle(A,B,C,'m--');        % Magenta dashed circumcircle of the triangle
Text(K,"K") % add text at position

la = AngleBisector(A,B,C,':');
lb = AngleBisector(B,C,A,':');
lc = AngleBisector(C,A,B,':');
Circle(Intersect('O',la,lb),ab,'c');% (inscribed) circle touching segment AB

ma = PerpendicularLine(A,B,C,':');
mb = PerpendicularLine(B,C,A,':');
mc = PerpendicularLine(C,A,B,':');
M = Intersect('M',ma,mb);
Segment(M,K,'r')                    % Euler line

ylim([-0.2 0.6]); xlim([-.1 1.1])

Interactive Triangle Plot

2D sphere trace visualization

clf; disp 'Sphere Trace'

% You can move, create, delete vertices of the following polygon:
f = Polygon([-1 0;1 0;1 1;0.7 0.7;0.3 0.5;0 0.9;-0.5 0.3;-1 0.3]);

p0 = Point('p0',[-.8,1.05],'r');    % ray start
q0 = Point('q0',[.5 ,1.05],'r',5);  % ray 'direction'
v0 = Eval((q0-p0)/Distance(p0,q0)); % Operators: point-point=vector, vector/scalar = vector

p = p0; n=10; % Sphere tracing illustration:
for i = 1:n
    d = Distance(p,f); % distance to polygon yields a dependent scalar value
    Circle(p,d,'Color',[i/n 1-i/n 0])
    p = (p + v0*d)';   % vector*scalar=vector, point+vector=point, ' same as Eval

xlim([-1.5 1.3]); ylim([0 1.7])

Interactive Sphere Trace Plot

Parametric curve and 2D function visualization

clf; disp 'Curve & Image'
b0 = Point('b0',[0.1 0.2],'r'); % draggable control points
b1 = Point('b1',[0.7 0.9],'r'); % with given labels
b2 = Point('b2',[0.9 0.2],'r');

% parametric callback with t in [0,1] and dependent variables:
fun = @(t,b0,b1,b2)  b0.*(1-t).^2 + 2*b1.*t.*(1-t) + b2.*t.^2;
Curve(b0,b1,b2,fun,'r',2);  % A red quadratic Bézier curve

P = Point('P',[.5 .4],'y'); % dist2bezier takes complex values, need to convert:
dist2bezierReal = @(P,A,B,C) dist2bezier(complex(P(1),P(2)),complex(A(1),A(2)),complex(B(1),B(2)),complex(C(1),C(2)));
d = Scalar(P,b0,b1,b2,dist2bezierReal); % dependent scalar value
Circle(P,d,'y'); Text(P,d)  % Tangent circle to a curve and radius as text

c1 = Point('c1',[-.25 0],'MarkerSize',5); % adjustable corners
c2 = Point('c2',[1.25 1],'MarkerSize',5); % for the image domain

% Where 'dist2bezier' is a (z,b0,b1,b2) -> real function with complex inputs.
% Image supports CPU and GPU execution with or without input vectorization 
% similar to arrayfun. Also accepts real inputs eg.: (x,y,b0,b1,b2) -> real.
% There are limitations and performance considerations, see help for details.

colorbar; xlim([-.25 1.25]); ylim([0 1]) 

Interactive Image Plot

Sequences and CustomValue example with Delaunay triangulation

Note that you can use any of your existing Matlab funtction and add its output into a custom dependent value inside Geomatplot. Then, you can define Geomatplot objects that depend on it.

clf; disp 'Voronoi and Delaunay triangulation'
n = 30; % number of points
pts = cell(1,n); rng(0);
for i = 1:n
    pts{i} = Point(rand(1,2)); % draw draggable points at random
pts = PointSequence(pts); % make single pointlist

% Create a dependent delaunay triangulation structure
DT = CustomValue(pts,@delaunayTriangulation);

% Let us draw the triangulation edges
% the edges(dt) function returns a n x 2 index matrix we need to transpose for the right ordering
SegmentSequence(DT,@(dt) dt.Points(edges(dt)',:),'c',3);

% Circumcenters of each triangle in the DT triangulation
PointSequence(DT,@(dt) circumcenter(dt));

% Does not draw boundarys of unbounded regions

function xy = drawVoronoi(dt)
    [C,r] = voronoiDiagram(dt); % kinda stupid but returns inf for all unbounded region vertices
    r = cellfun(@(x) [x 1],r,'UniformOutput',false);
    xy = C(horzcat(r{:}),:);

Triangulation plot

Query data (WIP)

From the previous example, disp(g) produces the output below. Dependent objects (they start with a 'd') measure their own callback excecution time, while the movable points measure the time to execute all objects that depend on it. While dragging, render resolutions are lowered to increase responsiveness.

>> Geomatplot.summary
Geomatplot with 6 movable and 5 dependent plots:
   label : type    move/stop time    value/mean pos    | callback                                          
    'b0' : mpoint  31.91ms/38.89ms     (0.1,0.356)     |                                                   
    'b1' : mpoint  15.30ms/33.11ms    (0.642,0.93)     |                                                   
    'b2' : mpoint  19.73ms/27.82ms    (0.914,0.276)    |                                                   
     'P' : mpoint   1.27ms/1.30ms     (0.518,0.398)    |                                                   
    'c1' : mpoint   0.00ms/0.00ms       (-0.25,0)      |                                                   
    'c2' : mpoint   0.00ms/0.00ms       (1.25,1)       |                                                   
'curve1' : dcurve   0.47ms/0.44ms     [0.552,0.52]     | Curve/internalcallback(b0,b1,b2)                  
 'scal1' : dscalar  0.23ms/0.21ms        0.22167       | Scalar/internalcallback(P,b0,b1,b2)               
 'circ1' : dcircle  0.28ms/0.31ms  c=(0.52,0.4) r=0.22 | f(P,scal1) f=@(t,c,r)c+r*[cos(2*pi*t),sin(2*pi*t)]
  'txt1' : dtext    0.47ms/0.37ms     "   0.22167"     | Text/text_varPos_printDrawing(P,scal1)            
'image1' : dimage  19.58ms/34.31ms      [0.5,0.5]      | Image/img_gpu_cplx_arrayfun(b0,b1,b2)             
  Methods, Events, Superclasses

Further examples

The examples/bez.m produces the following: Interactive Bézier Plot

Design principles

  1. Common geometry should be easy to define
  2. Responsive interaction, fast callbacks
  3. User callbacks for advanced programmable applets


We showcased the library at CAD'24, see the paper at the proceedings website. If you use Geomatplot for research, please cite this paper. See the BibTeX entry below.

   author =     {Bálint, Csaba and Bán, Róbert},
   title =      {Geomatplot: Interactive Geometric Plotting Library},
   date =       {2024-05-09}
   url =        {},
   doi =        {10.14733/cadconfP.2024.222-226},
   shorttitle = {Geomatplot},
   eventtitle = {{CAD}'24},
   booktitle =  {{CAD}'24},
   publisher =  {U-turn Press {LLC}},


Geomatplot is developed by Csaba Bálint and Róbert Bán at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.


Geogebra applet-like plot features in Matlab







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