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need root

  1. Run

  2. Create file calicoctl.cfg in /etc/calico

    • calicocfg/calicoctl.cfg.sample is an example of it, replace the ip with your etcd ip
  3. Create ipPool.cfg in /etc/calico if you want to set your own ip pool (Default ip pool is

    • calicocfg/ipPool.cfg.sample is an example of it, replace the cidr with your own ip pool cidr
  4. Create file in /etc/cni/net.d to define network (In calico, a profile is equal to a network in docker, I just create network manually)

    • calicocfg/10-frontend-calico.conf is an example of it, replace the name with your own network name, make sure etcd_endpoints is correct
    • you can create multiple .conf files to define different networks, containers in same network can communicate with each other, otherwisea they can't communicate.
  5. Start etcd

etcd --name {NODENAME} --initial-advertise-peer-urls http://{IP}:2380 --listen-peer-urls http://{IP}:2380 --listen-client-urls http://{IP}:2379 --advertise-client-urls http://{IP}:2379 --initial-cluster-token {CLUSTERNAME} --initial-cluster {NODENAME}=http://{IP}:2380 --initial-cluster-state new &
  1. Configure and start docker
service docker stop
dockerd --cluster-store=etcd://{IP}:2379 &
  1. Run calico-node (Perhaps all nodes should run this command to upadte bgpPeers?)
calicoctl node run
  1. If you want to set your own resource, do like this:

    • calicoctl create -f /etc/calico/ipPool.cfg
  2. Operations of lxc container:

    • To create a lxc container:
    • To attach a container to a network:
    • To detach a container from a network:
    • To delete a lxc containre:
  3. TODO:


lxc using cni and calico






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